US Carrier Group heads toward Korean Peninsula

I'll just be blunt. A carrier strike group isn't intimidating anyone. Maybe a small island nation in the Caribbean, but not two nuclear powered countries with the largest militaries on earth, thousands of missiles in their possession, and several hundred current generation aircraft.

Are ya skeered?
Not many here are or have been a recognized military commander.

What the experts are saying is (1) the carrier group puts the dictator on notice, (2) and tells China to rein him in.
USS Carl Vinson headed toward Korean Peninsula -

Now that Trump has fixed Syria with about 5 dozen tomahawk missiles, it appears he is not off to fix North Korea as well.

I suggest that Trump send in the fleet into Lake Michigan and send a few tomahawk missiles into the murderous inner city of Chicago to fix them as well.

All he has to do is hit the "easy button" and all will be well with the world.
When they work this hard at making up stories, you know the election butt hurt is still there. :lol:
When they work this hard at making up stories, you know the election butt hurt is still there. :lol:
The Sunday Shows are all abuzz about taking out Assad. Haley has gone full nuclear. The hawks will take any toehold they can find. I don't understand how this has anything to do with election butt hurt.
When they work this hard at making up stories, you know the election butt hurt is still there. :lol:
The Sunday Shows are all abuzz about taking out Assad. Haley has gone full nuclear. The hawks will take any toehold they can find. I don't understand how this has anything to do with election butt hurt.

Because we are done with Assad, unless there is another chemical attack. Because we were working on the North Korea problem already with China. There are no new international military issues since Obama left office, yet Votto is digging hard to find one.
Clinton, the former secretary of State under President Obama, released a detailed statement on Friday, calling the action by North Korea "outrageous and unacceptable."

"I strongly condemn this reckless action, which – coupled with its recent series of missile launches – makes clear Pyongyang’s determination to develop a deliverable nuclear weapon," she said, alluding to four prior nuclear tests. The nuclear launch this week was North Korea's second in less than a year.

"This constitutes a direct threat to the United States, and we cannot and will never accept this," she said.
When it comes to North Korea, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump offer differing views
The Republicans started this N. Korean problem.
When they work this hard at making up stories, you know the election butt hurt is still there. :lol:
The Sunday Shows are all abuzz about taking out Assad. Haley has gone full nuclear. The hawks will take any toehold they can find. I don't understand how this has anything to do with election butt hurt.

Actually Hillary is praising Trump for his attack on Syria and probably hopes he will attack NK as well.
There is already another thread on this.

I reckon that makes two threads.


Ah, ah, ah!!!
Trump's 2020 campaign slogan (if not impeached or assassinated by then):

Make America a Globalist Police Force Again

So long as Trump does the dirty work of the globalists, he will be just fine thanks.
Trump didn't send the fleet to North Korea. He sent a carrier strike group.

As for his sending the Carl Vinson and the ships in its group, it seems to me a matter of "damned if you do and damned if you don't." The fact is Trump made a decision and we'll have live with it. It may turn out to be the right thing, or it may not.

One thing's certain, his sending the Vinson group can only be seen as "sabre rattling." Sometimes that's enough, other times its too much, and on other occasions it's altogether the wrong thing to do. AFAIK, nobody's really "sabre rattled" Kim Jong Un and the DPRK in recent times. It remains to be seen whether doing so was a good thing to do.

I suspect KJU thinks his nuclear arsenal will keep the U.S. from taking any real military action against him. I think he's mistaken. I think that the only thing stopping the U.S. from dealing more assertively with KJU is the risk of sending two of the world's major economies into a tailspin and recriminations by the PRC and the rest of the world were the U.S to unilaterally put an end to KJU's foolishness.

Frankly, I think nobody would have a thing to say about the DPRK had it not developed nuclear weapons. It could have oppressed its people and kept them living in among the worst conditions on the planet for as long as they wanted to and nobody who matters would have shed a tear.
The USS Carl Vinson berths in South Korea fairly often.
Trump didn't send the fleet to North Korea. He sent a carrier strike group.

As for his sending the Carl Vinson and the ships in its group, it seems to me a matter of "damned if you do and damned if you don't." The fact is Trump made a decision and we'll have live with it. It may turn out to be the right thing, or it may not.

One thing's certain, his sending the Vinson group can only be seen as "sabre rattling." Sometimes that's enough, other times its too much, and on other occasions it's altogether the wrong thing to do. AFAIK, nobody's really "sabre rattled" Kim Jong Un and the DPRK in recent times. It remains to be seen whether doing so was a good thing to do.

I suspect KJU thinks his nuclear arsenal will keep the U.S. from taking any real military action against him. I think he's mistaken. I think that the only thing stopping the U.S. from dealing more assertively with KJU is the risk of sending two of the world's major economies into a tailspin and recriminations by the PRC and the rest of the world were the U.S to unilaterally put an end to KJU's foolishness.

Frankly, I think nobody would have a thing to say about the DPRK had it not developed nuclear weapons. It could have oppressed its people and kept them living in among the worst conditions on the planet for as long as they wanted to and nobody who matters would have shed a tear.

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