US AG Barr Ask Federal Prosecutors To Consider Filing Charges Against Seattle Mayor


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
About time - she facilitated violent criminal and domestic terrorist looting, intimidation, burning, destroying, assaults, murder, targeting and assassination of police...

...she turned her back on the citizens and business owners it was her responsibility to protect and instead sided with the criminals and domestic terrorists, giving them aid, comfort, supplies, etc...

All of the mayors and governors that pulled back police and let these riots and murders happen should be hanged for treason. They were colluding with a militant armed insurrection.

Gee, what a novel idea! Holding public officials to account for their actions much the same way as any private citizen would!
And they allowed mobs to rip down historic works of art without a vote from the people....

In essence, those statues belonged to the community yet they turned their fate over to a private interest to advance their own career with personal favor! At the very least, the cost/value of those statues ought to be taken out of their salary.
About time - she facilitated violent criminal and domestic terrorist looting, intimidation, burning, destroying, assaults, murder, targeting and assassination of police...

...she turned her back on the citizens and business owners it was her responsibility to protect and instead sided with the criminals and domestic terrorists, giving them aid, comfort, supplies, etc...

No federal laws are involved. Barr is clearly acting as Trump's Gestapo. Barr is proving that a secfond term under Trump and we would have a new Nazi Germany.
About time - she facilitated violent criminal and domestic terrorist looting, intimidation, burning, destroying, assaults, murder, targeting and assassination of police...

...she turned her back on the citizens and business owners it was her responsibility to protect and instead sided with the criminals and domestic terrorists, giving them aid, comfort, supplies, etc...

No federal laws are involved. Barr is clearly acting as Trump's Gestapo. Barr is proving that a secfond term under Trump and we would have a new Nazi Germany.
Actually-------------allowing and facilitating criminals act upon citizens is a clear violation of the citizens civil rights------Hang the mayor.
No federal laws are involved. Barr is clearly acting as Trump's Gestapo. Barr is proving that a secfond term under Trump and we would have a new Nazi Germany.
Do you realize this type of hyperbolic drama-queen nonsense actually hurts your cause?
Are you secretly a Trump supporter trying to make his opponents look like drooling morons?
If so, great job!
Well at the very least those mayors shouldn't be reelected.

I doubt the tax payers in those cities are pleased with what the mayors did. I also doubt many of the small business owners who had their shops burned to ground are happy either.

Oh they have insurance but most insurance doesn't cover the whole cost of what was lost. I also doubt those business owners hang around to see their businesses rebuilt. Hell I'd be moving somewhere else to start another business. One with a Rep mayor.
About time - she facilitated violent criminal and domestic terrorist looting, intimidation, burning, destroying, assaults, murder, targeting and assassination of police...

...she turned her back on the citizens and business owners it was her responsibility to protect and instead sided with the criminals and domestic terrorists, giving them aid, comfort, supplies, etc...

No federal laws are involved. Barr is clearly acting as Trump's Gestapo. Barr is proving that a secfond term under Trump and we would have a new Nazi Germany.
You should be happy .......Had I been in office......I'd have sent in Battalions of National Guard........declared Martial law.........and gave the order Looters will be shot..........

And that shit in Portland would have been over very has been done......1992 Los Angeles.....3000 National Guard.....

New Orleans......after Katrina.
About time - she facilitated violent criminal and domestic terrorist looting, intimidation, burning, destroying, assaults, murder, targeting and assassination of police...

...she turned her back on the citizens and business owners it was her responsibility to protect and instead sided with the criminals and domestic terrorists, giving them aid, comfort, supplies, etc...

No federal laws are involved. Barr is clearly acting as Trump's Gestapo. Barr is proving that a secfond term under Trump and we would have a new Nazi Germany.
You should be happy .......Had I been in office......I'd have sent in Battalions of National Guard........declared Martial law.........and gave the order Looters will be shot..........

And that shit in Portland would have been over very has been done......1992 Los Angeles.....3000 National Guard.....

New Orleans......after Katrina.

Yup. I'd have done the same. Looters and arsonists should be shot on sight.

Shoot a few and the rest will run like hell. But the Dem Mayors made their own bed and now they will have to try and explain that bed to the voters.
About time - she facilitated violent criminal and domestic terrorist looting, intimidation, burning, destroying, assaults, murder, targeting and assassination of police...

...she turned her back on the citizens and business owners it was her responsibility to protect and instead sided with the criminals and domestic terrorists, giving them aid, comfort, supplies, etc...

No federal laws are involved. Barr is clearly acting as Trump's Gestapo. Barr is proving that a secfond term under Trump and we would have a new Nazi Germany.

Doesn't matter. This governor and mayor have not protected the citizens that they swore to protect. They need to be charged. And we don't have Nazi Germany. That's just you leftist progs desperately throwing out the nazi card......again. No once cares.

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