US Budget Deficit is Shrinking

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
Oh my the libs will hate this! With tax cuts, the US governemnt is taking in MORE money.

So much money the budget deficit is shrinking.

When will libs learn when you cut taxes on the producers - EVERYONE benefits.

The US economy is booming and the left hates this good news.

I do like how the liberal media says "unexpected" increase in tax revenue. Unexpected to whom? The libs?{D431CEFF-CBE7-45D1-B7BC-0EBAEDEC17B7}

Unexpected tax revenue to shrink U.S. budget deficit

By MarketWatch
Last Update: 3:35 PM ET Jul 8, 2006

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- An unexpected spike in revenue from corporate taxes, individual stock market profits and executive bonuses is curbing the projected budget deficit this year, according to a media report.
The White House on Tuesday is expected to say that tax receipts are about $250 billion higher than they were a year ago, rising twice as fast as the administration forecast, the New York Times reported Saturday.
As a result, the budget deficit will be about $100 billion less than the White House predicted six months ago, the paper said.
The tax receipt windfall has been building for months, but its size and effect on the deficit surprised budget analysts, given the high costs for the war in Iraq and hurricane relief.
Congressional analysts told the Times that the greater-than-expected tax receipts could cut the deficit to $300 billion this year from $318 billion a year ago.
Corporate taxes that have nearly tripled since 2003, executive bonuses, and higher individual taxes on stock market profits are fueling the spike in tax revenue, the paper reported.
The Congressional Budget Office said Friday that corporate tax receipts rose 26% for the nine months ending in June compared with the year-ago period.

The Outstanding Public Debt as of 11 Jul 2006 at 09:14:01 AM GMT is:


The estimated population of the United States is 299,080,200
so each citizen's share of this debt is $28,142.17.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$1.71 billion per day since September 30, 2005.
Deep down Libs know that tax cuts benefit the economy. They simply want to see income redistribution from anyone richer than them to themselves. They have absolutely no belief in the idea of people working hard to make their own money. In short, they are socialist assholes.
theHawk said:
Deep down Libs know that tax cuts benefit the economy. They simply want to see income redistribution from anyone richer than them to themselves. They have absolutely no belief in the idea of people working hard to make their own money. In short, they are socialist assholes.

The American business climate is so amoral and unethical that the average person doesn't stand a chance of job security and every family must have two breadwinners just to make ends meet. Is this "conservative"? These tax cuts are a shell game to distract voters and citizens from the massive corporate welfare system in this country. I really don't care about getting a $300 tax cut when 30% of my income is going towards subsidising the oil companies and arms manufacturers.

Nuc said:
The American business climate is so amoral and unethical that the average person doesn't stand a chance of job security and every family must have two breadwinners just to make ends meet. Is this "conservative"? These tax cuts are a shell game to distract voters and citizens from the massive corporate welfare system in this country. I really don't care about getting a $300 tax cut when 30% of my income is going towards subsidising the oil companies and arms manufacturers.

And I don't like 30% of my income going towards "Fighting AIDS in Africa". Hence why we need more tax cuts!
theHawk said:
And I don't like 30% of my income going towards "Fighting AIDS in Africa". Hence why we need more tax cuts!

Good idea. Let's just have taxes to support objective needs such as roads. Cut all subsidies to all businesses. Privatize the military. Let people who like wars support it as if it's a religion. They can donate to various private mercenary groups (rather than having our taxes go to "contractor" mercenaries). Eliminate public schooling. Stop sending people to prison for social non-crimes such as pot and prostitution. If we cut out the bullshit we could probably get down to about a 5 or 10% tax rate.

The other alternative would be to continue having high taxes but then provide people with Scandinavian style social support. That won't work here because Americans are nowhere near as civilized as Scandinavians. It's difficult to do it with a diverse population.

Everything in between these two extremes is bogus as we can see with our high taxes, corrupt and stupid government, and poor services.
I don't think Military should be privatized. Taxes should go to our physical protection first and foremost. That means a military to protect us from foreign threats and a justice system to protect us from the criminal element in our own society. All welfare for "poor people" as well as for subsidies to businesses should be cut.
Nuc said:
The American business climate is so amoral and unethical that the average person doesn't stand a chance of job security and every family must have two breadwinners just to make ends meet. Is this "conservative"? These tax cuts are a shell game to distract voters and citizens from the massive corporate welfare system in this country. I really don't care about getting a $300 tax cut when 30% of my income is going towards subsidising the oil companies and arms manufacturers.


That 'every family must have 2 breadwinners' thing isn't what people think. They harken back to the days when the dad worked and the mom stayed at home. That's less common, so people assume it's because everyone's underpaid, but that's simply not true. The average person now has a 3 bedroom dwelling, multiple televisions, probably a game console, a computer, internet access, cable, 2 cars, etc. etc. This is compared to what people used to have: a 2 bedroom dwelling, maybe one television with rabbit ears, and only 1 car.

Now, I don't like subsidies, either. I think businesses should be allowed to succeed or fail based on their own merits, but I don't villify corporations...because they're not villians.

As far as taxes, though, I say we return to constitution, which, until an ammendment was passed through vicious class warfare, declared income tax illegal. Somehow, we fought WWI with NO income tax, and I think we should return to that. It's an oppressive system that costs us hundreds of billions every year. And corporate income taxes are worse, as it just ends up being a tax on their customers.
theHawk said:
I don't think Military should be privatized. Taxes should go to our physical protection first and foremost. That means a military to protect us from foreign threats and a justice system to protect us from the criminal element in our own society.

Our military doesn't protect us from outside threats very often, nowadays they are prancing around butting their noses into other people's business. Where were the military planes on Sept. 11th? The military is mainly a vehicle for arms profiteering.

Americans love war. They will pay for it as a form of entertainment just like they pay for other crappy forms of entertainment like rap, Hollywood, wrestling, NASCAR, etc. The main difference is if they pay for it as entertainment they will want a happy ending (i.e. victory) rather than the quicksand we are in now. That would be a good thing, no?
Hobbit said:
Now, I don't like subsidies, either. I think businesses should be allowed to succeed or fail based on their own merits, but I don't villify corporations...because they're not villians.

Some are, some aren't. Just to look at food issues the meat industry and the fast food industry are definitely villainous. Then entertainment. You don't think the record companies who force rap down our throats, thereby promoting violence and sexism, or the hideous "comedy" we find on the tube are villainous?
jillian said:
glad to hear you're concerned about the debt...

let's really downsize the government....

1. PBS - privitize it
2. Departments of Education, Energy - disband them
3. Line item veto on all spending bills except for spending bills associated with defense during a time of war, or other national emergency
4. Amtrack - privitize it
5. Reform Social Security
6. US Postal Service - privitize that

that's just off the top of my head
Nuc said:
Our military doesn't protect us from outside threats very often, nowadays they are prancing around butting their noses into other people's business. Where were the military planes on Sept. 11th? The military is mainly a vehicle for arms profiteering.

Americans love war. They will pay for it as a form of entertainment just like they pay for other crappy forms of entertainment like rap, Hollywood, wrestling, NASCAR, etc. The main difference is if they pay for it as entertainment they will want a happy ending (i.e. victory) rather than the quicksand we are in now. That would be a good thing, no?
"The military doesn't protect us from outside threats very often" - that is easily the most ignorant remark made on this board since it was founded.

"Americans love war" - that is the second most ignorant statement made on this board. I'd like you to get the names of 10 Americans that fit that description. No sane person likes war, unfortunately, there are bad people in this world that sometimes make it a necessary evil (did I hear someone say "Kim Jong Il"?)
KarlMarx said:
"The military doesn't protect us from outside threats very often" - that is easily the most ignorant remark made on this board since it was founded.

"Americans love war" - that is the second most ignorant statement made on this board. I'd like you to get the names of 10 Americans that fit that description. No sane person likes war, unfortunately, there are bad people in this world that sometimes make it a necessary evil (did I hear someone say "Kim Jong Il"?)

Bush haters will stop at nothing to, dismiss and downplay, the great ecomic news and this roaring economy
MtnBiker said:
Definitley villainous? How so?

If you take food seriously the quality of mass produced food in this country is pathetic. They are intentionally selling food they know is poisonous, toxic, soulless and just plain bad.

Or do you like to eat shit?
theHawk said:
Deep down Libs know that tax cuts benefit the economy. They simply want to see income redistribution from anyone richer than them to themselves. They have absolutely no belief in the idea of people working hard to make their own money. In short, they are socialist assholes.

Which has what to do with this admin and congress using our budget as if it were a blank check?

And I don't know about you, I like making money. I just don't want my government tossing my money down the drain. I saw what you said about not wanting your money (a grossly overstated amount, btw) going to solve the problem of AIDS in Africa. Well, I don't want mine going toward establishing a "democracy" at the point of a gun in Iraq...which is only going to be a theocracy based in sharia law anyway.

So...I'll give you back your money, if you give me back mine. Gee...I wonder which of us would make out better in that deal? :beer:
KarlMarx said:
"The military doesn't protect us from outside threats very often" - that is easily the most ignorant remark made on this board since it was founded.

"Americans love war" - that is the second most ignorant statement made on this board. I'd like you to get the names of 10 Americans that fit that description. No sane person likes war, unfortunately, there are bad people in this world that sometimes make it a necessary evil (did I hear someone say "Kim Jong Il"?)

I guess we'll have to wait to test my hypothesis. I'm pretty sure Americans would gladly make war part of their entertainment budget. Why not? They use the same kinds of methods propagandizing this "war" as Hollywood does selling their crap.

I find it puzzling that conservatives claim to be against the U.N., international law, thumb their nose at Kyoto, and then turn around and act like it's our duty to go around the globe an replace every corrupt government. Why not just have a world government if we want to control everything? In fact, why not just go to war with the entire world and defeat them, so we can run the whole show?
Nuc said:
If you take food seriously the quality of mass produced food in this country is pathetic. They are intentionally selling food they know is poisonous, toxic, soulless and just plain bad.

Or do you like to eat shit?

What I eat is irrelavant.

Exactly what poisons and toxicins are in these food products?
Nuc said:
I guess we'll have to wait to test my hypothesis. I'm pretty sure Americans would gladly make war part of their entertainment budget. Why not? They use the same kinds of methods propagandizing this "war" as Hollywood does selling their crap.

I find it puzzling that conservatives claim to be against the U.N., international law, thumb their nose at Kyoto, and then turn around and act like it's our duty to go around the globe an replace every corrupt government. Why not just have a world government if we want to control everything? In fact, why not just go to war with the entire world and defeat them, so we can run the whole show?

You need to cut back on your Kool Aid consumption

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