Urgent : We're Going To Need Oversight, Regulation And New And Improved Armor Piercing Rounds (Combat Robots)


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018

people, this development does NOT need to be feared.

bi-pedal and quad-pedal combat robots are nearly ready for deployment, as we speak.

i am hoping you'll inform all who need to know about this, as soon as possible.

please do NOT interfere or harm the developers - they are honest about their work, and i hope that their progress can continue to be made available on sites like youtube so that the entire world can prepare for every scenario if and when these robots start functioning as : factory workers, police, and soldiers.

i know a ton about military history, military-grade martial arts, political and mass media influence, and several fields of physical science including vector based motions, molecular and atomic structure, and i'm currently studying quantum mechanics to explore the possibility of other periodic tables besides our own that are native to our part of the universe (lookup 'dark matter' if interested).
btw, i'm not a geek, i have friends, i operate a software company, and i'm a straight single. not that i'm currently looking for dates.

point is : i know a ton about defense tech, *and* public demonstrations about nation-wide social issues world-wide (i also frequent defence.pk/forums) and how to best prevent uprisings without the use of torture or massive bloody strikedowns of protests.
btw, i'm user peacegen at defence.pk/forums, which will prove that i regularly advocate for ways to reduce human suffering at the hands of militaries or police.

i truly believe that with the right (meaning : only friendly and polite) guidance, we are now on the path to a society that vastly decreases incidents like what happened to George Floyd, all the way to dealing with the taliban without having to send in human ground forces.

*all* of the possible disaster scenarios are mapped out by Hollywood and translated into rules to operate by for these robots. you can see that at the end of the video in the first message of this thread.

one more thing : for all developers that work on robots that can serve as team mates or replacements for human labor or combat,
i really really hope you'll restrict the brain of *all* such robots to the non-sentient expert machine level, and keep it physically contained in a way that an average human marksman/woman can easily destroy that "brain" with the right ammunition. this ammunition should be properly controlled and distributed by all governments (but not just handed out to all governments) - at the same level as poison gas is currently, but in some areas perhaps also available to the public (i *think*..).
AND : the robot should not think at all, aka sleep or be in total zen state of mind, when it has no task to perform. and they should only be allowed to think *towards* a solution of a problem given to them.
trust me, this is entirely possible. it can be done with a sorta pyramid shape of a main problem (at the top), and the intermediate or sub-problems calculated underneath that. of course, the robot would have to react fast to changing conditions, but computers are far faster and usually more efficient than a human who is stuck on a problem of how to move and how to use physical tools/objects during a "tense" moment.
btw, an expert machine doesn't fear damage or "death" for itself.
a sentient robot, *DOES*. plus might declare us vermin. SO STAY AWAY FROM SENTIENT TECH!

and lastly, i believe this is the right place and time to put this under public scrutiny and guidance.

finally, the url and content of this thread is emailed to :
CIA <[email protected]>,
NSA <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
CNN <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
[email protected],
Mossad <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
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[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
NOS <[email protected]>,
VandaagDeDag <[email protected]>,
Donna Marrozos <[email protected]>,
VK Redactie <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
[email protected],
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[email protected],
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[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
"Team Nieuws.nl" <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Parliamentary Branch <[email protected]>,
Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Correspondence Section <[email protected]>,
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State - Alistair Burt MP <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
[email protected],
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Mikki Tan <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
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however, i will NOT post this on defence.pk, as the chinese and marxist, socialists, eastern-bloc and muslim fundamentalists there *hate* NATO to the core. the very last thing we need right now is alQuada or ISIS or the Iranians recruiting and training cyber-forces to turn these weapons against us.

based on my years of observation and discussion on defence.pk/forums, i find this information *currently* safe to spread into NATO, the USSR countries including Russia of course, and China and India (who need it for their ongoing bickering in Kashmir, where a lot of really innocent people live).
recent cyber security improvements are *also* interesting, for those interested in this topic, and you can find some more info about *that* at New ‘Morpheus’ CPU Design Defeats Hundreds of Hackers in DARPA Tests

EMP grenades.



people, this development does NOT need to be feared.

bi-pedal and quad-pedal combat robots are nearly ready for deployment, as we speak.

i am hoping you'll inform all who need to know about this, as soon as possible.

please do NOT interfere or harm the developers - they are honest about their work, and i hope that their progress can continue to be made available on sites like youtube so that the entire world can prepare for every scenario if and when these robots start functioning as : factory workers, police, and soldiers.

i know a ton about military history, military-grade martial arts, political and mass media influence, and several fields of physical science including vector based motions, molecular and atomic structure, and i'm currently studying quantum mechanics to explore the possibility of other periodic tables besides our own that are native to our part of the universe (lookup 'dark matter' if interested).
btw, i'm not a geek, i have friends, i operate a software company, and i'm a straight single. not that i'm currently looking for dates.

point is : i know a ton about defense tech, *and* public demonstrations about nation-wide social issues world-wide (i also frequent defence.pk/forums) and how to best prevent uprisings without the use of torture or massive bloody strikedowns of protests.
btw, i'm user peacegen at defence.pk/forums, which will prove that i regularly advocate for ways to reduce human suffering at the hands of militaries or police.

i truly believe that with the right (meaning : only friendly and polite) guidance, we are now on the path to a society that vastly decreases incidents like what happened to George Floyd, all the way to dealing with the taliban without having to send in human ground forces.

*all* of the possible disaster scenarios are mapped out by Hollywood and translated into rules to operate by for these robots. you can see that at the end of the video in the first message of this thread.

one more thing : for all developers that work on robots that can serve as team mates or replacements for human labor or combat,
i really really hope you'll restrict the brain of *all* such robots to the non-sentient expert machine level, and keep it physically contained in a way that an average human marksman/woman can easily destroy that "brain" with the right ammunition. this ammunition should be properly controlled and distributed by all governments (but not just handed out to all governments) - at the same level as poison gas is currently, but in some areas perhaps also available to the public (i *think*..).
AND : the robot should not think at all, aka sleep or be in total zen state of mind, when it has no task to perform. and they should only be allowed to think *towards* a solution of a problem given to them.
trust me, this is entirely possible. it can be done with a sorta pyramid shape of a main problem (at the top), and the intermediate or sub-problems calculated underneath that. of course, the robot would have to react fast to changing conditions, but computers are far faster and usually more efficient than a human who is stuck on a problem of how to move and how to use physical tools/objects during a "tense" moment.
btw, an expert machine doesn't fear damage or "death" for itself.
a sentient robot, *DOES*. plus might declare us vermin. SO STAY AWAY FROM SENTIENT TECH!

and lastly, i believe this is the right place and time to put this under public scrutiny and guidance.

finally, the url and content of this thread is emailed to :
CIA <[email protected]>,
NSA <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
CNN <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
[email protected],
Mossad <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
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[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
NOS <[email protected]>,
VandaagDeDag <[email protected]>,
Donna Marrozos <[email protected]>,
VK Redactie <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
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[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
"Team Nieuws.nl" <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Parliamentary Branch <[email protected]>,
Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Correspondence Section <[email protected]>,
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State - Alistair Burt MP <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
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[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
Mikki Tan <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
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however, i will NOT post this on defence.pk, as the chinese and marxist, socialists, eastern-bloc and muslim fundamentalists there *hate* NATO to the core. the very last thing we need right now is alQuada or ISIS or the Iranians recruiting and training cyber-forces to turn these weapons against us.

based on my years of observation and discussion on defence.pk/forums, i find this information *currently* safe to spread into NATO, the USSR countries including Russia of course, and China and India (who need it for their ongoing bickering in Kashmir, where a lot of really innocent people live).
recent cyber security improvements are *also* interesting, for those interested in this topic, and you can find some more info about *that* at New ‘Morpheus’ CPU Design Defeats Hundreds of Hackers in DARPA Tests

Um, from the description of the posted video

"This video is a comedic parody and is not owned, endorsed, created by, or associated with the Boston Dynamics company. "
How many credits do I get for killing a robot?
that depends on a *lot* of factors. circumstances, the geneva convention and all related international laws of combat, and constitutional civil rights *all* among them, i hope.
you'd get anything ranging from punishment by robots or humans in any form or intensity imaginable,
to "credits" (rewards) of one or more types that's worth a little to a whole lot to you.
and for those who still think these new robots are clumsy somehow, well,
think again...

people, this development does NOT need to be feared.

bi-pedal and quad-pedal combat robots are nearly ready for deployment, as we speak.

i am hoping you'll inform all who need to know about this, as soon as possible.

please do NOT interfere or harm the developers - they are honest about their work, and i hope that their progress can continue to be made available on sites like youtube so that the entire world can prepare for every scenario if and when these robots start functioning as : factory workers, police, and soldiers.

i know a ton about military history, military-grade martial arts, political and mass media influence, and several fields of physical science including vector based motions, molecular and atomic structure, and i'm currently studying quantum mechanics to explore the possibility of other periodic tables besides our own that are native to our part of the universe (lookup 'dark matter' if interested).
btw, i'm not a geek, i have friends, i operate a software company, and i'm a straight single. not that i'm currently looking for dates.

point is : i know a ton about defense tech, *and* public demonstrations about nation-wide social issues world-wide (i also frequent defence.pk/forums) and how to best prevent uprisings without the use of torture or massive bloody strikedowns of protests.
btw, i'm user peacegen at defence.pk/forums, which will prove that i regularly advocate for ways to reduce human suffering at the hands of militaries or police.

i truly believe that with the right (meaning : only friendly and polite) guidance, we are now on the path to a society that vastly decreases incidents like what happened to George Floyd, all the way to dealing with the taliban without having to send in human ground forces.

*all* of the possible disaster scenarios are mapped out by Hollywood and translated into rules to operate by for these robots. you can see that at the end of the video in the first message of this thread.

one more thing : for all developers that work on robots that can serve as team mates or replacements for human labor or combat,
i really really hope you'll restrict the brain of *all* such robots to the non-sentient expert machine level, and keep it physically contained in a way that an average human marksman/woman can easily destroy that "brain" with the right ammunition. this ammunition should be properly controlled and distributed by all governments (but not just handed out to all governments) - at the same level as poison gas is currently, but in some areas perhaps also available to the public (i *think*..).
AND : the robot should not think at all, aka sleep or be in total zen state of mind, when it has no task to perform. and they should only be allowed to think *towards* a solution of a problem given to them.
trust me, this is entirely possible. it can be done with a sorta pyramid shape of a main problem (at the top), and the intermediate or sub-problems calculated underneath that. of course, the robot would have to react fast to changing conditions, but computers are far faster and usually more efficient than a human who is stuck on a problem of how to move and how to use physical tools/objects during a "tense" moment.
btw, an expert machine doesn't fear damage or "death" for itself.
a sentient robot, *DOES*. plus might declare us vermin. SO STAY AWAY FROM SENTIENT TECH!

and lastly, i believe this is the right place and time to put this under public scrutiny and guidance.

finally, the url and content of this thread is emailed to :
CIA <[email protected]>,
NSA <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
CNN <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
[email protected],
Mossad <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
NOS <[email protected]>,
VandaagDeDag <[email protected]>,
Donna Marrozos <[email protected]>,
VK Redactie <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
"Team Nieuws.nl" <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Parliamentary Branch <[email protected]>,
Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Correspondence Section <[email protected]>,
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State - Alistair Burt MP <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
Mikki Tan <[email protected]>,
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
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[email protected]
however, i will NOT post this on defence.pk, as the chinese and marxist, socialists, eastern-bloc and muslim fundamentalists there *hate* NATO to the core. the very last thing we need right now is alQuada or ISIS or the Iranians recruiting and training cyber-forces to turn these weapons against us.

based on my years of observation and discussion on defence.pk/forums, i find this information *currently* safe to spread into NATO, the USSR countries including Russia of course, and China and India (who need it for their ongoing bickering in Kashmir, where a lot of really innocent people live).
recent cyber security improvements are *also* interesting, for those interested in this topic, and you can find some more info about *that* at New ‘Morpheus’ CPU Design Defeats Hundreds of Hackers in DARPA Tests

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Peacefan Netherlands <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2021 at 10:16
To: CIA <[email protected]>, NSA <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, CNN <[email protected]>, INTERNATIONAL MEDIA AND INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Russian Good Cops in Russian intel and military and police units, because i am a student of Systema among other martial arts - https://is.gd/cheetahkungfu & https://cheetahkungfu playlists - plz hit subsribe and like the videos you like - snowwalking and packing a go bag are particularly interesting - this list is restricted to the Judo level of the sport <[email protected]>, [email protected], forward to The Phillipines govt and intel circles and armies and police forces please <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Russian Good Cops in Russian intel and military and police units <[email protected]>, Russian Good Cops in Russian intel and military and police units, because i am a student of Systema among other martial arts - https://is.gd/cheetahkungfu & https://cheetahkungfu playlists - plz hit subsribe and like the videos you like - snowwalking and packing a go bag are particularly interesting - this list is restricted to the Judo level of the sport <[email protected]>, [email protected], forward to The Phillipines govt and intel circles and armies and police forces please <[email protected]>, forward to The Phillipines govt and intel circles and armies and police forces please <[email protected]>
Cc: INTERNATIONAL MEDIA AND INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES <[email protected]>, CIA <[email protected]>, NSA <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, CNN <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Mossad <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, NOS <[email protected]>, VandaagDeDag <[email protected]>, Donna Marrozos <[email protected]>, VK Redactie <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Team Nieuws.nl <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Parliamentary Branch <[email protected]>, Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Correspondence Section <[email protected]>, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State - Alistair Burt MP <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Mikki Tan <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Russian Good Cops in Russian intel and military and police units, because i am a student of Systema among other martial arts - https://is.gd/cheetahkungfu & https://cheetahkungfu playlists - plz hit subsribe and like the videos you like - snowwalking and packing a go bag are particularly interesting - this list is restricted to the Judo level of the sport <[email protected]>, [email protected], forward to The Phillipines govt and intel circles and armies and police forces please <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Russian Good Cops in Russian intel and military and police units, because i am a student of Systema among other martial arts - https://is.gd/cheetahkungfu & https://cheetahkungfu playlists - plz hit subsribe and like the videos you like - snowwalking and packing a go bag are particularly interesting - this list is restricted to the Judo level of the sport <[email protected]>, [email protected], forward to The Phillipines govt and intel circles and armies and police forces please <[email protected]>, Russian Good Cops in Russian intel and military and police units, because i am a student of Systema among other martial arts - https://is.gd/cheetahkungfu & https://cheetahkungfu playlists - plz hit subsribe and like the videos you like - snowwalking and packing a go bag are particularly interesting - this list is restricted to the Judo level of the sport <[email protected]>, [email protected], forward to The Phillipines govt and intel circles and armies and police forces please <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>

FYI : at the atomic scale, the planck scale, it *is* possible to create swirls of electrons only. q-logic technology is stored as computer programs, and stored in ordinary or encrypted zip files.

see it all by reading these threads :
introducing : self-aware.machine.engine (first useful version due before Dec 1st 2025)

(can not provide regular screenshot, because (A) that would be too much work and (B) i'm working on my laptop at the moment due to electricity problems which have brought me to a local mental hospital for regular food and heat during winter (my contract with them has been extended very neatly already), and (C) i'm still under "severe" cyberattack.

i thank the cyberwarriors for giving me back my new "Gavan Hoverswell" facebook account though :)

-- Gavan Hoverswell, Rene AJM Veerman, xy-05-1977
-- rank in NATO : top-most planetary, likely interstellar, and possibly even intergalactic Admiral.
-- the only valid issuer of Memo 718 orders within NATO, which have to receive Memo-618 approval by ALL US national politicians, not just the leading ones. Good-cop
Judges of the US are invitted to do the checking of that, for now. But not obligated to participate in such checks.

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