US Congress to Split Iraq Into Three States: Mission Accomplished?

Nope. The infoclearinghouse article claims that to be the case but provides no link to either the article or the alleged author (and there is none to be found anywhere). In other words, the story was likely fabricated by hateful Nazi slugs just to provide fuel for hateful Nazi slugs like ... you.
The article includes an English translation of Yinon's article originally published in Hebrew; in other words, your hasbara is weak, and you are too lazy/brainwashed to read the link in its entirety.
That's it? I make a serious and reasonable request that you provide a link to the alleged Yinon article or even just a link to the existence of its author - because your sources provide neither - and you call it "history" and punt? I accept that as your capitulation in the matter but not as your apology for foisting your Nazi shit on this board again ... not that you have ever exhibited the integrity required to admit you're a lying Nazi slug, Princess.
How many times do you require the same link, Golda?
Oded Yinon

That is not a link to Oded Yinon, Princess, but rather to that blogsite's use of the name. Your sources claim he was a high-ranking Israeli official and a Jerusalem post journalist yet there is no record of his existence or to the alleged plan you and they claim he authored. Keep digging.

Still no link to the alleged Yinon article, Princess? How about one to the author with some bio info? Still nothing?
Nope. The infoclearinghouse article claims that to be the case but provides no link to either the article or the alleged author (and there is none to be found anywhere). In other words, the story was likely fabricated by hateful Nazi slugs just to provide fuel for hateful Nazi slugs like ... you.
The article includes an English translation of Yinon's article originally published in Hebrew; in other words, your hasbara is weak, and you are too lazy/brainwashed to read the link in its entirety.

Still no link to the alleged Yinon article, Princess? How about one to the author with some bio info? Still nothing?
Nope. The infoclearinghouse article claims that to be the case but provides no link to either the article or the alleged author (and there is none to be found anywhere). In other words, the story was likely fabricated by hateful Nazi slugs just to provide fuel for hateful Nazi slugs like ... you.
The article includes an English translation of Yinon's article originally published in Hebrew; in other words, your hasbara is weak, and you are too lazy/brainwashed to read the link in its entirety.
Profile: Oded Yinon

Oded Yinon was a participant or observer in the following events:

February 1982: Article in Israeli Journal Says Israel Should Exploit Internal Tensions of Arab States[/paste:font]

The winter issue of Kivunim, a “A Journal for Judaism and Zionism,” publishes “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties” by Oded Yinon. The paper, published in Hebrew, rejects the idea that Israel should carry through with the Camp David accords and seek peace. Instead, Yinon suggests that the Arab States should be destroyed from within by exploiting their internal religious and ethnic tensions: “Lebanon’s total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precedent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and the Arabian peninsula and is already following that track. The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target. Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon.” [KIVUNIM, 2/1982]
Oded Yinon
"The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman
[157] Yinon contends that the Arab nation is a fragile shell waiting to be shattered into multiple fragments. Israel must follow through with the policies it has pursued since the inception of Zionism, seeking to purchase local agents among factions and communal groups who will assert themselves against other such communities at Israel's behest.

"This will always be feasible, argues Yinon, because:

"The Moslem Arab world is built like a temporary house of cards, put together by foreigners (France and Britain in the 1920's), without the wishes and desires of the inhabitants having been taken into account. It was arbitrarily divided into nineteen states, all made of combinations of minorities and ethnic groups which are hostile to one another, so that every Arab Moslem state nowadays faces ethnic social destruction from within, and in some a civil war is already raging."
The Hidden History of Zionism.
Nope. The infoclearinghouse article claims that to be the case but provides no link to either the article or the alleged author (and there is none to be found anywhere). In other words, the story was likely fabricated by hateful Nazi slugs just to provide fuel for hateful Nazi slugs like ... you.
The article includes an English translation of Yinon's article originally published in Hebrew; in other words, your hasbara is weak, and you are too lazy/brainwashed to read the link in its entirety.
Profile: Oded Yinon

Oded Yinon was a participant or observer in the following events:

February 1982: Article in Israeli Journal Says Israel Should Exploit Internal Tensions of Arab States[/paste:font]

The winter issue of Kivunim, a “A Journal for Judaism and Zionism,” publishes “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties” by Oded Yinon. The paper, published in Hebrew, rejects the idea that Israel should carry through with the Camp David accords and seek peace. Instead, Yinon suggests that the Arab States should be destroyed from within by exploiting their internal religious and ethnic tensions: “Lebanon’s total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precedent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and the Arabian peninsula and is already following that track. The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target. Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon.” [KIVUNIM, 2/1982]
Oded Yinon

Try clicking on the links. The one to the alleged article goes nowhere and the one on Oded Yinon offers just that which you have posted above. In other words, absolutely nothing. Your sources claim Yinon was a high ranking Israeli official and a Jerusalem Post journalist yet there is nothing to that effect anywhere (and you have posted none).
If the man and his "plan" were so influential, how is his obscurity possible? I mean, someone would have posted something about the guy other than to claim he authored the "Yinon Plan."
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"The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman
[157] Yinon contends that the Arab nation is a fragile shell waiting to be shattered into multiple fragments. Israel must follow through with the policies it has pursued since the inception of Zionism, seeking to purchase local agents among factions and communal groups who will assert themselves against other such communities at Israel's behest.

"This will always be feasible, argues Yinon, because:

"The Moslem Arab world is built like a temporary house of cards, put together by foreigners (France and Britain in the 1920's), without the wishes and desires of the inhabitants having been taken into account. It was arbitrarily divided into nineteen states, all made of combinations of minorities and ethnic groups which are hostile to one another, so that every Arab Moslem state nowadays faces ethnic social destruction from within, and in some a civil war is already raging."
The Hidden History of Zionism.

Round and round you go. Your Schoenman link goes to - drum roll, please - the same Shahak "translation" but, as with Shahak's claims, it includes no link. Surprise!
Both the "Yinon Plan" and its author appear to be imaginary.
Try clicking on the links. The one to the alleged article goes nowhere and the one on Oded Yinon offers just that which you have posted above. In other words, absolutely nothing. Your sources claim Yinon was a high ranking Israeli official and a Jerusalem Post journalist yet there is nothing to that effect anywhere (and you have posted none).
If the man and his "plan" were so influential, how is his obscurity possible? I mean, someone would have posted something about the guy other than to claim he authored the "Yinon Plan."
You're making even less sense than usual in your never-ending obsession to apologize for the Zionist colonization of Palestine. Oded Yinon wrote the paper you are too lazy to read. You don't like what it implies about Israel? Too bad. You've been on the wrong side of this question for as long as I've been communicating with you.

"Profile: Oded Yinon

"Oded Yinon was a participant or observer in the following events:

"February 1982: Article in Israeli Journal Says Israel Should Exploit Internal Tensions of Arab States[/paste:font]

"The winter issue of Kivunim, a 'A Journal for Judaism and Zionism,' publishes 'A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties' by Oded Yinon.

"The paper, published in Hebrew, rejects the idea that Israel should carry through with the Camp David accords and seek peace.

"Instead, Yinon suggests that the Arab States should be destroyed from within by exploiting their internal religious and ethnic tensions: 'Lebanon’s total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precedent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and the Arabian peninsula and is already following that track. The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target. Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon.” [KIVUNIM, 2/1982]

Entity Tags: Oded Yinon
Oded Yinon

If you've found anything to dispute the above claim, link to it. Specifically, Did Oded Yinon live? Did he write the paper: "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties" which was published in the winter isssue of Kivunim?
Round and round you go. Your Schoenman link goes to - drum roll, please - the same Shahak "translation" but, as with Shahak's claims, it includes no link. Surprise!
Both the "Yinon Plan" and its author appear to be imaginary.
Only to those whose sole purpose is to deflect from the OP of this thread. Are you saying Oded Yinon never lived or that he never wrote the article "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties" which was published in the winter issue of Kivunim?
o people with a brain.
Like Colonel Ralph?
"Regarding Iraq, he (Ralph Peters) wrote, 'might it not have been wiser – as several of us suggested in 2003 – to shake off Europe's vicious legacies and give Kurds their state, Iraqi Shias their state, and the country's Sunni Arabs a rump Iraq to do with as they wished?' Regarding all these countries, he wrote, 'We needn't launch an endless war to fix the mess Europeans in pinstriped trousers left us – but we'd damned well better accept that, when we expend blood and treasure to prop up phony states, we're standing on the tracks in front of the speeding train of history.'"
Ralph Peters - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
From the OP:
"A bill that could divide Iraq into three separate entities has passed the US House Armed Services Committee by a vote of 60 to 2. The controversial draft bill will now be debated in the US House of Representatives where it will be voted on sometime in late May. If approved, President Barack Obama will be free to sidestep Iraq’s central government in Baghdad and provide arms and assistance directly to Sunnis and the Kurds that are fighting ISIS. This, in turn, will lead to the de facto partitioning of the battered country into three parts; Kurdistan, Shiastan, and Sunnistan."

Which sounds suspiciously like what Bernie Lewis wrote regarding "Lebanonization" in 1992:
"Autumn 1992: Influential Neoconservative Academic Advocates Breaking Up Middle Eastern Countries, Including Iraq[/paste:font]

Bernard Lewis. [Source: Princeton University]Princeton University professor Bernard Lewis publishes an article in the influential journal Foreign Affairs called 'Rethinking the Middle East.' In it, he advocates a policy he calls 'Lebanonization.' He says, '[A] possibility, which could even be precipitated by [Islamic] fundamentalism, is what has late been fashionable to call "Lebanonization." Most of the states of the Middle East—Egypt is an obvious exception—are of recent and artificial construction and are vulnerable to such a process. If the central power is sufficiently weakened, there is no real civil society to hold the polity together, no real sense of common identity.… Then state then disintegrates—as happened in Lebanon—into a chaos of squabbling, feuding, fighting sects, tribes, regions, and parties.' Lewis, a British Jew..."
Context of February 1982 Article in Israeli Journal Says Israel Should Exploit Internal Tensions of Arab States
If you've found anything to dispute the above claim, link to it. Specifically, Did Oded Yinon live? Did he write the paper: "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties" which was published in the winter isssue of Kivunim?

What I have found while searching those very questions is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and which, BTW, are the same questions I've been asking you. So far you have 1 source (Shahak) who claims to have translated the "Yinon Plan" from an article in something called Kivunim by someone called Oded Yinon. I have found no corroborating source for any of those claims and none that Oded Yinon ever even existed. I mean, if the guy authored such an influential "plan" and was, as your sources claim, a high ranking Israeli official and JP journalist, how is that there is nothing on the Internet or at JP about him? Reference to his "plan" is only available at an obscure BlogSpot called History Commons where anyone can post anything. The whole thing smacks of some loony leftist hate-the-Joooo campaign by the story's fabricators and ... you.
So you are claiming that an article (to which neither you nor Counterpunch provide a link) by an Israeli journalist so obscure he doesn't have a webpage or search engine recognition is the source of Islamic State's creation? Really?


So you post a picture of Ariel Sharon with the name Oded Yinon on it and call that proof of Yinon's existence? You really are getting desperate, GP. How about posting a picture of Yinon? How about a link to Yinon? You know, when and where he was born, when he died, what he did, etc. Your sources claim he was a high ranking Israeli official and a Jerusalem Post journalist but nothing exists on the guy. Nothing.
Where is this "influential" guy's Wiki bio? Where are his JP credits?
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From the OP:
"A bill that could divide Iraq into three separate entities has passed the US House Armed Services Committee by a vote of 60 to 2. The controversial draft bill will now be debated in the US House of Representatives where it will be voted on sometime in late May. If approved, President Barack Obama will be free to sidestep Iraq’s central government in Baghdad and provide arms and assistance directly to Sunnis and the Kurds that are fighting ISIS. This, in turn, will lead to the de facto partitioning of the battered country into three parts; Kurdistan, Shiastan, and Sunnistan."

Which sounds suspiciously like what Bernie Lewis wrote regarding "Lebanonization" in 1992:
"Autumn 1992: Influential Neoconservative Academic Advocates Breaking Up Middle Eastern Countries, Including Iraq[/paste:font]

Bernard Lewis. [Source: Princeton University]Princeton University professor Bernard Lewis publishes an article in the influential journal Foreign Affairs called 'Rethinking the Middle East.' In it, he advocates a policy he calls 'Lebanonization.' He says, '[A] possibility, which could even be precipitated by [Islamic] fundamentalism, is what has late been fashionable to call "Lebanonization." Most of the states of the Middle East—Egypt is an obvious exception—are of recent and artificial construction and are vulnerable to such a process. If the central power is sufficiently weakened, there is no real civil society to hold the polity together, no real sense of common identity.… Then state then disintegrates—as happened in Lebanon—into a chaos of squabbling, feuding, fighting sects, tribes, regions, and parties.' Lewis, a British Jew..."
Context of February 1982 Article in Israeli Journal Says Israel Should Exploit Internal Tensions of Arab States

Wait. Haven't you been claiming that the dissolution of the Arab States originated with the apparently fabricated "Yinon Plan?" So now you are switching horses and blaming Lewis? Do you have a list of Jews (real and imaginary) that you foist on this board in support of your silliness (which is always the same old Nazi BS)?
BTW, a search of Kivunim authors includes no one by the name Oded Yinon and nothing on the "Yinon Plan."

New Directions Kivunim Hadashim - Hebrew Periodical
From the OP:
"A bill that could divide Iraq into three separate entities has passed the US House Armed Services Committee by a vote of 60 to 2. The controversial draft bill will now be debated in the US House of Representatives where it will be voted on sometime in late May. If approved, President Barack Obama will be free to sidestep Iraq’s central government in Baghdad and provide arms and assistance directly to Sunnis and the Kurds that are fighting ISIS. This, in turn, will lead to the de facto partitioning of the battered country into three parts; Kurdistan, Shiastan, and Sunnistan."

Which sounds suspiciously like what Bernie Lewis wrote regarding "Lebanonization" in 1992:
"Autumn 1992: Influential Neoconservative Academic Advocates Breaking Up Middle Eastern Countries, Including Iraq[/paste:font]

Bernard Lewis. [Source: Princeton University]Princeton University professor Bernard Lewis publishes an article in the influential journal Foreign Affairs called 'Rethinking the Middle East.' In it, he advocates a policy he calls 'Lebanonization.' He says, '[A] possibility, which could even be precipitated by [Islamic] fundamentalism, is what has late been fashionable to call "Lebanonization." Most of the states of the Middle East—Egypt is an obvious exception—are of recent and artificial construction and are vulnerable to such a process. If the central power is sufficiently weakened, there is no real civil society to hold the polity together, no real sense of common identity.… Then state then disintegrates—as happened in Lebanon—into a chaos of squabbling, feuding, fighting sects, tribes, regions, and parties.' Lewis, a British Jew..."
Context of February 1982 Article in Israeli Journal Says Israel Should Exploit Internal Tensions of Arab States

History Commons is a BlogSpot where any idiot can say anything. Do you have anything real?
If you've found anything to dispute the above claim, link to it. Specifically, Did Oded Yinon live? Did he write the paper: "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties" which was published in the winter isssue of Kivunim?

What I have found while searching those very questions is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and which, BTW, are the same questions I've been asking you. So far you have 1 source (Shahak) who claims to have translated the "Yinon Plan" from an article in something called Kivunim by someone called Oded Yinon. I have found no corroborating source for any of those claims and none that Oded Yinon ever even existed. I mean, if the guy authored such an influential "plan" and was, as your sources claim, a high ranking Israeli official and JP journalist, how is that there is nothing on the Internet or at JP about him? Reference to his "plan" is only available at an obscure BlogSpot called History Commons where anyone can post anything. The whole thing smacks of some loony leftist hate-the-Joooo campaign by the story's fabricators and ... you.
Chomsky wrote about Oded Yinon in his book "Fateful Triangle", quoting Yinon's plan for fragmenting Egypt instead of returning the Sinai. Land for Peace, right Squeal?
Fateful Triangle The United States Israel and the Palestinians - Noam Chomsky - Google Books

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