Dems are you ready to reap what you have sown? Trump: Things will get much worse, then you will vote for us. Food shortages, blackouts.

How did that Red Tsunami work out for ya there, Sparky? :itsok:

Just fine Skippy. The balance of the supreme court changed to the right for decades and the holy grail of leftism RvW was taken away forever and the only price republicans paid was to win the house and the senate stays the same.How did the Trump presidency work out for ya there, Skippy?
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Yes, it has been more than apparent for a long time you Trumptards wish only the worst for America.

I have no doubt Trump is hoping and praying that rising interest rates will push us into a recession. No doubt at all.

You’ve been groomed to believe we’re not in a recession now.
You’re idiocy is really not your fault. You have no control over it.
Rump supporters calling others hyper-partisan and immature and ignorant of history.

Thanks for the irony-joke... I needed a good chuckle this evening.

Not even close, sport... but it's amusing to watch you get it wrong...

LOL lib loves his inflation. This is the kind of idiocracy tyrants dream of.
You tards have no idea what the metrics for a recession are. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Inflation and recession at the same time. Hope you have a lot of food stored.
will be We are effed.

Farmers’ Almanac Releases An Extreme Winter Forecast For 2022-23​

Farmers' Almanac releases its extended winter weather forecast. Get ready to shake, shiver, and shovel!"​


LOL now the trolls are scared and thinking. They know they are not part of the club which will be on islands and well defended gated communities if SHTF.

Trumpsters STILL haven’t gotten it through their skulls that, as bad and as nuts and as repulsive as Leftism can be, Trumpism is even WORSE in the eyes of many. Two shitty choices and the orange stain comes in second.

Too bad the midterms didn’t teach them anything. But you folks are so goddamn far down your rabbit hole and in love with your juvenile, metrosexual boi king that you’re not paying attention.
Trumpsters STILL haven’t gotten it through their skulls that, as bad and as nuts and as repulsive as Leftism can be, Trumpism is even WORSE in the eyes of many. Two shitty choices and the orange stain comes in second.

Too bad the midterms didn’t teach them anything. But you folks are so goddamn far down your rabbit hole and in love with your juvenile, metrosexual boi king that you’re not paying attention.

How is Trumpism worse than starvation and mandatory death shots?
You tards have no idea what the metrics for a recession are. Stop embarrassing yourself.

This is all you need to understand. That is all printed money.

When elites tell you they are going to do something, believe them. When Bush said he was going into Iraq I thought no way, he's bluffing, that's way too crazy. But lo and behold.

I am all for saving the planet and reducing the use of fossil fuels, but why start with something critical like fertilizer?

And cutting back oil production, sure, but just as winter sets in? That has nothing to do with the environment. That's a recipe for killing us by the millions, and making sure who is left is an obedient slave. If you want food, you had better have your digital vax ID, tied into your bank account and social credit score.

Have it all happen then spring another pandemic, and everyone will be on their knees.

Biden: There WILL be food shortages. And they WILL be real.

Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.” — Klaus Schwab, author of The Great Reset, founder of the World Economic Forum, in his book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”

View attachment 726943

Billionaires' Private jets parked at Schwab's World Economic Forum "Climate Summit."
View attachment 726946

Bill Gates at Summit
View attachment 726948

But Orange man bad.

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