US concludes Russian war planes bombed aid convoy

Mistakes on both sides of the fence...

After Slamming U.S. for Syria Airstrike, Russia Silent After Aid Convoy Bombed
September 20, 2016 – Two days after condemning the U.S. for a coalition airstrike that mistakenly hit Syrian troops rather than ISIS terrorists, Russia was mum Monday after an airstrike – probably by its Assad regime ally – struck an aid convoy in what a top U.N. humanitarian official said could be a war crime.
At least 12 aid workers and drivers were killed when the convoy operated by the U.N. and Syrian Red Crescent was attacked, after waiting for days for government permission to move from the Turkey border to Aleppo city. The U.N. said 18 of 31 trucks in the convoy were hit in the airstrike, which occurred just hours after the Assad regime unilaterally declared a shot-lived ceasefire over. Russian state media were either silent on the deadly attack on the convoy, or simply reported on a statement from U.N. officials about the incident, while making no reference to who may have been responsible. Likewise, 12 hours after the attack on the aid convoy, neither Syrian state television nor the state news agency SANA had reported on the incident.

By contrast, Russian and Syrian defense and government officials and media outlets continue to discuss and condemn a weekend airstrike by the U.S.-led coalition which the Pentagon said targeted ISIS jihadists but hit Syrian troops in error. Syrian diplomats charge that the attack, which reportedly killed 62 soldiers, was “pre-planned” and “deliberate,” designed to benefit ISIS. (President Bashar al-Assad himself made the accusation, in a meeting with a visiting Iranian deputy foreign minister.) Russia on Saturday night called an emergency U.N. Security Council meeting to discuss that airstrike, leading to an angry war of words between U.S. and Russian diplomats.

Two days later it was the turn of the U.S. government to voice outrage after the aid convoy was struck. “The destination of this convoy was known to the Syrian regime and the Russian federation and yet these aid workers were killed in their attempt to provide relief to the Syrian people,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement. Speaking in New York on the sidelines of U.N. meetings, Secretary of State John Kerry said that “the Russians need to control Assad, who evidently is indiscriminately bombing, including of humanitarian convoys.”

U.N. humanitarian relief coordinator Stephen O’Brien said the convoy that was struck had planned to take aid to almost 80,000 besieged Syrians. He said notification about its journey “had been provided to all parties to the conflict and the convoy was clearly marked as humanitarian. There can be no explanation or excuse, no reason or rationale for waging war on brave and selfless humanitarian workers trying to reach their fellow citizens in desperate need of assistance.” “Let me be clear,” O’Brien said. “If this callous attack is found to be a deliberate targeting of humanitarians, it would amount to a war crime.”

Syria convoy: UN chief calls attackers 'cowards' -

I guess Comrade Trump needs to contact his butt buddy, Poooootin and ask him to quit bombing UN aid convoys. Or are you Trumpettes going to defend him, like usual?

I support Trump completely, but am praying that putin, lavrov, and the rest of that scumbag bastard regime die in agony, or at least are arrested and hanged at the Hague for Crimes Against Humanity, like bombing this convoy and murdering those aid workers.

I hope putin dies a most horrible, painful death for all of the people he is responsible for killing, which numbers in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions.

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