US authorities should keep their hands from my bank data !

So you either are refusing to debate a central point in your thesis or are admitting you believe that all laws are coercive, which they are, and therefore immoral, which they aren't.
Which is it?

I am refusing to be told what to do by you. You made a false point regarding what I believe and then demanded that I explain myself. Why should I?

Because this is a discussion board. Just sayin'.
Laws of themselves aren't coercive but the state uses its monopoly on the use of legitimate force (allowing for self-defence among individuals) to ensure that they are heeded. Disobey the law and you find yourself at the other end of coercion. Tax is regulated by the law, disobey that law and again you face the wrath of the state. Tax, of itself, isn't coercive, it's a social (and legal) obligation just like any other law.
There are only two things in life which are sure:

1. You are going to die
2. You have to pay taxes

For point one I think science will find a solution one day.

For point two I rather doubt it.

ze germanguy

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