US airforce propels ISIS offensive against Syrian army in Deir Ezzor

So who believes the US?

"(RT) The US’ sudden attempt to “help” the Syrian army fighting ISIL in the eastern city of Deir Ezzor, which resulted in a strike that killed and injured dozens of soldiers, does not look like an honest mistake, Russia’s UN envoy told journalists at the UNSC meeting.

“It is highly suspicious that the United States chose to conduct this particular air strike at this time,” Russia’s ambassador Vitaly Churkin said.

Churkin questioned why the US suddenly chose to “help” the Syrian army defend Deir Ezzor after all these years, recalling how American forces just observed terrorists’ movements and did “nothing when ISIL advanced on Palmyra.”

“It was quite significant and not accidental that it happened just two days before the Russian-American arrangements were supposed to come into full force,” Churkin added.

Churkin also questioned why the US decided to classify and not share with the public or even members of the Security Council the text of the US-Russia deal reached in Geneva, before reading out two passages from the document.

The preamble of the document signed by both nations on September 9 read that the US and Russia are prepared to undertake “joint efforts” to stabilize the situation in Syria with special emphasis on the Aleppo region, and would separate ‘moderate’ opposition forces from those of Al-Nusra. The second passage, presented by Churkin, read that the purpose of the Joint Implementation Group (JIG) is to “enable expanded coordination” between the US and Russia to work together to defeat Al-Nusra Front and ISIL and support the political transition process.

“The beginning of work of the Joint Implementation Group was supposed to be September 19. So if the US wanted to conduct an effective strike on Al-Nusra or ISIL, in Deir Ezzor or anywhere else, they could wait two more days and coordinate with our military and be sure that they are striking the right people.”

“Instead they chose to conduct this reckless operation,” Churkin said.

He also noted that the US has been voicing its concern over the humanitarian situation in Syria, claiming that because of it, “there are no conditions to start implementing the arrangements of the Joint Implementation Group.”

But the Syrian government cleared all obstacles for the humanitarian aid it be delivered, leaving the US with “no serious ground” to halt or postpone the start date of the JIG’s work.

“So it may well be, one has to conclude, that the airstrike has been conducted in order to derail the operation of the Joint Implementation Group and actually prevent it from being set in motion,” Churkin said.

“It may well be that the United States is trying to hide the fact that they are actually not in control of the situation, that they allowed the situation to get out of control.”

Vitaly Churkin spoke to journalists after briefly leaving the closed-door UN Security Council meeting, which was convened by Moscow to give Washington a chance to offer an explanation for the actions of its military.

However, instead of discussing the issue, US ambassador Samantha Power immediately left the room to address the press and accuse Russia of hypocrisy.

The US envoy to the UN spent some 30 seconds expressing “regret” over the unfortunate coalition airstrike that resulted in the loss of the lives of Syrian soldiers, and insisting that even if the ongoing investigation proves the US military is indeed to blame, it had never been their “intention” to strike Syrian military.

After that, Power spent the next 15 minutes slamming Moscow’s “uniquely hypocritical and cynical” attempt to make Washington explain itself at an urgent UNSC meeting.

“Why are we having this meeting tonight? It is a diversion from what is happening on the ground. If you don’t like what is happening on the ground then you distract. It is a magician’s trick… we encourage the Russian Federation to have emergency meetings with the Assad regime and deliver them to this deal,” said Samantha Power.

“What Russia is alleging tonight is that somehow the United States is undermining the fighting against ISIL. The Russian spokesperson even said that the United States might be complicit in this attack … this is not a game,” she added, before going into details of how Assad government is to blame for the dire situation in Syria."

Churkin wonders about real US intentions behind Syria attack, discloses excerpts from Wahshington-Moscow Deal’s document

"Deir Ezzor, Syria (12:20 A.M.) - Following the devastating US-led Coalition air strikes on the SAA-held Thardah Mountain which overlooks Deir Ezzor and the adjacent military airport, Islamic State terrorists were able to take advantage of the situation and capture the imperative mountain.

It is important to note that initially, the Syrian Army was able to recapture the mountain until ISIS launched a large-scale assault before the Syrian soldiers were able to fortify their positions and embolden their defenses.

With this US-supported endeavor, the terror organization is within striking distance of the airport's southern flank while becoming more well-positioned for a successful assault on the Panorama Roundabout and the Armenian Cemetery region west of the embattled city where over a 100,000 people lay at risk from a crippling siege.

In the following video, ISIS militants are seen gloating over the corpses of the Syrian Army personnel killed by the USAF as they pronounce that this 'conquest' sets the foundation for cleansing the province from the 'Nusayris', a term both ISIS and the US-backed Islamists used for Allawites who are considered by neither as Muslims.

Regardless of the US ambiguous intents in the Euphrates province, the current situation spells disaster for the city's many inhabitants."

Video: ISIS militants cheer atop Syrian soldiers killed by US air strikes
Most likely the U.S. purposely hit the Syrian military in order to guage Russian response. U.S. got the response and didn't like it. If Hillary gets elected and plans on setting up a no-fly zone in Syria, we'll see a Russian response that we really won't like as Russia won't bother going to the U.N..
How is this about the USA?

wait and see Captain Blei-----captain bligh over played HIS HAND-----too
Shabaan is is not talking about the USA as country. It is about the US government, that bunch of war criminals.

oh-----such a lovely liberal minded jihadista bitch
She belongs to a secular government fighting the jihadists your government fund. So in your own framework, you are the "jihadista bitch".
""Every time the Syrian state makes tangible progress either on the ground or towards national reconciliation, anti-Syrian states increase their support of terrorist organizations," Assad said in comments published by state news agency SANA.

"The latest example of this is the flagrant American aggression on one of the Syrian army's positions in Deir Ezzor to the benefit of Daesh" on Saturday, he added."
Assad accuses US of purposely targeting Syrian Army in Deir Ezzor

Denmark admits being involved in Deir Ezzor massacre
British jets 'may have' been involved in Deir Ezzor massacre
When there is a Senator who openly opposes the US government´s Syria policy, his name is Richard Black, national hero. Hopefully, Trump will invite Black to advise him on foreign affairs.

"A Senator of the State of Virginia expressed his 'deepest regrets for the terrible tragedy at Deir Ezzor' in a letter to Syria's Ambassador to the United Nations, Bashar Ja'afari."




U.S. State Senator: 'I join the Syrian people in mourning the loss' at Deir Ezzor massacre
Yeah damn us all to hell, friendly fire never use to kill anyone, before..........Obama.......who I heard sent the position for the strike himself </sarcasm>
Reports: Audio recording between ISIS and US before Deir Ezzor massacre found

"Sputnik have reported that the Syrian intelligence possesses an audio recording of conversation between ISIS terrorists and the US military prior to the Washington-led coalition airstrikes on government troops near Deir Ezzor on September 17, the speaker of the People's Council of Syria said Monday."

Reports: Audio recording between ISIS and US before Deir Ezzor massacre found

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