UPDATE: Heartland Documents Stolen and key one is Fake. No “insider” leak.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
UPDATE: Heartland documents stolen and key one is fake. No insider leak. FakeGate! « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax

Major embarrassment for Joe Romm, and DeSmog and their unthinking fans.

In the hours after the ClimateGate emails were released, skeptics asked about their authenticity (as we are want to do). In the hours after the Heartland Documents (including at least one complete fake) were released, the commentators on the other side did not even ask (just as they uncritically accept any weak report in favour of their pet theory).

They leapt to their defamatory conclusions in a smear-fest. At least one person out there has probably committed a criminal act. The rest are guilty of small brained unskeptical blind hatred, defamation, and ignorance. And will any of them apologize? I’ll be shocked if even one has the decency or manners.

We should not allow them to forget it. DeSmog=DeSmear. They are a group happy to promote lies with no compunction. They are not interested in the truth, just in the PR. Oh the fool journalists who think the paid hacks at DeSmog ever had anything to say on science that was not biased or deceitful. Richard Littlemore, where is your apology? Instead, knowing the document is

faked, he continues to promote it. So does Brad Johnson, and Joe Romm.
it reminds me of the fake documents used against baby bush in 2004. remember Dan Rather stating they were 'fake' but 'accurate'? hahahaha.

the other point worth recognizing is the paltry amount of money involved. Anthony Watts asked for 88,000 dollars to fund an online temperature depository. compare that to the hundreds of millions given to the official temp databases which should already have all the raw information online for anyone to use. hell, the 88,000 probably is less than the undeclared travel expenses Hansen receives every year.

can you imagine how much more Steve McIntyre could accomplish if he had funding for an intern to help him?
FAKEGATE?!?! Automatic FAIL.

As typically cogent and substantive as all AGW supporters' comments. :clap2:

How else does one respond to something like that? There's no substance. :doubt:

Who cares.................


The hopelessly naive dont get it. They are like football fans of a team that is losing 52-0 and scores a fluke touchdown making the score 52-7 and they are doing back flips and high fives!!:2up::boobies::boobies::coffee:
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Sure the documents are fake....just like Obamas birth certificate

The feeble tactics of the right wing luatics is so transparent

Especially when they are caught with their pants down
UPDATE: Heartland documents stolen and key one is fake. No insider leak. FakeGate! « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax

Major embarrassment for Joe Romm, and DeSmog and their unthinking fans.

In the hours after the ClimateGate emails were released, skeptics asked about their authenticity (as we are want to do). In the hours after the Heartland Documents (including at least one complete fake) were released, the commentators on the other side did not even ask (just as they uncritically accept any weak report in favour of their pet theory).

They leapt to their defamatory conclusions in a smear-fest. At least one person out there has probably committed a criminal act. The rest are guilty of small brained unskeptical blind hatred, defamation, and ignorance. And will any of them apologize? I’ll be shocked if even one has the decency or manners.

We should not allow them to forget it. DeSmog=DeSmear. They are a group happy to promote lies with no compunction. They are not interested in the truth, just in the PR. Oh the fool journalists who think the paid hacks at DeSmog ever had anything to say on science that was not biased or deceitful. Richard Littlemore, where is your apology? Instead, knowing the document is

faked, he continues to promote it. So does Brad Johnson, and Joe Romm.

You are such a gullible retard, britbrat. "One document is fake" just because the people implicated say it's fake? No evidence or proof that it is fake but because they say it is, you believe them and conclude that it all must be "fake". LOL. How about the independent verification, dumbass?

Heartland Institute's Leaked Documents Reveal Climate Skepticism Efforts

Heartland is one of the loudest voices denying man-made global warming, hosting the largest international scientific conference of skeptics on climate change. Several of its documents were leaked this week to the news media, showing the planning and money behind its efforts. Heartland said some of the documents weren't accurate, but declined to be more specific. Because Heartland was not specific about what was fake and what was real, The Associated Press attempted to verify independently key parts of separate budget and fundraising documents that were leaked. The federal consultant working on the classroom curriculum, the former TV weatherman, a Chicago elected official who campaigns against hidden local debt and two corporate donors all confirmed to the AP that the sections in the document that pertained to them were accurate. No one the AP contacted said the budget or fundraising documents mentioning them were incorrect.

The most sensational parts of the documents — and much of what has been confirmed independently — had to do with global warming and efforts to spread doubt into what mainstream scientists are saying. Experts long have thought Heartland and other groups were working to muddy the waters about global warming, said Harry Lambright, a Syracuse University public policy professor who specializes in environment, science and technology issues. "Scientifically there is no controversy. Politically, there is a controversy because there are political interest groups making it a controversy," Lambright said. "It's not about science. It's about politics. To some extent they are winning the battle." A 2010 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences surveyed more than 1,300 most cited and published climate scientists and found that 97 percent of them said climate change was a man-made problem. Yet, public opinion polls show far more doubt in the American public.
wow, RT is a Dan Rather wannabe. 8 documents have the same style, made on the same program in electronic form, made at the same time, and deal with specifics relevant to Heartland. the ninth and only contentious one is from a different time (hours before the release), produced with a different program, scanned in from a paper copy, and was written in a different style with none of the typical attention to details important to the running of Heartland. only a true believer of CAGW who really, really wants to slime someone's reputation would publicize such a weak forgery without even making rudimentary efforts to authenticate it.
is anyone following this story?

Im interested in what the opinion of the warmists is. should Gleick be punished or just reprimanded? does it concern you that the head of the AGU panel on integrity in science would stoop so low as to fraudulently obtain documents and then make up a fake document when there wasnt enough (any?) evidence in the stolen ones? do you agree, like so many on the warmists's side, that any behaviour is OK as long as it is done to support the 'right side'?
Sure the documents are fake....just like Obamas birth certificate

The feeble tactics of the right wing luatics is so transparent

Especially when they are caught with their pants down

At least 1 was... the memo in this story. It's an obvious fake, and is systematically ripped apart here...
Global Warming Alarmists Resort to Hoax | Power Line
There's even a PDF showing the actual 'memo'. totally bogus.
I just picked up an article in the National Post. Heartland is pissed and is going to lay charges.

This man was no flake. His resume was stellar. This is the classic "what the hell were you thinking" moment.

Wow, just wow. And pitiful.

" The anticlimax was palpable. Instead of an online exposé of the dark forces at play in the climate debate, the story suddenly became a lot narrower, focused on the ethical shortcomings of a single researcher pursuing a political agenda, and shooting himself in the foot.

Amid the scandal, which intensified when Heartland said one of the documents appeared to have been forged, several climate scientists even wrote an open letter expressing an awkward sympathy with Heartland.

Meanwhile, Heartland threatened legal action against blogs that posted its leaked 2012 fundraising plan, detailing its corporate donors, including major drug and energy firms, and a single anonymous donor who funds the education campaign.

On Tuesday, Mr. Gleick, who once received a MacArthur “genius” grant to study water issues, announced that he had cancelled his plans to join the board of the National Center for Science Education, saying he would only be a distraction."

Peter Gleick admits he lied to obtain Heartland Institute documents he later leaked to the web | News | National Post

And now, the alarmists are faking documents such is their level of desperation due to epic losing.

The dickhead even apologized and still, the k00ks insist it was legit...........:D:D:D:fu:

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I just picked up an article in the National Post. Heartland is pissed and is going to lay charges.

This man was no flake. His resume was stellar. This is the classic "what the hell were you thinking" moment.

Wow, just wow. And pitiful.

" The anticlimax was palpable. Instead of an online exposé of the dark forces at play in the climate debate, the story suddenly became a lot narrower, focused on the ethical shortcomings of a single researcher pursuing a political agenda, and shooting himself in the foot.

Amid the scandal, which intensified when Heartland said one of the documents appeared to have been forged, several climate scientists even wrote an open letter expressing an awkward sympathy with Heartland.

Meanwhile, Heartland threatened legal action against blogs that posted its leaked 2012 fundraising plan, detailing its corporate donors, including major drug and energy firms, and a single anonymous donor who funds the education campaign.

On Tuesday, Mr. Gleick, who once received a MacArthur “genius” grant to study water issues, announced that he had cancelled his plans to join the board of the National Center for Science Education, saying he would only be a distraction."

Peter Gleick admits he lied to obtain Heartland Institute documents he later leaked to the web | News | National Post
The ends justify the means for AGW cultists.

The ends, of course, being greater government control over individual lives and world socialism.

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