US Congress to Split Iraq Into Three States: Mission Accomplished?

Face it GP, there is no Yinon and there was no Yinon and your latest "Jews did it" scam has crashed and burned just like all those that came before it.
Sieg Heil Bubba, Sieg Heil.
Then find credible sources who believe Oden Yinon never existed, never wrote his 1982 essay "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties", and back your libel that Israel Shahak wrote the essay instead of Yinon.

Can't do it, can you, Hasbara?

I can't find any credible sources that even mention the guy (nor apparently, can you) or anything the alleged Israeli journalist authored (other than Shahak's translation of what he claimed to be "the Yinon Plan"). I mean, you promoted this canard yet all you have is the British Nazi Party to support it. Sieg Heil, Bubba.
Face it GP, there is no Yinon and there was no Yinon and your latest "Jews did it" scam has crashed and burned just like all those that came before it.
Sieg Heil Bubba, Sieg Heil.
Then find credible sources who believe Oden Yinon never existed, never wrote his 1982 essay "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties", and back your libel that Israel Shahak wrote the essay instead of Yinon.

Can't do it, can you, Hasbara?

I take that screed to mean you also can find no credible info about the guy's life or anything the alleged Israeli journalist authored. Does it not strike you as odd that not one of the sources of this story managed to copy the actual article and publish it and not one copy of any of Yinon's articles exists? Not one original copy of the so-called "Yinon Plan" seems to have survived ... not even the one Shahak claimed to have translated. It's a fraud, GP, and Yinon is Harvey the Rabbit's second cousin.
Face it GP, there is no Yinon and there was no Yinon and your latest "Jews did it" scam has crashed and burned just like all those that came before it.
Sieg Heil Bubba, Sieg Heil.
Then find credible sources who believe Oden Yinon never existed, never wrote his 1982 essay "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties", and back your libel that Israel Shahak wrote the essay instead of Yinon.

Can't do it, can you, Hasbara?

I can't find any credible sources that even mention the guy (nor apparently, can you) or anything the alleged Israeli journalist authored (other than Shahak's translation of what he claimed to be "the Yinon Plan"). I mean, you promoted this canard yet all you have is the British Nazi Party to support it. Sieg Heil, Bubba.


If you (or anyone) had credible info (not "Best Guess" photos) about the existence of one Oded Yinon you would post it and not the same old BS websites that offer nothing. C'mon, GP ... just admit you screwed up, again.
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No one is checking to see if the Shahak claims (or Chumpsky's reference to them) are real. Still no bio info on the mysterious Yinon, eh?
In fact they are checking, Squeal.
Ever heard of Amazon?
Zionist Plan for the Middle East (Special Document, No 1) Paperback – June, 1982
by Oded Yinon (Author), Israel Shahak (Translator)"

Zionist Plan for the Middle East Special Document No 1 Oded Yinon Israel Shahak 9780937694565 Books

Still no info on the mysterious Oled Yinon, I see.
Doesn't that strike you as a bit odd considering his alleged career as a high ranking Israeli official and Jerusalem Post journalist?

you really need to stay clear of the CT sites. They erode brain cells.
You slurp up lies and twist them around and pretend they are facts.

US has done everything to get Iraq to stay together. It might be divided into units for each major ethnic or religious
group but it is still one country. US is 50 states within one. It helps to give each a sense of power to represent the people/group and help them be both individuals and citizens of a country without the inherent abuse and persecution of just a single hateful authority.

The theory you keep believing exists as a conspiracy against Iraq makes no logical sense. The country is made up of three major groups and none of them want to oppressed by the others. Three units to share a distribution of power and to still stay together makes sense.

The region is a beautiful mosaic not separate pictures trying to over power each other.

Your 'theory' began as a scholarly exercise comparing what was being built against a possible alternative. It was just presenting another scenario. You look at all the possibilities and go with the one that will be best for the situation.
Bindenburg is a place for people from all areas of study to get together and share ideas, not to make policy. It allows those invited to get different perspective to help them make the best choices for the future for each of their countries, businesses or group.

It is important to get ideas from outside your own closed groups. You don't have to accept them, but even a bad idea can make you thing about things in a different way.

Lewis present a theory and it did not fly. Now CT nuts make it seem this is some global plan to bring on a catastrophe. Just think about what has been going on in Iraq since it's independence, It has had problems even longer and no been a cohesive unit. It has been pulling itself apart long before these papers were written. You need to look forward under all scenarios to anticipate all the what ifs and which path is the better one to take.

Thought exercises are not meant to be the only policy a country(ies) or group should take, just a possibility of what might happen in this or that circumstance.

To split Iraq would leave too many resources in the hands of one or two group and leave the third to suffer or be killed off. The world has been trying to keep Iraq as a single state, not divided, for the last few decades. If you don't present what might happen if they were divided then you can't figure out if it will work or not.

Prove that this divided theory has been a global plan implement and not just so much wasted paper. It is just a thought exercise by a scholar. There is no global conspiracy. What is weighted is what is best for the people and the survival of a state(s) in the region.

Iran, Russia, ISIS, Kurds, Sunni, Shiite, etc., have all had their own reason to divide and conquer but Iraq is better served to bring all groups together and work for the country not their own smaller units. They need to look at the big picture not just three feet in front of themselves.

Find a new place to graze. A change in diet will be to your benefit. Trying to kick over every bucket you come near just leads to waste and does far more harm than good. Hate will lead to your early death. It will just eat away at you from the inside. Why do you want to hurt yourself and others with your venom? How will that solve anything? Hate will more likely bring about a disintegration of countries and collapse of governments, this idea of a divided Iraq, than anything else. Peace brings cooperation and benefit to the most people.

We need a wide range of ideas, a variety of studies, so that we can make informed decisions. It is better to think in many directions and dimensions, not be stuck with one. God (for those who believe) is supposed to have created man to think and make his own decision. We are not robots goosestepping in one direction. We need to imagine other possibilities and explore all the what ifs we can.
you really need to stay clear of the CT sites. They erode brain cells.
You slurp up lies and twist them around and pretend they are facts.

US has done everything to get Iraq to stay together. It might be divided into units for each major ethnic or religious
group but it is still one country. US is 50 states within one. It helps to give each a sense of power to represent the people/group and help them be both individuals and citizens of a country without the inherent abuse and persecution of just a single hateful authority.

The theory you keep believing exists as a conspiracy against Iraq makes no logical sense. The country is made up of three major groups and none of them want to oppressed by the others. Three units to share a distribution of power and to still stay together makes sense.

The region is a beautiful mosaic not separate pictures trying to over power each other.

Your 'theory' began as a scholarly exercise comparing what was being built against a possible alternative. It was just presenting another scenario. You look at all the possibilities and go with the one that will be best for the situation.
Bindenburg is a place for people from all areas of study to get together and share ideas, not to make policy. It allows those invited to get different perspective to help them make the best choices for the future for each of their countries, businesses or group.

It is important to get ideas from outside your own closed groups. You don't have to accept them, but even a bad idea can make you thing about things in a different way.

Lewis present a theory and it did not fly. Now CT nuts make it seem this is some global plan to bring on a catastrophe. Just think about what has been going on in Iraq since it's independence, It has had problems even longer and no been a cohesive unit. It has been pulling itself apart long before these papers were written. You need to look forward under all scenarios to anticipate all the what ifs and which path is the better one to take.

Thought exercises are not meant to be the only policy a country(ies) or group should take, just a possibility of what might happen in this or that circumstance.

To split Iraq would leave too many resources in the hands of one or two group and leave the third to suffer or be killed off. The world has been trying to keep Iraq as a single state, not divided, for the last few decades. If you don't present what might happen if they were divided then you can't figure out if it will work or not.

Prove that this divided theory has been a global plan implement and not just so much wasted paper. It is just a thought exercise by a scholar. There is no global conspiracy. What is weighted is what is best for the people and the survival of a state(s) in the region.

Iran, Russia, ISIS, Kurds, Sunni, Shiite, etc., have all had their own reason to divide and conquer but Iraq is better served to bring all groups together and work for the country not their own smaller units. They need to look at the big picture not just three feet in front of themselves.

Find a new place to graze. A change in diet will be to your benefit. Trying to kick over every bucket you come near just leads to waste and does far more harm than good. Hate will lead to your early death. It will just eat away at you from the inside. Why do you want to hurt yourself and others with your venom? How will that solve anything? Hate will more likely bring about a disintegration of countries and collapse of governments, this idea of a divided Iraq, than anything else. Peace brings cooperation and benefit to the most people.

We need a wide range of ideas, a variety of studies, so that we can make informed decisions. It is better to think in many directions and dimensions, not be stuck with one. God (for those who believe) is supposed to have created man to think and make his own decision. We are not robots goosestepping in one direction. We need to imagine other possibilities and explore all the what ifs we can.

Rational, reasonable, factual and well written. The OP doesn't really care about what happens to Iraq ... the same people who live there now will still be there tomorrow. No, GP's point was (and always is) that "the Joooos did it!" The rest is just fluff intended to serve that point.
I take that screed to mean you also can find no credible info about the guy's life or anything the alleged Israeli journalist authored. Does it not strike you as odd that not one of the sources of this story managed to copy the actual article and publish it and not one copy of any of Yinon's articles exists?
Chomsky believes Yinon's essay exists and he's likely read it in Hebrew and English; if you can offer evidence he's lying, feel free to post it.
Fateful Triangle The United States Israel and the Palestinians - Noam Chomsky - Google Books

Page 788 Fateful Triangle Updated Edition The United States Israel and the Palestinians South End Press Classics Series

It strikes me Oded Yinon was a relatively minor cog in the Zionist wheel who wrote one significant essay during his entire career, and, for all the wrong reasons, proposed a solution to Israel's Arab Problem which became viable after the Soviet Union disappeared. The current fragmenting of Iraq and Syria confirms some in positions of power today accept his 1982 solution.
ounds like Yugoslavia and I am all for arming every side of the current conflict there with all the bows and arrows necessary to allow them to have at each other for the next 100 years (after which we can deal appropriately with the "winner").
Israel First?
Lemme guess...

When you read Shirer's "Rise and Fall...", you soiled your undies when you came to the passages describing Kristalnacht and the Death Camps, didn't ya?

Folks... the cartoon "Jew Troll" says it all.

Your Honor... the Prosecution rests.
If you've got a problem with me, take it to the Flame Zone, wussbag... I did not throw the first rock (unsolicited and unprovoked personal ad hominem) here.
Any fucking time, Sissy.
Mighty big talk, from a sissy-mary who wimped out of Air Force basic training after ten days, with a so-called 'bad back'.

Compared to Navy, Marine Corps or Army basic training... Air Force basic training is more like Boy Scout summer-camp on steroids - hell, most folks with an Air Force background would be the first to admit it - and you couldn't even cut that.

My, my my...

Yessir... mighty big talk, indeed.
What in the world does that have to do with charges that you post the way you do, simply to knock your own country, and to give aid and support to Radical Islamists?
Do you mean Radical Islamists like al-Qaeda and the Taliban, and IS, all of which were created my own country?
"The fact that US and Israeli strategic objectives match up so closely calls into question the ISIS invasion of Iraq in 2014 when a two mile-long column of white land rovers loaded with 15,000 jihadis barreled across the open desert from Syria spewing clouds of dust into the atmosphere without being detected by US AWACs or state-of-the-art spy satellites.

"The logical explanation for this so called “intelligence failure” is that it was not a failure at all, but that Washington wanted the operation to go forward as it coincided with US-Israeli strategic aims.

"As it happens, the areas now controlled by the Kurds, the Sunnis and the Shia are very close to those projected by Yinon suggesting that the ISIS invasion was part of a broader plan from the very beginning."
Splitting Up Iraq CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
I take that screed to mean you also can find no credible info about the guy's life or anything the alleged Israeli journalist authored. Does it not strike you as odd that not one of the sources of this story managed to copy the actual article and publish it and not one copy of any of Yinon's articles exists?
Chomsky believes Yinon's essay exists and he's likely read it in Hebrew and English; if you can offer evidence he's lying, feel free to post it.
Fateful Triangle The United States Israel and the Palestinians - Noam Chomsky - Google Books

Page 788 Fateful Triangle Updated Edition The United States Israel and the Palestinians South End Press Classics Series

It strikes me Oded Yinon was a relatively minor cog in the Zionist wheel who wrote one significant essay during his entire career, and, for all the wrong reasons, proposed a solution to Israel's Arab Problem which became viable after the Soviet Union disappeared. The current fragmenting of Iraq and Syria confirms some in positions of power today accept his 1982 solution.

Even minor cogs leave a trail. They don't come from nowhere, drop a theory paper down and disappear into thin air.
So called evidence of Yinon's paper is found on trash and hate sites not legitimate news or scholarly sites.
You want it to be true without proof, background or context. Anyone can have an idea, but the knowledge and support to make it real is lacking. It is just a piece of paper, nothing more.

Where is the proof that it is being intentionally implemented by some 'enemy' to destabilize the region, or the world?
It is just part of the vast conspiracy network of paranoid fear mongers that pit groups against each other for their own twisted aims.

Consider how such a plan would benefit the region or benefit someone else? Just wasted attemps to force some type of anticipated Armageddon, if you believe it that type of thing.

Help find a good way for everyone's benefit to bring a peace to the region and world instead of attacking others. Find a middle ground to bring people together instead of taking extreme sides.

Be part of the solution instead of the problem.

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