CDZ Biden: "I stand squarely behind my decision" to pull US troops from Afghanistan

Biden signed the death warrents of American soldiers,he is a murderer,their blood is on his hands.

Trump made a deal with the Taliban that the U.S. would be out by May 1st. Biden extended the timeline. You should be criticizing Biden for making the troops stay longer than they would have if Trump was still president. There hasn't been an American soldier killed in Afghanistan in a year and the Taliban said they will renew attacks on the U.S. if all the troops aren't out by May 1st. What Biden just did endangered American lives. The democrats should be condemned for doing this, not applauded. If democratic voters cared about America, and the lives of fellow Americans, then they would condemn the democrats for not getting all the troops out of Afghanistan within the next two weeks rather than celebrating the fact he just endangered the lives of Americans to an organization that committed the worst terrorist attack in America in the nation's history.
What kind of person makes an agreement with terrorist organizations?

And more, excludes the legitimate government of that nation?

Does that not seem a wee bit off?
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From: Peacefan Netherlands <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2021 at 22:37
Subject: my prayer for the Afghani allies to western troops (Biden: "I stand squarely behind my decision" to pull US troops from Afghanistan)
To: INTERNATIONAL MEDIA AND INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES <[email protected]>, CIA <[email protected]>, NSA <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, CNN <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Mossad <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, NOS <[email protected]>, VandaagDeDag <[email protected]>, Donna Marrozos <[email protected]>, VK Redactie <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Team <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Parliamentary Branch <[email protected]>, Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Correspondence Section <[email protected]>, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State - Alistair Burt MP <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Mikki Tan <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>

I've been watching CNN-US all day today over the internet, and as a
North-Western European, i have only the following comment to add to
CNN's and Biden's argumentation about the (future) situation in
Afghanistan :

The American and European governments and bureaucracies have been very
slow to grant Special Immigration Visas for the thousands of Afghans
who assisted our troops in our anti-terrorism efforts in Afghanistan.

This has now led to a very chaotic and scary situation there, where
these people are even clinging to western evacuation airplanes as they
taxi over the runway.

It is a true betrayal of those who have been very loyal to us and our
interests (which they share), and for our next military interventions
against terrorists, we should plan better, and pre-qualify our local
allies for immigration once a country or region like Afghanistan is
handed back over to groups like the Taliban.
We should also make the troops, support staff, and airplanes or boats
available to effect an orderly retreat, not a hasty retreat as we saw
happen in Afghanistan.

And finally, we should prepare our domestic economies to harbor these
local allies from conflict zones, offering them free language and
culture courses for instance, along with housing and job-interview
assistance and even anti-PTSD assistance.

We can handle 200-thousand new immigrants spread out over all of
Europe and the USA and Canada. With ease.

All we need to do is properly prepare for such events.
It is our moral obligation to do so, and it is strongly in our
interests of showing the world through our actions, that our morality
is slightly more advanced and modern and kind than the morality of
groups like the Taliban.
This kind of speech has completely con-fused trump's supporters. It's like Greek to them.
I disagree. Those people need to remain in their nation and fight for their homeland. Not run like cowards.
How much longer?
By doing what?
Why aren't you there helping?
If the Afghan leaders won't help their own people, what are we to do?

Again, how much longer and how many more American lives are you willing to throw away?
How much longer?
By doing what?
Why aren't you there helping?
If the Afghan leaders won't help their own people, what are we to do?

Again, how much longer and how many more American lives are you willing to throw away?
I served my country for 25 years. I trained Afghan forces. I trained Iraqi forces. They had TWENTY YEARS. Fuck em.
How many Afghani do you want moving into your town? Because they are coming as sure as I'm sitting here.
Oh, my goodness! With open borders, anyone can come over. The ones I worry about are the ones who have limos picking up America-haters and putting them in luxury living quarters at taxpayer expense including free terms at commie training colleges and universities. :(
Yes, Joe Biden needs to STAND by this decision:
- He ignored military intelligence
- He pulled military cover for innocent, friendly Afghanis who were trained by us in a system where they relied on our air cover. He hung them out to dry.
- After he pulled all air cover, he didn't even allow independent contractors to go in and help the Afghanis.

All of the anti-terrorist Afghans who are exposed and being slaughtered openly, door to door, without cover from us that we promised are on Joe Biden's hands. He screwed over tens to hundreds of thousands of people, many paying with their lives.

This is the greatest military blunder in my lifetime, I'm 38.

And as sad as it is, it's not surprising. Joe Biden's record on foreign policy is the worst you'll ever see. He's been wrong on just about everything. He's the one that wants to arm and fund terrorist organizations to keep a balance in the middle east rather than back Israel, a more humane nation.
Biden signed the death warrents of American soldiers,he is a murderer,their blood is on his hands.

Trump made a deal with the Taliban that the U.S. would be out by May 1st. Biden extended the timeline. You should be criticizing Biden for making the troops stay longer than they would have if Trump was still president. There hasn't been an American soldier killed in Afghanistan in a year and the Taliban said they will renew attacks on the U.S. if all the troops aren't out by May 1st. What Biden just did endangered American lives. The democrats should be condemned for doing this, not applauded. If democratic voters cared about America, and the lives of fellow Americans, then they would condemn the democrats for not getting all the troops out of Afghanistan within the next two weeks rather than celebrating the fact he just endangered the lives of Americans to an organization that committed the worst terrorist attack in America in the nation's history.

Learn how to use commas correctly, please.

Since Biden became President we have not last single soldier, Marine, sailor or airman. In fact we are going on 18 months with none. That is not to Biden's credit. It is just a fact of life.
What kind of person makes an agreement with terrorist organizations?

And more, excludes the legitimate government of that nation?

Does that not seem a wee bit off?

A lot of people are grossly confused. The Taliban had NOTHING to do with 9/11. That was Al Qaeda who were given safe haven by the Taliban. That does not make them terrorists.
Why would we expect our president to be a mind reader, how could he know that the army we supplied & trained for 20 years would not fight back, did you look at the agreements that were made about our leaving. Reality is that war is always messy and mistakes are made.
Why would we expect our president to be a mind reader, how could he know that the army we supplied & trained for 20 years would not fight back, did you look at the agreements that were made about our leaving. Reality is that war is always messy and mistakes are made.
Why do we have intelligence assets if they could not tell Biden what was going on? Oh, that's right! He put rank amateurs in all of those important positions.

Putting Austin as SECDEF made about as such sense as giving the job to Private Snuffy who was dishonorably discharged.
I think we can blame every President we've had touch this thing; Bush for getting us in, Obama for keeping us there and even expanding it, Trump for making a bad, stupid exit deal, and Biden for carrying it out. There's also plenty of blame left over for Ghani and the Afghan "government" for sucking up 20 years, 2300 American lives, and a trillion dollars into a black hole of apathy and corruption.
I think we can blame every President we've had touch this thing; Bush for getting us in, Obama for keeping us there and even expanding it, Trump for making a bad, stupid exit deal, and Biden for carrying it out. There's also plenty of blame left over for Ghani and the Afghan "government" for sucking up 20 years, 2300 American lives, and a trillion dollars into a black hole of apathy and corruption.
How do you know it was a "bad, stupid exit deal" if we never followed it?
It wasn't Biden's choice, his idiot handler's made it for him

C'mon people, he's at least stage 5, likely 6 dementia.

It's why they hid him at Camp David.

Wise up
I love coffee, but I don't need it to live. Usually, anything coffee flavored will kick the "need" for it.
Too much caffeine or is that crack cocaine?
FYI - did you know every keyboard has a built in device that sends everything you type to Mossad?
Predictive touch typing with aggressive autocorrect on cell phones and tablets with touch screen keyboards.
The American and European governments and bureaucracies have been very
slow to grant Special Immigration Visas for the thousands of Afghans
who assisted our troops in our anti-terrorism efforts in Afghanistan.
We can't tell friend from foe, because the just have not separated themselves from the unjust. Besides, the Communist Party-affiliated FBI has gone to court with much frivolous and malicious service of process to revoke the gun rights of many law-abiding patriotic U.S. citizens. Until those officials have been whipped, flogged, and beaten out of their gun control policies, and our gun rights as U.S. citizens are fully restored, they have no business inviting foreign combatants to immigrate to the United States.
I disagree. Those people need to remain in their nation and fight for their homeland. Not run like cowards.
Taliban or no, people have much more freedom and independence in Afghanistan than we do in the United States.

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