Unwanted Truths: Inside Trump’s Battles With U.S. Intelligence Agencies


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
While the details included in the reporting are fascinating the overall takeaway is not surprising...........for this prez. Essentially, it shows how intel must be in some way equivocated in its presentation, not only to Trump but to the public. If it isn't, those responsible are fired.

A recent example........... "Yet even while admitting that Russia is once again mounting a covert campaign to help Trump, Evanina felt compelled to balance this inconvenient reality by also saying what Trump wants to hear: that China and Iran favor Biden’s election. This moral equivalence disguises the difference between Iranian and Chinese opposition to Trump — expressed primarily through public statements and actions — and the covert disinformation campaign waged by Russia with eager assistance from Trump’s aides and enablers. “Between China and Russia, only one of those two is trying to actively influence the outcome of the 2020 election, full stop,” a senior U.S. official told The Post."

Trump, Russia and an Intelligence Document: Key Moments
Officials told The New York Times Magazine that the draft of a classified document reporting that Russia favored President Trump in the 2020 election was changed to soften its assessment.
Trump, Russia and an Intelligence Document: Key Moments

"A little more than a year ago, American intelligence agencies drafted a classified document reporting that the Russian government favored President Trump in the 2020 presidential election, a finding that fit with their consensus that the Kremlin tried to help him in 2016.

The director of national intelligence was asked to modify the assessment — he did not — and not long afterward, Mr. Trump declared the director was out.

Soon after the new acting director arrived, an intelligence official changed the document, softening the claim that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia wanted Mr. Trump to win, according to an article published on Saturday by The New York Times Magazine. The investigation includes details not previously reported about the fears of officials in U.S. intelligence agencies under the Trump administration, who described struggling to brief the president without provoking his anger or losing their jobs."
Those of you who can access the NYT can read the in depth investigation here.

Unwanted Truths: Inside Trump’s Battles With U.S. Intelligence Agencies
Unwanted Truths: Inside Trump’s Battles With U.S. Intelligence Agencies
For those who can't access the article you can hear an interview with the author here.

While the details included in the reporting are fascinating the overall takeaway is not surprising...........for this prez. Essentially, it shows how intel must be in some way equivocated in its presentation, not only to Trump but to the public. If it isn't, those responsible are fired.

A recent example........... "Yet even while admitting that Russia is once again mounting a covert campaign to help Trump, Evanina felt compelled to balance this inconvenient reality by also saying what Trump wants to hear: that China and Iran favor Biden’s election. This moral equivalence disguises the difference between Iranian and Chinese opposition to Trump — expressed primarily through public statements and actions — and the covert disinformation campaign waged by Russia with eager assistance from Trump’s aides and enablers. “Between China and Russia, only one of those two is trying to actively influence the outcome of the 2020 election, full stop,” a senior U.S. official told The Post."

Trump, Russia and an Intelligence Document: Key Moments

Officials told The New York Times Magazine that the draft of a classified document reporting that Russia favored President Trump in the 2020 election was changed to soften its assessment.
Trump, Russia and an Intelligence Document: Key Moments

"A little more than a year ago, American intelligence agencies drafted a classified document reporting that the Russian government favored President Trump in the 2020 presidential election, a finding that fit with their consensus that the Kremlin tried to help him in 2016.

The director of national intelligence was asked to modify the assessment — he did not — and not long afterward, Mr. Trump declared the director was out.

Soon after the new acting director arrived, an intelligence official changed the document, softening the claim that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia wanted Mr. Trump to win, according to an article published on Saturday by The New York Times Magazine. The investigation includes details not previously reported about the fears of officials in U.S. intelligence agencies under the Trump administration, who described struggling to brief the president without provoking his anger or losing their jobs."
Those of you who can access the NYT can read the in depth investigation here.

Unwanted Truths: Inside Trump’s Battles With U.S. Intelligence Agencies
Unwanted Truths: Inside Trump’s Battles With U.S. Intelligence Agencies
For those who can't access the article you can hear an interview with the author here.

Putin does not have to lift a finger to disrupt our political system other than to drop a hint that he prefers trump

that little tidbot will set the lib media’s hair on fire and they will give him billions of dollars worth of free propaganda

the far great enemy of the US is china and they desperately want biden to win in november
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While the details included in the reporting are fascinating the overall takeaway is not surprising...........for this prez. Essentially, it shows how intel must be in some way equivocated in its presentation, not only to Trump but to the public. If it isn't, those responsible are fired.

A recent example........... "Yet even while admitting that Russia is once again mounting a covert campaign to help Trump, Evanina felt compelled to balance this inconvenient reality by also saying what Trump wants to hear: that China and Iran favor Biden’s election. This moral equivalence disguises the difference between Iranian and Chinese opposition to Trump — expressed primarily through public statements and actions — and the covert disinformation campaign waged by Russia with eager assistance from Trump’s aides and enablers. “Between China and Russia, only one of those two is trying to actively influence the outcome of the 2020 election, full stop,” a senior U.S. official told The Post."

Trump, Russia and an Intelligence Document: Key Moments

Officials told The New York Times Magazine that the draft of a classified document reporting that Russia favored President Trump in the 2020 election was changed to soften its assessment.
Trump, Russia and an Intelligence Document: Key Moments

"A little more than a year ago, American intelligence agencies drafted a classified document reporting that the Russian government favored President Trump in the 2020 presidential election, a finding that fit with their consensus that the Kremlin tried to help him in 2016.

The director of national intelligence was asked to modify the assessment — he did not — and not long afterward, Mr. Trump declared the director was out.

Soon after the new acting director arrived, an intelligence official changed the document, softening the claim that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia wanted Mr. Trump to win, according to an article published on Saturday by The New York Times Magazine. The investigation includes details not previously reported about the fears of officials in U.S. intelligence agencies under the Trump administration, who described struggling to brief the president without provoking his anger or losing their jobs."
Those of you who can access the NYT can read the in depth investigation here.

Unwanted Truths: Inside Trump’s Battles With U.S. Intelligence Agencies
Unwanted Truths: Inside Trump’s Battles With U.S. Intelligence Agencies
For those who can't access the article you can hear an interview with the author here.

Here's where Trump gets all his dumb ideas.

Putin does not have lift a finger
But........he is. And he's doing it to get Don re-elected.

I understand that has lost it's shock value over the last few years. It is nonetheless shocking.
Putin does not have lift a finger
But........he is. And he's doing it to get Don re-elected.

I understand that has lost it's shock value over the last few years. It is nonetheless shocking.

Biden would enact policies that would benefit Russia far more than anything Trump will do.

Biden will give into the greens in his party and decimate the US Oil and Gas Industry, and guess who's Oil Industry would benefit from that?
Putin does not have lift a finger
But........he is. And he's doing it to get Don re-elected.

I understand that has lost it's shock value over the last few years. It is nonetheless shocking.
Meanwhile China is actively buying off Dems and has all of them bending the knee to the CCP. Big corporations are bending the knee to the CCP as well so they can make more money, so they in turn actively try to elect Dems and push the Marxist Agenda.

The Clintons got caught red-handed taking money from China, and Clinton campaigners went to prison for it. That was actual collusion with a foreign enemy.
Putin does not have lift a finger
But........he is. And he's doing it to get Don re-elected.

I understand that has lost it's shock value over the last few years. It is nonetheless shocking.
Meanwhile China is actively buying off Dems and has all of them bending the knee to the CCP. Big corporations are bending the knee to the CCP as well so they can make more money, so they in turn actively try to elect Dems and push the Marxist Agenda.

The Clintons got caught red-handed taking money from China, and Clinton campaigners went to prison for it. That was actual collusion with a foreign enemy.
The situation today is much like pre-WWII when many Americans and British were doing business with Nazi Germany.

technically it was legal but also harmful to our national interests

china is playing the same game now the germans played back then
While the details included in the reporting are fascinating the overall takeaway is not surprising...........for this prez. Essentially, it shows how intel must be in some way equivocated in its presentation, not only to Trump but to the public. If it isn't, those responsible are fired.

A recent example........... "Yet even while admitting that Russia is once again mounting a covert campaign to help Trump, Evanina felt compelled to balance this inconvenient reality by also saying what Trump wants to hear: that China and Iran favor Biden’s election. This moral equivalence disguises the difference between Iranian and Chinese opposition to Trump — expressed primarily through public statements and actions — and the covert disinformation campaign waged by Russia with eager assistance from Trump’s aides and enablers. “Between China and Russia, only one of those two is trying to actively influence the outcome of the 2020 election, full stop,” a senior U.S. official told The Post."

Trump, Russia and an Intelligence Document: Key Moments

Officials told The New York Times Magazine that the draft of a classified document reporting that Russia favored President Trump in the 2020 election was changed to soften its assessment.
Trump, Russia and an Intelligence Document: Key Moments

"A little more than a year ago, American intelligence agencies drafted a classified document reporting that the Russian government favored President Trump in the 2020 presidential election, a finding that fit with their consensus that the Kremlin tried to help him in 2016.

The director of national intelligence was asked to modify the assessment — he did not — and not long afterward, Mr. Trump declared the director was out.

Soon after the new acting director arrived, an intelligence official changed the document, softening the claim that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia wanted Mr. Trump to win, according to an article published on Saturday by The New York Times Magazine. The investigation includes details not previously reported about the fears of officials in U.S. intelligence agencies under the Trump administration, who described struggling to brief the president without provoking his anger or losing their jobs."
Those of you who can access the NYT can read the in depth investigation here.

Unwanted Truths: Inside Trump’s Battles With U.S. Intelligence Agencies
Unwanted Truths: Inside Trump’s Battles With U.S. Intelligence Agencies
For those who can't access the article you can hear an interview with the author here.

Trump's "problem" isn't with the intelligence agencies as a whole...it's with people like Clapper, Comey and Brennan who were running those intelligence agencies and playing politics with them! When you have people like those that are more than willing to lie to the American people to further their own political agenda then it becomes impossible to trust what the intelligence agencies are producing!
"Between China and Russia, only one of those two is trying to actively influence the outcome of the 2020 election, full stop,”
Who could it be?

1. A country that has an economy the size of Texas?


2. A country with a huge economy that is heavily reliant on unfair trade deals with the US, which someone (3 guesses who) is trying to disrupt?

Who could it be?

Oh, this is such a hard question.

Biden would enact policies that would benefit Russia far more than anything Trump will do.

Biden will give into the greens in his party and decimate the US Oil and Gas Industry, and guess who's Oil Industry would benefit from that?
Nothing says desperation like coming up with fantastical scenarios pulled out of your ass.
Trump's "problem" isn't with the intelligence agencies as a whole...it's with people like Clapper, Comey and Brennan who were running those intelligence agencies and playing politics with them!
But............Trump is playing politics with them. If they aren't turning out intel he likes he fires the leader until they do.
Biden would enact policies that would benefit Russia far more than anything Trump will do.

Biden will give into the greens in his party and decimate the US Oil and Gas Industry, and guess who's Oil Industry would benefit from that?
Nothing says desperation like coming up with fantastical scenarios pulled out of your ass.

Figures you can't respond to my claim with anything but deflection.
Trump's "problem" isn't with the intelligence agencies as a whole...it's with people like Clapper, Comey and Brennan who were running those intelligence agencies and playing politics with them!
But............Trump is playing politics with them. If they aren't turning out intel he likes he fires the leader until they do.

They were playing politics with the intel LONG before Trump even took office! Of course they're going to get fired! They're supposed to be non political!
Like Trump and Putin cpnspiring to steal the 2016 election from Hillary? They nailed that one. Why would Trump be at odds with intelligence that lied?:auiqs.jpg:

The only person lying is you. The Trump campaign knew that the Russians wanted to help Trump win so they helped the Russians do that. They were willing to meet with a Russian national who they expected to receive dirt on Clinton. They gave internal polling data and campaign information to a Russian business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.
Like Trump and Putin cpnspiring to steal the 2016 election from Hillary? They nailed that one. Why would Trump be at odds with intelligence that lied?:auiqs.jpg:

The only person lying is you. The Trump campaign knew that the Russians wanted to help Trump win so they helped the Russians do that. They were willing to meet with a Russian national who they expected to receive dirt on Clinton. They gave internal polling data and campaign information to a Russian business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.

You are so full of shit. Dont believe the Mueller report, huh?

You are a severe TDS sufferer and a truly dumb fuck.
Putin does not have lift a finger
But........he is. And he's doing it to get Don re-elected.

I understand that has lost it's shock value over the last few years. It is nonetheless shocking.
Meanwhile China is actively buying off Dems and has all of them bending the knee to the CCP. Big corporations are bending the knee to the CCP as well so they can make more money, so they in turn actively try to elect Dems and push the Marxist Agenda.

The Clintons got caught red-handed taking money from China, and Clinton campaigners went to prison for it. That was actual collusion with a foreign enemy.

You are so stupid. Trump did business with China as well. Democrats are as bad as Republicans on China. The result could be a catastrophic trade war which Trump has already started.
BB01 makes as much sense as BB8.

The poster is obviously a right wing troll portraying a really fucking stupid left wing asshole. Its a funny troll, but too extreme. No one is that stupid. Reel it in a little bit....funny though.
Trump's "problem" isn't with the intelligence agencies as a whole...it's with people like Clapper, Comey and Brennan who were running those intelligence agencies and playing politics with them!
But............Trump is playing politics with them. If they aren't turning out intel he likes he fires the leader until they do.
You are again confused. Let me help you out. Our intelligence agencies BOTH the FBI and CIA have been corrupted from the top. Without Trump's election we would never have known the depth of the corruption. That is a huge problem for our nation. A few Russians posting Facebook ads is just another example of Democrats creating a manufactured crisis. That's all they do anymore.

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