CDZ Biden: "I stand squarely behind my decision" to pull US troops from Afghanistan

How about a controlled withdraw?
As in getting the people out before removing military forces.
The former president's peace accord with the Taliban reduced forces from 15,500 to 2,500 under President Biden. Did you complain then?
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From: Peacefan Netherlands <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2021 at 22:37
Subject: my prayer for the Afghani allies to western troops (Biden: "I stand squarely behind my decision" to pull US troops from Afghanistan)
To: INTERNATIONAL MEDIA AND INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES <[email protected]>, CIA <[email protected]>, NSA <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, CNN <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Mossad <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, NOS <[email protected]>, VandaagDeDag <[email protected]>, Donna Marrozos <[email protected]>, VK Redactie <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Team <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Parliamentary Branch <[email protected]>, Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Correspondence Section <[email protected]>, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State - Alistair Burt MP <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Mikki Tan <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>

I've been watching CNN-US all day today over the internet, and as a
North-Western European, i have only the following comment to add to
CNN's and Biden's argumentation about the (future) situation in
Afghanistan :

The American and European governments and bureaucracies have been very
slow to grant Special Immigration Visas for the thousands of Afghans
who assisted our troops in our anti-terrorism efforts in Afghanistan.

This has now led to a very chaotic and scary situation there, where
these people are even clinging to western evacuation airplanes as they
taxi over the runway.

It is a true betrayal of those who have been very loyal to us and our
interests (which they share), and for our next military interventions
against terrorists, we should plan better, and pre-qualify our local
allies for immigration once a country or region like Afghanistan is
handed back over to groups like the Taliban.
We should also make the troops, support staff, and airplanes or boats
available to effect an orderly retreat, not a hasty retreat as we saw
happen in Afghanistan.

And finally, we should prepare our domestic economies to harbor these
local allies from conflict zones, offering them free language and
culture courses for instance, along with housing and job-interview
assistance and even anti-PTSD assistance.

We can handle 200-thousand new immigrants spread out over all of
Europe and the USA and Canada. With ease.

All we need to do is properly prepare for such events.
It is our moral obligation to do so, and it is strongly in our
interests of showing the world through our actions, that our morality
is slightly more advanced and modern and kind than the morality of
groups like the Taliban.
We need to evacuate every human who wants out, NOW!
Check them out when we get them clear.
Triple check them
Settle those who come up clean.
We'll figure out the rest.
How about a controlled withdraw?
As in getting the people out before removing military forces.
You mean like in Vietnam?
Or Baghdad?

Why not blame the Afghan government?
20 years to prepare for this day and when it comes they just walk away?
You're the Taliban.
The withdrawal begins
Are you going to let it go on or wait till the proper moment and attack?

What is happening was going to happen whether we withdrew five years from now or five years ago.
You mean like in Vietnam?
Or Baghdad?

Why not blame the Afghan government?
20 years to prepare for this day and when it comes they just walk away?
You're the Taliban.
The withdrawal begins
Are you going to let it go on or wait till the proper moment and attack?

What is happening was going to happen whether we withdrew five years from now or five years ago.

If you believed the Afghan military was going to step up you're a dumbass.
This is far worse than Vietnam or Bagdad.
I'm the Taliban?
This is a disaster of epic proportions even the lame stream media is calling out Joe Hiden fer Fuks sake.
Joe cut and ran leaving a shit ton of military hardware there for the Taliban.
A simple warning from Hiden telling everyone to get out of Afghanistan would have made a huge difference.
But even with that it still leaves Afghans in a very bad situation which of course is why we see them falling from the sky.
So you dodge my questions with a “but but Obama”?

Come on. Is negotiating with terrorists good? Yes or no.
you asked.

I simply answered.

why was it OK for him to do it?

we've been through this "let's not do the 'what about' but as I recall, you did it anyway.

so if you can do it and it's a valid argument for you, then it is for me.
So you dodge my questions with a “but but Obama”?

Come on. Is negotiating with terrorists good? Yes or no.
Google negotiating with terrorists. you don't do it in hostage situations. all others are valid.
we got books on Amazon to tell you how. we have gov websites and forms, tips and tricks and tons of examples of it being done and by who.

you seem to be the one making it a bad thing THIS TIME.

you asked a question I answered it. you didn't like my answer so you move the goal posts.
i kick it right down the line there.

Biden blew it.

Trump has zero to do with it.
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Google negotiating with terrorists. you don't do it in hostage situations. all others are valid.
we got books on Amazon to tell you how. we have gov websites and forms, tips and tricks and tons of examples of it being done and by who.

you seem to be the one making it a bad thing THIS TIME.
No...I’ve always heard you don’t negotiate with terrorists without, at least their giving up violence first. I also can’t imagine negotiating with them and excluding what is supposed to be the legitimate government of the nation who is your ally.
you asked.

I simply answered.

why was it OK for him to do it?

we've been through this "let's not do the 'what about' but as I recall, you did it anyway.

so if you can do it and it's a valid argument for you, then it is for me.
It isn’t a matter of “ok when he does it” because you’re attempting to compare two very different things. Negotiating for the release of an American military member (we do not leave anyone behind right?) vs. a group intent on bringing down your ally’s government.
It isn’t a matter of “ok when he does it” because you’re attempting to compare two very different things. Negotiating for the release of an American military member (we do not leave anyone behind right?) vs. a group intent on bringing down your ally’s government.
I wasn't comparing asked what kind person negotiates with terrorists. I answered the question.

you didn't like the answer.
No...I’ve always heard you don’t negotiate with terrorists without, at least their giving up violence first. I also can’t imagine negotiating with them and excluding what is supposed to be the legitimate government of the nation who is your ally.
I went ahead and Googled it there's all. kinds of info on how to do it and very little saying DONT DO IT EVER. you seem to be making an argument off an assumption that isn't panning out

so, no Trump anywhere to be found, it's done all the time.
I went ahead and Googled it there's all. kinds of info on how to do it and very little saying DONT DO IT EVER. you seem to be making an argument off an assumption that isn't panning out

so, no Trump anywhere to be found, it's done all the time.
Then I guess there goes Israel’s argument for not negotiating with Hamas.
Then I guess there goes Israel’s argument for not negotiating with Hamas.

and lookie here... who just 2 posts ago called a party foul for a "what about" reference.

kinda hypocritical, ya think? you can, I can't n all...

But your rage does seem selective here.
Why? I have never heard it is ok to negotiate with terrorists, at least on a national level and I certainly don’t understand why you would do so and omit the government of tbe nation involved who is supposed to be your ally.

and lookie here... who just 2 posts ago called a party foul for a "what about" reference.

kinda hypocritical, ya think? you can, I can't n all...

Point taken, we both tend to do that to each other.
Why? I have never heard it is ok to negotiate with terrorists, at least on a national level and I certainly don’t understand why you would do so and omit the government of tbe nation involved who is supposed to be your ally.
I went and looked for the answers, not sat n bitched at my own questions.

try it.

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