US Congress To Green-Light Perpetual Global War...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Another day, another war. When will Americans tire of Perpetual War?

A bipartisan Authorization for the Use of Military Force introduced by Sens. Corker (R-TN) and Kaine (D-VA) is being celebrated as evidence that Congress has finally woken up from its slumber and is asserting its Constitutional obligations on matters of war and peace. Nothing could be further from the truth! This "reform" legislation only legalizes the currently unsustainable status quo, where the president can go to war anywhere and everywhere, against anyone he chooses, with no further Congressional approval needed.

This bill makes matters far worse, in that Congress will not be able to easily stop the president's new wars: under this new bill it will take a 2/3 vote to disapprove of any new presidential war! And still worse, it will allow the president to "declare war" on an individual person -- even an American citizen!

I've been shouting from the roof tops for months that there are NOT two party's and that Rump has on thing to do, take us to War in the ME
Fear followed by war is the way Republitards get elected and stay in power .. the country will never wake up until the weapon manufacturing complex goes away - which is never.
I've been shouting from the roof tops for months that there are NOT two party's and that Rump has on thing to do, take us to War in the ME
Doc1 , the Democrats and Republican parties are merely two cheeks on the same butt.
Then who is the asshole?
Any one of 535 congress critters. Go, eenie, meenie, minee mo and throw a dart.
That would be a fun pin the tail on an ass lol
You cant miss!
Imagine the world overpopulated as it would have been without periodic world wars.

Humans are so much like rats in a cage. Beyond a certain level they begin killing each other off until a balance is achieved. Without wars to do the job quickly you find yourself with a planet of Chicagos and Londons. All the gun laws a thousand liberal lawyers could write on a thousand computers can't change human nature. Even tough liberals are sub-human.
Another day, another war. When will Americans tire of Perpetual War?

A bipartisan Authorization for the Use of Military Force introduced by Sens. Corker (R-TN) and Kaine (D-VA) is being celebrated as evidence that Congress has finally woken up from its slumber and is asserting its Constitutional obligations on matters of war and peace. Nothing could be further from the truth! This "reform" legislation only legalizes the currently unsustainable status quo, where the president can go to war anywhere and everywhere, against anyone he chooses, with no further Congressional approval needed.

This bill makes matters far worse, in that Congress will not be able to easily stop the president's new wars: under this new bill it will take a 2/3 vote to disapprove of any new presidential war! And still worse, it will allow the president to "declare war" on an individual person -- even an American citizen!

that resolution should be challenged for Constitutionality. why should the People, believe Congress if they cannot wage War properly? Letters of marque and reprisal are all they should be allowed to do, if they won't raise taxes for their right wing agendas.
Imagine the world overpopulated as it would have been without periodic world wars.

Humans are so much like rats in a cage. Beyond a certain level they begin killing each other off until a balance is achieved. Without wars to do the job quickly you find yourself with a planet of Chicagos and Londons. All the gun laws a thousand liberal lawyers could write on a thousand computers can't change human nature. Even tough liberals are sub-human.



Sing it to the Toyes, you bunch of Globalist/Statist/Authoritarian/Military-Industrial-Complex-Cronies:

We go to war in the morning
We go to war at night
We go to war in the afternoon
and it makes our wallets tight
we go to war in time of peace
and go in time of war
we go to war before we go to war
and then we go to war!

So now we go to war if the Rs win
If the Ds win we go to war
we go to war when independents win
and with anybody else, a war begins
we go to war in time of peace
and war in time of war

we go to war before we go to war
and then we go to war!!!
Filthy Don campaigned and jumped everyone's chit about endless wars, but chooses to feed endless wars. Yep, Shady as fvck Two Scoops lies again.:113:

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