US Congress to Split Iraq Into Three States: Mission Accomplished?

No one is checking to see if the Shahak claims (or Chumpsky's reference to them) are real. Still no bio info on the mysterious Yinon, eh?
In fact they are checking, Squeal.
Ever heard of Amazon?
Zionist Plan for the Middle East (Special Document, No 1) Paperback – June, 1982
by Oded Yinon (Author), Israel Shahak (Translator)"

Zionist Plan for the Middle East Special Document No 1 Oded Yinon Israel Shahak 9780937694565 Books

Still no info on the mysterious Oled Yinon, I see.
Doesn't that strike you as a bit odd considering his alleged career as a high ranking Israeli official and Jerusalem Post journalist?
"The Association of Arab-American University Graduates finds it compelling to inaugurate its new publication series, Special Documents, with Oded Yinon’s article which appeared in Kivunim (Directions), the journal of the Department of Information of the World Zionist Organization. Oded Yinon is an Israeli journalist and was formerly attached to the Foreign Ministry of Israel." - Global Research

Round and round the camel crap spins. Despite the claims of Shahak, the Arab Press and the alleged credentials of Obed Yinon, there is no info on the mysterious Mr. Yinon. Nothing. Frankly, that's just not possible. I suspect Shahak fabricated the "Yinon Plan" and Obed Yinon from whole cloth.
Israel Himmelstaub (Shahak)

Not sure how Congress can vote to do that, exactly. It sounds like the writer doesn't understand how government works.
Why are not you sure? Do you doubt that the Congress cause instability in the region to get own interests as a result. I have seen a map of the Middle East for some future years. And you know: A lot of countries will be divided.

It's own interests? So you are onewho believes hey do ot
No one is checking to see if the Shahak claims (or Chumpsky's reference to them) are real. Still no bio info on the mysterious Yinon, eh?
In fact they are checking, Squeal.
Ever heard of Amazon?
Zionist Plan for the Middle East (Special Document, No 1) Paperback – June, 1982
by Oded Yinon (Author), Israel Shahak (Translator)"

Zionist Plan for the Middle East Special Document No 1 Oded Yinon Israel Shahak 9780937694565 Books

Still no info on the mysterious Oled Yinon, I see.
Doesn't that strike you as a bit odd considering his alleged career as a high ranking Israeli official and Jerusalem Post journalist?

Still finding no info on Yinon, eh? I'm having the same problem but I did find something on Note the first 4 words:
"Smoloko is a independent run news-organization which always strives to deliver you recent and past educational and informative information available to you. Whether the subject is false-flag terrorism, the Illuminati central banking cartel or world-wide masonic misconduct, we will always cover it."
About us Smoloko
Still no info on the mysterious Oled Yinon, I see.
Doesn't that strike you as a bit odd considering his alleged career as a high ranking Israeli official and Jerusalem Post journalist?
"Israeli foreign policy advisor Oded Yinon compiled the blueprint for splitting Iraq, a centrist nation of religionists and secularists, Muslims and Christians, affluents, the working class and the poor, into three sectarian states in 1982 (23), furthering ethnic tensions and creating religious divides."
Oded Yinon Israel
"The Association of Arab-American University Graduates finds it compelling to inaugurate its new publication series, Special Documents, with Oded Yinon’s article which appeared in Kivunim (Directions), the journal of the Department of Information of the World Zionist Organization. Oded Yinon is an Israeli journalist and was formerly attached to the Foreign Ministry of Israel." - Global Research

Round and round the camel crap spins. Despite the claims of Shahak, the Arab Press and the alleged credentials of Obed Yinon, there is no info on the mysterious Mr. Yinon. Nothing. Frankly, that's just not possible. I suspect Shahak fabricated the "Yinon Plan" and Obed Yinon from whole cloth.
Israel Himmelstaub (Shahak)


You forgot the accompanying tag with your picture: "Best guess for this image: oded yinon" Try clicking on the name ... still no info on the guy. Nothing.
Splitting Up Iraq CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

"A bill that could divide Iraq into three separate entities has passed the US House Armed Services Committee by a vote of 60 to 2.

"The controversial draft bill will now be debated in the US House of Representatives where it will be voted on sometime in late May.

"If approved, President Barack Obama will be free to sidestep Iraq’s central government in Baghdad and provide arms and assistance directly to Sunnis and the Kurds that are fighting ISIS.

"This, in turn, will lead to the de facto partitioning of the battered country into three parts; Kurdistan, Shiastan, and Sunnistan."

"Iraq's fate was sealed from the moment we invaded; it has no future as a unitary state..." The current bill is part of the 2016 NDAA but its roots extend to a 1982 article by Oded Yinon which required Israel to become an imperial regional power in the Middle East by dividing Iraq and Syria into a warring constellation of sectarian-based satellites.

Oh good. Infidels drawing up middle east maps works super duper well.
You forgot the accompanying tag with your picture: "Best guess for this image: oded yinon" Try clicking on the name ... still no info on the guy. Nothing.
"Web References
The Official Website of the British People's Party
Official website of the BPP 23 Oct 2014 [cached]
Israeli foreign policy advisor Oded Yinon compiled the blueprint for splitting Iraq, a centrist nation of religionists and secularists, Muslims and Christians, affluents, the working class and the poor, into three sectarian states in 1982 (23), furthering ethnic tensions and creating religious divides.
"The destabilization of Egypt has been laid out in detail byOded Yinon, former senior Israeli foreign policy advisor, in the same document laying out the blueprints for the annihilation and annexation of Iraq."

Oded Yinon Israel
Still no info on the mysterious Oled Yinon, I see.
Doesn't that strike you as a bit odd considering his alleged career as a high ranking Israeli official and Jerusalem Post journalist?
"Israeli foreign policy advisor Oded Yinon compiled the blueprint for splitting Iraq, a centrist nation of religionists and secularists, Muslims and Christians, affluents, the working class and the poor, into three sectarian states in 1982 (23), furthering ethnic tensions and creating religious divides."
Oded Yinon Israel

Not a word about his birth (death?) or family or picture or anything the alleged journalist ever wrote. It's the exact same non-information gleaned from the Shahak "translation" as the other sites have and posted by some - uh - interesting parties. I do believe you've been the eager victim of a scam, GP. You've been punked.
Oh good. Infidels drawing up middle east maps works super duper well.
It didn't work out too well for most of those living there in 1916:
"The Sykes–Picot Agreement, officially known as the Asia Minor Agreement, was a secret agreement between the governments of theUnited Kingdom and France,[1] with the assent of Russia, defining their proposed spheres of influence and control in the Middle East should the Triple Entente succeed in defeating the Ottoman Empire during World War I. The negotiation of the treaty occurred between November 1915 and March 1916.[2] The agreement was concluded on 16 May 1916,"
Sykes Picot Agreement - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
All this does is to change the way we provide arms to the Iraqis.

If we want to make sure that the arms get to the faction(s) we favor, and if we cannot reliably do this through that joke of a central government, then let's do it.

Besides... a de facto splintering merely reaffirms the folly of the artificial construct that the Brits created in the wake of the First World War.

Iraq always was an artificial construct.

So... like water finding its own level... so-called 'Iraq' dissolves into its constituent parts.

I'm sure there are drawbacks, but c'est la vie.
I think the US goverment have done enough damage in the middle east, more than enough. They should be fixing the imbalance with Israel and Palastine
Fixing the imbalance between Israel and Palestine?

Whatever for?

We like Jews much better than we like Muslims.

Especially after 9-11.

We tend to strengthen our friends and weaken our enemies.

Like everybody else on the face of the planet.
Not a word about his birth (death?) or family or picture or anything the alleged journalist ever wrote. It's the exact same non-information gleaned from the Shahak "translation" as the other sites have and posted by some - uh - interesting parties. I do believe you've been the eager victim of a scam, GP. You've been punked.
"About 36,200 results (0.59 seconds)

Showing results for oded yinon
Search instead for oded yinnon"

You're the only punk in this thread.
36,000 results in half-a-second for someone you allege never existed? Is hasbara really that desperate, or are you?

You forgot the accompanying tag with your picture: "Best guess for this image: oded yinon" Try clicking on the name ... still no info on the guy. Nothing.
"Web References
The Official Website of the British People's Party
Official website of the BPP 23 Oct 2014 [cached]
Israeli foreign policy advisor Oded Yinon compiled the blueprint for splitting Iraq, a centrist nation of religionists and secularists, Muslims and Christians, affluents, the working class and the poor, into three sectarian states in 1982 (23), furthering ethnic tensions and creating religious divides.
"The destabilization of Egypt has been laid out in detail byOded Yinon, former senior Israeli foreign policy advisor, in the same document laying out the blueprints for the annihilation and annexation of Iraq."

Oded Yinon Israel

I'm not surprised that you are reduced to posting British Nazi Party tripe here, GP, but I do find curious that despite the fact that the party was dissolved in 2013, that Official website of the BPP post was authored on 23 Oct 2014. Evidently haters gotta hate.
BTW ... paid memebership in the BPP ranged from 262 (2006) to 78 (2010).
So have you found a real bio on the infamous Mr. Yinon or just more of this fabricated Nazi BS?
I'm sure there are drawbacks, but c'est la vie
Be sure to keep that in mind on your next visit to the Green Zone:

"Also, according to Press TV, Iraqi cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, warned that if congress passed the bill, he would order his Mahdi Army to resume hostilities against the US targets in Iraq.

“'We are obliged to lift the freeze on our military wing … and begin hitting US interests in Iraq and outside it,' said Sadr, who once led the powerful Mahdi Army and still enjoys huge influence among the Shia population.

Splitting Up Iraq CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
All this does is to change the way we provide arms to the Iraqis.

If we want to make sure that the arms get to the faction(s) we favor, and if we cannot reliably do this through that joke of a central government, then let's do it.

Besides... a de facto splintering merely reaffirms the folly of the artificial construct that the Brits created in the wake of the First World War.

Iraq always was an artificial construct.

So... like water finding its own level... so-called 'Iraq' dissolves into its constituent parts.

I'm sure there are drawbacks, but c'est la vie.

Sounds like Yugoslavia and I am all for arming every side of the current conflict there with all the bows and arrows necessary to allow them to have at each other for the next 100 years (after which we can deal appropriately with the "winner").
Last edited:
I'm sure there are drawbacks, but c'est la vie
Be sure to keep that in mind on your next visit to the Green Zone:

"Also, according to Press TV, Iraqi cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, warned that if congress passed the bill, he would order his Mahdi Army to resume hostilities against the US targets in Iraq.

“'We are obliged to lift the freeze on our military wing … and begin hitting US interests in Iraq and outside it,' said Sadr, who once led the powerful Mahdi Army and still enjoys huge influence among the Shia population.

Splitting Up Iraq CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
Speak plainly, George... what is it that you're trying to tell us with this?
I'm sure there are drawbacks, but c'est la vie
Be sure to keep that in mind on your next visit to the Green Zone:

"Also, according to Press TV, Iraqi cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, warned that if congress passed the bill, he would order his Mahdi Army to resume hostilities against the US targets in Iraq.

“'We are obliged to lift the freeze on our military wing … and begin hitting US interests in Iraq and outside it,' said Sadr, who once led the powerful Mahdi Army and still enjoys huge influence among the Shia population.

Splitting Up Iraq CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

Not a word about his birth (death?) or family or picture or anything the alleged journalist ever wrote. It's the exact same non-information gleaned from the Shahak "translation" as the other sites have and posted by some - uh - interesting parties. I do believe you've been the eager victim of a scam, GP. You've been punked.
"About 36,200 results (0.59 seconds)

Showing results for oded yinon
Search instead for oded yinnon"

You're the only punk in this thread.
36,000 results in half-a-second for someone you allege never existed? Is hasbara really that desperate, or are you?


They just copy the same BS, GP, and not a single word about his birth, death, life, education or family and nothing about anything this alleged journalist ever wrote (other than Shahak's "translation" of the conveniently untraceable "Yinon Plan"). Amazing! Wake up, GP!

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