US Congress to Split Iraq Into Three States: Mission Accomplished?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Splitting Up Iraq CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

"A bill that could divide Iraq into three separate entities has passed the US House Armed Services Committee by a vote of 60 to 2.

"The controversial draft bill will now be debated in the US House of Representatives where it will be voted on sometime in late May.

"If approved, President Barack Obama will be free to sidestep Iraq’s central government in Baghdad and provide arms and assistance directly to Sunnis and the Kurds that are fighting ISIS.

"This, in turn, will lead to the de facto partitioning of the battered country into three parts; Kurdistan, Shiastan, and Sunnistan."

"Iraq's fate was sealed from the moment we invaded; it has no future as a unitary state..." The current bill is part of the 2016 NDAA but its roots extend to a 1982 article by Oded Yinon which required Israel to become an imperial regional power in the Middle East by dividing Iraq and Syria into a warring constellation of sectarian-based satellites.
Not sure how Congress can vote to do that, exactly. It sounds like the writer doesn't understand how government works.
As I understand it, congress is guaranteed to pass the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act and if that Act contains the controversial bill, Obama will be free to sidestep Iraq's central government in Baghdad and provide arms and assistance directly to Sunnis and Kurds currently fighting IS.
Splitting Up Iraq CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
"...(The Zionist Plan for the Middle East, Israel Shahak)

"The GOP-led House Armed Services Committee’s bill embraces Yinon’s vision of a fragmented Iraq. (Note: Under the current bill, which is part of the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), as much as 60% of the proposed funds, or $429m, would flow directly to the 'Kurdish Peshmerga, the Sunni tribal security forces with a national security mission, and the Iraqi Sunni National Guard'.)

" Providing weapons to Sunni militias and the Kurdish Peshmerga will inevitably lead to the disintegration of the country, the ramping up of sectarian hostilities, and the strengthening of extremist groups operating in the region.

"It’s a prescription for disaster. Here’s a brief excerpt from Yinon’s piece on Iraq..."

Splitting Up Iraq CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
Biden proposed this years ago.
Apparently he is still supporting the plan in spite of opposition from the Iraqi government:
"The Biden-Gelb plan, which was proposed in an op-ed in the New York Times in May 2006, called for the establishment of 'three largely autonomous regions' with Baghdad becoming a 'federal zone.'

"In other words, the powers of the Iraqi central government would be greatly reduced. The authors tried to soft-peddle their radical scheme as 'decentralization' which is a milder term than the more accurate 'partition'.

"The authors, both of who are members of the powerful Council on Foreign Relations, obscure the real aims of the plan which is to weaken the country through dismemberment and to leave it in 'a permanent state of colonial dependency.' (Chomsky)

"Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has denounced the proposed bill as an attempt to undermine his authority and rip the country apart. In a recent phone conversation with Vice President Biden, Abadi expressed his opposition to the bill insisting that 'only the Iraqi people can decide the future of their country.'”
Splitting Up Iraq CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
Colonel Ralph Peters has drawn maps of the New Middle East depicting the changes in store for Iraq and beyond
It wouldn't have any real effect internationally but would allow US aid to be directed to the Kurds - the only ones effectively fighting ISS.
It wouldn't have any real effect internationally but would allow US aid to be directed to the Kurds - the only ones effectively fighting ISS.
If the US begins direct support of Sunni forces like the Kurds and the Sunni National Guard, Iraqi Shi'ites have made it clear they will respond.
"Also, according to Press TV, Iraqi cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, warned that if congress passed the bill, he would order his Mahdi Army to resume hostilities against the US targets in Iraq.

“'We are obliged to lift the freeze on our military wing … and begin hitting US interests in Iraq and outside it,' said Sadr, who once led the powerful Mahdi Army and still enjoys huge influence among the Shia population."

Splitting Up Iraq CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
I think the US goverment have done enough damage in the middle east, more than enough. They should be fixing the imbalance with Israel and Palastine
Since America's Kenyan Emperor easily bypasses the (former) U.S. Constitution who's to say He might have even a little difficulty in aborting that of any other country?
I think the US goverment have done enough damage in the middle east, more than enough. They should be fixing the imbalance with Israel and Palastine
There are currently roughly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea, and over the past fifty years the former have filled the West Bank with hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants living in thousands of illegal settlements, thereby reducing the viability of a two-state solution to the problem. Some believe it would require US/UN peacekeepers in the Jordan valley for at least a generation to begin correcting the imbalance the Zionist colonization of Palestine has produced?
Since America's Kenyan Emperor easily bypasses the (former) U.S. Constitution who's to say He might have even a little difficulty in aborting that of any other country?
Surely, you are not implying whatever corporate tool follows Obama into the White House would behave any differently? Elite Democrats AND Republicans are fully committed to redrawing the borders of the New Middle East.

Greater Middle East - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Biden proposed this years ago.
Apparently he is still supporting the plan in spite of opposition from the Iraqi government:
"The Biden-Gelb plan, which was proposed in an op-ed in the New York Times in May 2006, called for the establishment of 'three largely autonomous regions' with Baghdad becoming a 'federal zone.'

"In other words, the powers of the Iraqi central government would be greatly reduced. The authors tried to soft-peddle their radical scheme as 'decentralization' which is a milder term than the more accurate 'partition'.

"The authors, both of who are members of the powerful Council on Foreign Relations, obscure the real aims of the plan which is to weaken the country through dismemberment and to leave it in 'a permanent state of colonial dependency.' (Chomsky)

"Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has denounced the proposed bill as an attempt to undermine his authority and rip the country apart. In a recent phone conversation with Vice President Biden, Abadi expressed his opposition to the bill insisting that 'only the Iraqi people can decide the future of their country.'”
Splitting Up Iraq CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
Colonel Ralph Peters has drawn maps of the New Middle East depicting the changes in store for Iraq and beyond

still pushing this old map from a rejected theory?
THAT shit ain't gonna happen. Not the way that map is drawn. No way on Earth Türkiye gives up the Eastern section of their country. I've been there, and have spent time in Diyarbakir. While it's heavily Kurd, the Turks are firmly in control. Erdogan wants to be the next Putin. Can you see Putin giving away Russian territory?
THAT shit ain't gonna happen. Not the way that map is drawn. No way on Earth Türkiye gives up the Eastern section of their country. I've been there, and have spent time in Diyarbakir. While it's heavily Kurd, the Turks are firmly in control. Erdogan wants to be the next Putin. Can you see Putin giving away Russian territory?
If that map becomes reality, Turkey's reward will be membership in the EU, and Israel will join NATO. The rich in both countries won't have to think twice about ceding control of some land for much more lucrative bu$ine$$ opportunitie$ in the west.
THAT shit ain't gonna happen. Not the way that map is drawn. No way on Earth Türkiye gives up the Eastern section of their country. I've been there, and have spent time in Diyarbakir. While it's heavily Kurd, the Turks are firmly in control. Erdogan wants to be the next Putin. Can you see Putin giving away Russian territory?
If that map becomes reality, Turkey's reward will be membership in the EU, and Israel will join NATO. The rich in both countries won't have to think twice about ceding control of some land for much more lucrative bu$ine$$ opportunitie$ in the west.
Türkiye is not going to get EU membership. Perhaps 10 years ago, but not now. That would put the EU bordering Syria, Iraq, and Kurdistan. They don't want that.

Türkiye's economy is actually booming and there is growth throughout the country, so international opportunities are not so badly needed.

Erdogan has become a de facto dictator, whom even the Army cannot overthrow any longer. He will never be seen as weak, or giving away anything to the Kurds.

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