Unmasked: The truth about the 2020 election

Given that the Arizona fraudit just died with a whimper, I can see why all the Trump cult fraudster-losers here are in such a state of loser-meltdown. Their whole fraud/conspiracy setup is crashing down around them, and they don't know what to do.
Oh don't worry, the lemmings will reiterate their redundancy until they hurl themselves off a cliff..When that will be is the next phase of the lunacy..
This is an outstanding video of how the 2020 election was stolen in plain sight.

Thanks, Hossfly!

The deniers of the POTUS election fraud reality have no cogent argument. All they scream for is proof, which they immediately deny when evidence is presented. At least one of them is so stupid he doesn't realize that he supports the argument for fraud via some of the questions he asks. Another is so stupid that she thinks every county in the US had to have been hacked for the election to have been stolen from Trump voters.

I will post later a link to a lengthy article that explains in great detail the four blatant anomalies in Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia. Most if not all of the naysayers will likely not understand or accept any part of it.

Thanks again.
This is an outstanding video of how the 2020 election was stolen in plain sight.

Here is a long, but informative article on 4 of the anomalies mentioned in your OP.

I doubt seriously doubt that any of the brain-dead trolls will read any of it. For anyone who understands the sciences of mathematics, statistical analysis (especially related to statistical impossibilities) and the ease of hacking any system connected to the internet, it is a good read.

The trolls here
Given how often the Trump cult sore-losers here have been publicly humiliated for being so inept at cheating, lying and treason, you'd think they'd no longer cry when they get humiliated again.

Yet they do.

If anything, their sore-loser traitor-tear output is escalating.

Of course, they were humiliated extra-hard this time, hence their extraordinary displays of weepy butthurt.
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Here is a long, but informative article on 4 of the anomalies mentioned in your OP.
And boy howdy, was it dumb.

The "proof" was based on the fantastically stupid and reality-defying assumption that mail-in votes were supposed to break exactly the same way as in-person votes. Given that Trump encouraged in-person voting and Biden encouraged by-mail vioting, someone would have to have eaten a bucket of lead paint chips as a baby to believe such a stupid conspiracy yarn, or they'd have to be a deliberate liar-for-the-glory-of-fascism to pretend to believe it.

Hossfly, asaratis, which of those two categories do you each fall into? If you'd like to offer another reason for your hilarious faceplants, feel free to offer it.

For anyone who understands the sciences of mathematics, statistical analysis
You're laughably inept at statistics. You're also too stupid to understand how stupid you are, making you a classic example of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome.
Given how often the Trump cult sore-losers here have been publicly humiliated for being so inept at cheating, lying and treason, you'd think they'd no longer cry when they get humiliated again.

Yet they do.

If anything, their sore-loser traitor-tear output is escalating.

Of course, they were humiliated extra-hard this time, hence their extraordinary displays of weepy butthurt.
Conservatives are definitely inept at cheating, lying and treason compared to the God forsaken liberals. Your people have low morals and no ethics.

Barack's tranny "wife", Michael lied when he said, "When they go low, we go high." What that lyin' dickhead knows is, "When they go low, we go lower."

The system is based on who counts the votes, dummy.

Really? So if all the counters are republicans , there should be no democrat votes recorded? Is that what your saying?
Do you ever read anything you write?

You're as ignorant as a row of cats watching tv.
Thanks, Hossfly!

The deniers of the POTUS election fraud reality have no cogent argument. All they scream for is proof, which they immediately deny when evidence is presented. At least one of them is so stupid he doesn't realize that he supports the argument for fraud via some of the questions he asks. Another is so stupid that she thinks every county in the US had to have been hacked for the election to have been stolen from Trump voters.

I will post later a link to a lengthy article that explains in great detail the four blatant anomalies in Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia. Most if not all of the naysayers will likely not understand or accept any part of it.

Thanks again.
The shill from Langley as always tries to laugh off facts
Really? So if all the counters are republicans , there should be no democrat votes recorded? Is that what your saying?
Do you ever read anything you write?

You're as ignorant as a row of cats watching tv.
No, dumdass. Try reading what I write.

Stop rephrasing it to fit your deluded narrative.
If the election was fair why not encourage the audits? Why is Dominion refusing to cooperate?

There has not been one good answer.
Trolls like him and many others here,many being shills from Langley,they evade that and play dodgeball with the question.in the Arizona audits the Arizona legislators are are asking for the passwords of the dominion machines but the Democrats are refusing to give it to them.

Trolls like moonglow always evade that if there was nothing to hide then they would be eager beavers to turn over the passwords to them and look at it.that would be their golden opportunity to laugh in the faces of the republicans saying there was no vote fraud by letting them look at the evidence,but they won’t allow them to look at the dominion machines because they know they a know the facts are massive vote fraud occurred,this America hater and other trolls like him and the shills that have penetrated this site,they know that to be true and keep evading that question.
No, dumdass. Try reading what I write.

Stop rephrasing it to fit your deluded narrative.

Listen dumbass this is what you wrote and don't deny it.

The system is based on who counts the votes, dummy.

So read my reply to that and answer it or fuck off with your ridicous assumptions. You don't even know how the electoral system works. You probably think becaus trump had bigger rallies he should have one.
Do you know the expected college vote predicted trump would lose before the election was held? Of course not because you know nothin. You're just another brain dead Republican.
Listen dumbass this is what you wrote and don't deny it.

The system is based on who counts the votes, dummy.

So read my reply to that and answer it or fuck off with your ridicous assumptions. You don't even know how the electoral system works. You probably think becaus trump had bigger rallies he should have one.
Do you know the expected college vote predicted trump would lose before the election was held? Of course not because you know nothin. You're just another brain dead Republican.
The bold type is exactly what I wrote, dummy.

Below is your immediate reply:

the dummy said:
Really? So if all the counters are republicans , there should be no democrat votes recorded? Is that what your saying?
Do you ever read anything you write?
I already answered your stupid question, dummy. My answer was, and still is:

I said:
No, dumdass. Try reading what I write.

Stop rephrasing it to fit your deluded narrative.
The bold type is exactly what I wrote, dummy.

Below is your immediate reply:

I already answered your stupid question, dummy. My answer was, and still is:

No dumbass.
You said the system is based on who counts the votes.

You are a liar. You implied that if all the counters were Democrat they would rig the election to win. .
That is absolute bullshit and only a brain dead birthrate filled dickhead like you could possible imagine that.
You know nothing about the election process nor did You mention that hideous assumption when trump won.
It's only happens when drns win ay?
You're as dumb as dogshit.
The system is based on who counts the votes, dummy.
Which is why you're taking Stalinism to heart, by trying to make so that only Republicans control the vote counting.

That's how we know with 100% certainty that you're trying to cheat by rigging elections. If you thought you could win without cheating, you'd be happy to allow fair bipartisan vote counts and fair bipartisan audits. But you know you can't win without cheating, so you're trying to rig it so only Republicans control the voting process.

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