Julian Assange associate: It was a leak, not a hack and the DNC insider is NOT Russian

There is no proof that Russia hacked into the electoral system of this country… Fact

No one is claiming that. In fact, when you guys were busy claiming Hillary and the Dems were "rigging" the election, plenty of evidence was brought up showing how it would be almost impossible given its not a centralized system. The argument is that the Russians hacked the DNC and leaked that info to wikileaks in an effort to influence the election.
Well, the Loopy kunt that is the Hildabeast should not have of been so loose with her fucking emails, the same with the DNC...
Its obvious most of the world had Access to her emails... The Clintons are a bunch of fuck ups and the most repugnant of people.

The hillary crowd wants guns taken away from American citizens, while we want computers taken away from her. She's too incompetent to be trusted. It's scary how close she came to winning what with all the illegals and people voting multiple times for her.
No evidence that illegals voted. Geez, can't you even find fake news that contains a kernel of truth?

BREAKING: Thousand of Illegal Aliens Registered to Vote in THIS STATE!

Trump Sticks With Bogus Voter Fraud Claims - FactCheck.org
Why on earth should we believe everything anything goes Assange says?
Why should we believe anything WAPO, NYT, NBC,CNN,ABC,CBS, MSNBC, NPR writes or says..they all have been exposed as libtard mouthpieces....fact. Thanks J Assange
Right, anyone who exposes a conservetard lie turns into a liberal mouthpiece :rolleyes:
No one is claiming that. In fact, when you guys were busy claiming Hillary and the Dems were "rigging" the election, plenty of evidence was brought up showing how it would be almost impossible given its not a centralized system. The argument is that the Russians hacked the DNC and leaked that info to wikileaks in an effort to influence the election.
Well, the Loopy kunt that is the Hildabeast should not have of been so loose with her fucking emails, the same with the DNC...
Its obvious most of the world had Access to her emails... The Clintons are a bunch of fuck ups and the most repugnant of people.

The hillary crowd wants guns taken away from American citizens, while we want computers taken away from her. She's too incompetent to be trusted. It's scary how close she came to winning what with all the illegals and people voting multiple times for her.
No evidence that illegals voted. Geez, can't you even find fake news that contains a kernel of truth?

BREAKING: Thousand of Illegal Aliens Registered to Vote in THIS STATE!

Our voting system's a joke. We need to get rid of vote by computer since the system is open for hacking, and also have voter i.d. so we know who is voting. Hopefully our new president can do something about this.
You mean go back to hanging chads:ack-1:
Right, anyone who exposes a conservetard lie turns into a liberal mouthpiece :rolleyes:
Julian exposed how hypocritical, lying & cheating you left wing progressives are and how low you will go to keep power.
Suck it up. Your side lost because you ran the worst candidate in the last 30 years....just because you thought she was owed it, and she would continue your progressive agenda.

This election is the result of left wing liberals being totally out of touch with the rest of the country between the coasts. You people spent 8 years forcing your PC POV on people and if they disagreed with you were instantly labeled as a racist, homophobe, bigot ect..ect...ect, and you lost because of it.
There is no proof that Russia hacked into the electoral system of this country… Fact

No one is claiming that. In fact, when you guys were busy claiming Hillary and the Dems were "rigging" the election, plenty of evidence was brought up showing how it would be almost impossible given its not a centralized system. The argument is that the Russians hacked the DNC and leaked that info to wikileaks in an effort to influence the election.
Well, the Loopy kunt that is the Hildabeast should not have of been so loose with her fucking emails, the same with the DNC...
Its obvious most of the world had Access to her emails... The Clintons are a bunch of fuck ups and the most repugnant of people.
Actually there is no evidence her server was hacked, only the DNC. And, no, until they were spread by wikileaks, most of the world did not have access. Why do you call her a **** , because she female?

Then how do you explain files from Hillary's server found on a server in Romania?

Hillary's Server Hacked After All? FBI Docs Reveal A File From Hillary's Server Was Found In Romania | Zero Hedge
Stealing is wrong

Like taking someone's tax returns


Taping someone without their knowledge

Oh snap, those were the democraps
There is no proof that Russia hacked into the electoral system of this country… Fact

No one is claiming that. In fact, when you guys were busy claiming Hillary and the Dems were "rigging" the election, plenty of evidence was brought up showing how it would be almost impossible given its not a centralized system. The argument is that the Russians hacked the DNC and leaked that info to wikileaks in an effort to influence the election.
Well, the Loopy kunt that is the Hildabeast should not have of been so loose with her fucking emails, the same with the DNC...
Its obvious most of the world had Access to her emails... The Clintons are a bunch of fuck ups and the most repugnant of people.
Actually there is no evidence her server was hacked, only the DNC. And, no, until they were spread by wikileaks, most of the world did not have access. Why do you call her a **** , because she female?

Then how do you explain files from Hillary's server found on a server in Romania?

Hillary's Server Hacked After All? FBI Docs Reveal A File From Hillary's Server Was Found In Romania | Zero Hedge
Zero Hedge is a site noted for conspiracy theory and fake news, it's also known for a pro Russian view. Not sure I believe them when the FBI itself has stated that though it believes it could have been hacked, it has no evidence it was hacked.
There is no proof that Russia hacked into the electoral system of this country… Fact

No one is claiming that. In fact, when you guys were busy claiming Hillary and the Dems were "rigging" the election, plenty of evidence was brought up showing how it would be almost impossible given its not a centralized system. The argument is that the Russians hacked the DNC and leaked that info to wikileaks in an effort to influence the election.
Well, the Loopy kunt that is the Hildabeast should not have of been so loose with her fucking emails, the same with the DNC...
Its obvious most of the world had Access to her emails... The Clintons are a bunch of fuck ups and the most repugnant of people.
Actually there is no evidence her server was hacked, only the DNC. And, no, until they were spread by wikileaks, most of the world did not have access. Why do you call her a **** , because she female?

Are you sure of that? The evidence that she was hacked seems pretty strong. Podesta as well was hacked. The evidence seems to be that whoever did the work attacked non government servers, and were unable to access the government servers.

FBI Sources: Clinton Server Hacked By 'At Least Five' Foreign Intel Agencies, Two Major Federal Probes Ongoing

WHOA: Multiple FBI Clinton Investigations Underway, New Emails Found, Evidence of Foreign Hacking
There is no proof that Russia hacked into the electoral system of this country… Fact

No one is claiming that. In fact, when you guys were busy claiming Hillary and the Dems were "rigging" the election, plenty of evidence was brought up showing how it would be almost impossible given its not a centralized system. The argument is that the Russians hacked the DNC and leaked that info to wikileaks in an effort to influence the election.
Well, the Loopy kunt that is the Hildabeast should not have of been so loose with her fucking emails, the same with the DNC...
Its obvious most of the world had Access to her emails... The Clintons are a bunch of fuck ups and the most repugnant of people.
Actually there is no evidence her server was hacked, only the DNC. And, no, until they were spread by wikileaks, most of the world did not have access. Why do you call her a **** , because she female?

Are you sure of that? The evidence that she was hacked seems pretty strong. Podesta as well was hacked. The evidence seems to be that whoever did the work attacked non government servers, and were unable to access the government servers.

FBI Sources: Clinton Server Hacked By 'At Least Five' Foreign Intel Agencies, Two Major Federal Probes Ongoing

WHOA: Multiple FBI Clinton Investigations Underway, New Emails Found, Evidence of Foreign Hacking

A claim based on 2 anonymous sources, "well placed" in the investigation. That's it. If it was hacked by foreign entities, why did that not come out?

I believe the State Department's system has been hacked which is why Powell recommended a server.

The real issue, that gets ignored is why is it the government agencies have the most stone age computer and security systems?

Because government is horribly inefficient. It's as simple as that.
Yes because Julian Assange is so trustworthy. I had no problem with him leaking info about DNC and Hilary. Public should be informed.

But are you going to tell me there's no corruption in the RNC? That their hands are squeaky clean? Why did Julian only release leaks on the DNC only? It seems like he has some issues with them solely which isn't serving the public's best interest.

It's like Julian was helping Trump to win.

Not helping Trump ... screwing Hillary who's he believes has been screwing him. They are very different motives. He's like a lot of people ... anyone but Hillary.
Assange is a stooge, played by the Russians. Who know how they feed him the information. Wait, Congress knows much more than we do. Declassify that briefing so all of America will know what they knew in September.
Assange knows exactly what Putin's up to, but Russia's interests coincide with his own: Trump > Hillary. AND anything that hurts the US is good.
hiLIARy would have "hurt" the U.S. w/ continued cronyism and selling- out/starting wars for her def contractor buddies :thup: bendog
The fact that Hillary sucked does not support your notion that Trump is an improvement
Assange is a stooge, played by the Russians. Who know how they feed him the information. Wait, Congress knows much more than we do. Declassify that briefing so all of America will know what they knew in September.
Assange knows exactly what Putin's up to, but Russia's interests coincide with his own: Trump > Hillary. AND anything that hurts the US is good.
hiLIARy would have "hurt" the U.S. w/ continued cronyism and selling- out/starting wars for her def contractor buddies :thup: bendog
The fact that Hillary sucked does not support your notion that Trump is an improvement

Based on the choices the political class presented us, he is.
Assange is a stooge, played by the Russians. Who know how they feed him the information. Wait, Congress knows much more than we do. Declassify that briefing so all of America will know what they knew in September.
Assange knows exactly what Putin's up to, but Russia's interests coincide with his own: Trump > Hillary. AND anything that hurts the US is good.
hiLIARy would have "hurt" the U.S. w/ continued cronyism and selling- out/starting wars for her def contractor buddies :thup: bendog
The fact that Hillary sucked does not support your notion that Trump is an improvement

Based on the choices the political class presented us, he is.
I disagree, but all 4 sucked massively.

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