Uproar as after-school Satan club forms at Tennessee elementary school

Of course! But progress on religious beliefs is fatally destructive to it's cause.

The acceptance of Darwinian evolution by Christianity can only lessen it's influence on normal people.
It depends if the aspect of the religion is one that chimes with their beliefs. Creationism is easy to give up. Homophobia is their whole belief system.
It depends if the aspect of the religion is one that chimes with their beliefs. Creationism is easy to give up. Homophobia is their whole belief system.
There's a lot of truth in the fact that they aren't really interested in defending the faith as it pertains to the 'creation' myth.

Only Ding and Meriweather are honest in trying to say that it's possible to swing both ways.

They embrace their homophobia unconditionally!
There's a lot of truth in the fact that they aren't really interested in defending the faith as it pertains to the 'creation' myth.

Only Ding and Meriweather are honest in trying to say that it's possible to swing both ways.

They embrace their homophobia unconditionally!

Good gawd, homosexuality is condemned throughout the Bible.. but what would an atheist know?
Good gawd, homosexuality is condemned throughout the Bible.. but what would an atheist know?
New scientific evidence is being accepted by the Catholic church that says homosexuality is acceptable in humans as well as with practically all other mammals. (Darwinian evolution's acceptance has backfired on Catholics)

That which isn't acceptable is Christians associating it with their invented Satan, or unclean thoughts.

Of all Christians trying to apologize with damage control, it comes as no surprise that it would be a letter bomber..
There is no creation myth.
Alright, then we could maybe say that Catholics have been forced by their church to put 'creation' on the back burner so that Darwinian evolution can be introduced gradually.

This isn't an issue for a true literal believer in the bibles, who can't be accused of backsliding. There is only one version of Christianity that can be correct and this is written.

You own the big fish story and life in his belly for days!

I cant see what all the fuss is about. Its better than forming a young republican club.
America worries too much about what the kids get up to. At least it keeps kids off the streets.
Yes worshiping the self is far better than being a member of a political party….
Is an anti-Christian club any more acceptable than an anti-Jewish club?
Well, you have to know that Tammy would be cheerleading for both.

Now, as to an anti-Islamist club, THAT would be another matter entirely!
Yes the evidence just gets stronger and stronger..
Only morons dispute it now.

Most everyone understands the climate changes, it’s has many times over the billions of years our planet has been around. The dispute is over the hubris one possesses in saying man is the reason for the change. It changed long before man was on the planet and will change long after man is extinct
I am not exactly horrified...

But exactly what religious offerings are being made at this elementary school?

If it's just another after school club/aftercare program that is offered in lieu of the YMCA's "Fun Company....SO WHAT?

They hand the kids a snack in the lunchroom and keep an eye on the little monsters until their parents get them. It's not like they really do much else.
A kid can get kicked out of any public school in the U.S. for carrying a Bible or wearing a Crucifix and the ACLU is always on the alert for violations of the bad Supreme Court decision known as "Separation of Church and State". No Bible study allowed and no sign of Christian beliefs allowed in school so how the hell can a satanic club exist? Keep in mind that a trannie terrorist murdered 3 adults and 3 children in a Tennessee Christian school and authorities refused to release his/her "manifest". Was it satanic and if so is there some connection between the Tennessee school system and satanic worship?
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A kid can get kicked out of school for carrying a Bible or wearing a Crucifix and the ACLU was acutely aware of any chance to enforce the bad Supreme Court decision that created "Separation of Church and State". No Bible study allowed and no sign of Christian beliefs allowed in school so how the hell can a satanic club exist?
Because it's a State's Rights issue....not all States are set up the same way and allow religious groups access to public property (with a few rules about how they obtain access)
If Christians are allowed access then other religious groups are as well. (So long as there is no time conflict and proper reservations are made)
The MSCS interim superintendent, Toni Williams, reportedly said there were no plans to prevent the club from operating in the district.

“I do not support the beliefs of this organization at the center of recent headlines,” Williams said. “I do, however, support the law.”

Chimneyrock would be the club’s fifth chapter in the country.

Other school districts have also pushed back against the club’s presence on their campus in the past. In March, the Satanic Temple took legal action against Pennsylvania’s Saucon Valley school district for allegedly discriminating against the ASSC by preventing it from holding meetings on campus and using school facilities. In November, the district settled with the temple for $200,000.
It's all about the money. Whether you "support" The Guardian, Catholics, or the ASSC. Pay now or you're certain to pay later.

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