CDZ Biden: "I stand squarely behind my decision" to pull US troops from Afghanistan

Can’t find an answer to that final question, even with Google. What comes up with is articles such as this:
well that is a problem when the search engines are designed to bitch at Trump.

Google in this sense was a generic term. try duckduckgo and a -Trump (minus Trump, no space) and that should exclude Trump from the results

thst is, if you're looking for broad examples and historical references.
well that is a problem when the search engines are designed to bitch at Trump.

Google in this sense was a generic term. try duckduckgo and a -Trump (minus Trump, no space) and that should exclude Trump from the results

thst is, if you're looking for broad examples and historical references.
Not getting anything, including Obama (did you choose use his name in the search?)...tried searching for “why would you negotiate with terrorists but exclude The government”...nothing applicable.
Not getting anything, including Obama (did you choose use his name in the search?)...tried searching for “why would you negotiate with terrorists but exclude The government”...nothing applicable.
there's an art form to searching I learned early on in tech troubleshooting. the problem is all the "crap news" comes to the top because that's where the sites want it and that's what people click.

you have to become a researcher and learn what to filter out to get to base info.

But exclude the gov would be a tougher find for various reasons. that said, it seems you are doing some serious nitpicking on Trump to avoid having to put this all on biden.

We already learned tonight that Biden canceled all of Trump's plans and contingencies to get everyone home.

and we know Biden has no plans at all NOW to get Americans safely home.

Yet the focus is 1 Trump deal.

there's an art form to searching I learned early on in tech troubleshooting. the problem is all the "crap news" comes to the top because that's where the sites want it and that's what people click.

you have to become a researcher and learn what to filter out to get to base info.

But exclude the gov would be a tougher find for various reasons. that said, it seems you are doing some serious nitpicking on Trump to avoid having to put this all on biden.

We already learned tonight that Biden canceled all of Trump's plans and contingencies to get everyone home.

and we know Biden has no plans at all NOW to get Americans safely home.

Yet the focus is 1 Trump deal.

It isn’t nitpicking to want to know the answer to a very fundamental question that is part of all this. Why would we negotiate an agreement with terrorists that omits the government of the country involved? Think about the repercussions and betrayal there.
It isn’t nitpicking to want to know the answer to a very fundamental question that is part of all this. Why would we negotiate an agreement with terrorists that omits the government of the country involved? Think about the repercussions and betrayal there.
thats nothing compared to the repercussions and betrayal of leaving civilians and weapons behind for the terrorist to get,,

FFS he left blackhawk helicopters for them
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It isn’t nitpicking to want to know the answer to a very fundamental question that is part of all this. Why would we negotiate an agreement with terrorists that omits the government of the country involved? Think about the repercussions and betrayal there.
how is it fundamental more so than Obama freeing 5 leaders, one of which now head tali in charge?

earlier you showed appreciation when I said let's get people out, bitch at others later.

Yet here we are finding reasons to bitch at Trump while Biden isn't even trying to bring people home.

focus seems to always be on Trump.
It isn’t nitpicking to want to know the answer to a very fundamental question that is part of all this. Why would we negotiate an agreement with terrorists that omits the government of the country involved? Think about the repercussions and betrayal there.
Now find old stories is, the key. Spin machines in high gear this week.

Seems he negotiated getting the US out and the prisoner exchange was up to the Afghan gov to carry out during peace talks in March.
If you believed the Afghan military was going to step up you're a dumbass.
This is far worse than Vietnam or Bagdad.
I'm the Taliban?
This is a disaster of epic proportions even the lame stream media is calling out Joe Hiden fer Fuks sake.
Joe cut and ran leaving a shit ton of military hardware there for the Taliban.
A simple warning from Hiden telling everyone to get out of Afghanistan would have made a huge difference.
But even with that it still leaves Afghans in a very bad situation which of course is why we see them falling from the sky.
Obviously your knowledge of American history is lacking.
Try reading up and getting back to me.
About 100% of the nation stands behind his decision to pull out of Afghanistan. He' screwed up the withdraw though.
Same question same answer, just depends what group of blamers you chose to get All YOUR information from. Thinking not a requirement.'re a moron of the highest order.
So much for CDZ.

Look, if you're too stupid or too lazy to learn about what you're discussing then you are clearly the moron in any conversation which, your status as a leading Tiny Brained "conservative" proves.
So much for CDZ.

Look, if you're too stupid or too lazy to learn about what you're discussing then you are clearly the moron in any conversation which, your status as a leading Tiny Brained "conservative" proves. ain't rocket science.
biden fucked up in a huge way. Even the mainstream media is on his ass about how he handled Afghanistan. ain't rocket science.
biden fucked up in a huge way. Even the mainstream media is on his ass about how he handled Afghanistan.
If it were you'd clearly be the one with your face jammed in the exhaust.
Your opinion is so noted.
The left wing trashing Biden? who ever said that most of either political party took the time to investigate any situation, knee jerk reaction & Blame rules, Poor America.
It was never an issue to withdrawal US and Allied forces it was the method and organizational structure to do so in an orderly and secure fashion.

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