US Congress to Split Iraq Into Three States: Mission Accomplished?

They just copy the same BS, GP, and not a single word about his birth, death, life, education or family and nothing about anything this alleged journalist ever wrote (other than Shahak's "translation" of the conveniently untraceable "Yinon Plan"). Amazing! Wake up, GP!
You're the only one asleep on this thread.
We like Jews much better than we like Muslims.
You like Jews much better.
Those of us who don't make amateurish jokes about the ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Arabs recognize racist trolls when we see one.
They just copy the same BS, GP, and not a single word about his birth, death, life, education or family and nothing about anything this alleged journalist ever wrote (other than Shahak's "translation" of the conveniently untraceable "Yinon Plan"). Amazing! Wake up, GP!
You're the only one asleep on this thread.

Face it GP, there is no Yinon and there was no Yinon and your latest "Jews did it" scam has crashed and burned just like all those that came before it.
Sieg Heil Bubba, Sieg Heil.
Why not? that county is a complete war zone anyways, its not like its calm and peaceful and we want to break it up.
Would you support putting tens of thousands of US troops back into Iraq?
"Also, according to Press TV, Iraqi cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, warned that if congress passed the bill, he would order his Mahdi Army to resume hostilities against the US targets in Iraq."
Splitting Up Iraq CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

Why would we need to go back?
...You like Jews much better...
It must be a bitch-kitty for you, Achmed... in your 60s and still living in Mom's basement... don't over-think it, sugar-britches... you'll strain your brain-box.

If you've got a problem with me, take it to the Flame Zone, wussbag... I did not throw the first rock (unsolicited and unprovoked personal ad hominem) here.

Either address the subject matter without the idiotic knee-jerk personal-attack reactions or go post someplace else.

Sweet cheeks.
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Why not? that county is a complete war zone anyways, its not like its calm and peaceful and we want to break it up.
Would you support putting tens of thousands of US troops back into Iraq?
"Also, according to Press TV, Iraqi cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, warned that if congress passed the bill, he would order his Mahdi Army to resume hostilities against the US targets in Iraq."
Splitting Up Iraq CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

Why would we need to go back?
It's just Georgie-Achmed, trying to scare the US into inaction, so that his Arab butt-buddies can enjoy their cat-fight without input from our side...

And as another way of obstructing a military power (the US) whom he delusionally perceives as being in the thrall of the Israeli leadership...

You know, our resident, premier Jew-baiter and one of the board's more delusional Jew-hatera and Muslim-Arab Propagandists and Useful Idiots,
ounds like Yugoslavia and I am all for arming every side of the current conflict there with all the bows and arrows necessary to allow them to have at each other for the next 100 years (after which we can deal appropriately with the "winner").
Israel First?
Why not? that county is a complete war zone anyways, its not like its calm and peaceful and we want to break it up.
Would you support putting tens of thousands of US troops back into Iraq?
"Also, according to Press TV, Iraqi cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, warned that if congress passed the bill, he would order his Mahdi Army to resume hostilities against the US targets in Iraq."
Splitting Up Iraq CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

Why would we need to go back?
It's just Georgie-Achmed, trying to scare the US into inaction, so that his Arab butt-buddies can enjoy their cat-fight without input from our side...

And as another way of obstructing a military power (the US) whom he delusionally perceives as being in the thrall of the Israeli leadership...

You know, our resident, premier Jew-baiter and one of the board's more delusional Jew-hatera and Muslim-Arab Propagandists and Useful Idiots,
Speak plainly, George... what is it that you're trying to tell us with this?
One possible consequence of directly arming Iraqi Sunni forces is the shelling of the Green Zone by disgruntled Shia; are you really too fucking stupid to reason that for yourself, Golda?
Face it GP, there is no Yinon and there was no Yinon and your latest "Jews did it" scam has crashed and burned just like all those that came before it.
Sieg Heil Bubba, Sieg Heil.
Then find credible sources who believe Oden Yinon never existed, never wrote his 1982 essay "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties", and back your libel that Israel Shahak wrote the essay instead of Yinon.

Can't do it, can you, Hasbara?
Sounds like Yugoslavia and I am all for arming every side of the current conflict there with all the bows and arrows necessary to allow them to have at each other for the next 100 years (after which we can deal appropriately with the "winner").
Israel First?

Keeping your Jihadi comrades busy killing each other is in America's best interest GP, but I do understand that doing so will distract them from doing your bidding (and that of your Fuehrer). Tough noogies.

Keeping your Jihadi comrades busy killing each other is in America's best interest GP, but I do understand that doing so will distract them from doing your bidding (and that of your Fuehrer). Tough noogies
Most of that killing involves women, children, and civilians which probably explains your Protective Edge.
Face it GP, there is no Yinon and there was no Yinon and your latest "Jews did it" scam has crashed and burned just like all those that came before it.
Sieg Heil Bubba, Sieg Heil.
Then find credible sources who believe Oden Yinon never existed, never wrote his 1982 essay "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties", and back your libel that Israel Shahak wrote the essay instead of Yinon.

Can't do it, can you, Hasbara?

I can't find any credible sources that even mention the guy (nor apparently, can you) or anything the alleged Israeli journalist authored (other than Shahak's translation of what he claimed to be "the Yinon Plan"). I mean, you promoted this canard yet all you have is the British Nazi Party to support it. Sieg Heil, Bubba.
Why would we need to go back?
Because the Mahdi army will attack the Green Zone.
"Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has denounced the proposed bill as an attempt to undermine his authority and rip the country apart. In a recent phone conversation with Vice President Biden, Abadi expressed his opposition to the bill insisting that “only the Iraqi people can decide the future of their country.”

"Also, according to Press TV, Iraqi cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, warned that if congress passed the bill, he would order his Mahdi Army to resume hostilities against the US targets in Iraq.

“'We are obliged to lift the freeze on our military wing … and begin hitting US interests in Iraq and outside it,' said Sadr, who once led the powerful Mahdi Army and still enjoys huge influence among the Shia population."

Splitting Up Iraq CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
Keeping your Jihadi comrades busy killing each other is in America's best interest GP, but I do understand that doing so will distract them from doing your bidding (and that of your Fuehrer). Tough noogies
Most of that killing involves women, children, and civilians which probably explains your Protective Edge.

Really GP? Are you actually admitting that your sub-human Jihadi comrades are slaughtering women and children? Perhaps it's time you get off that camel:

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