Can Trump laugh?

Much of Donald's joking is deadpanned. The Hannibal Lector affection ruse is one of his best, though there have been several other ones. Batteries and Sharks? That's a good one.

It's one of the few things that I can complement him on.
1. Say weird stuff seriously
2. Watch everyone and their brother start talking about me.

He's good. I'll give him that, but that's it.


She's an idiot, so -
Seriously, has anyone ever heard him laugh? I hadn't thought about it until he started attacking Kamala for the way she one does when you're a candidate for the most prestigious office in America.
I can't remember ever hearing him laugh. Inability to laugh sounds like a sign of psychosis to me...

Anyone got a recording of the Old Orange Turd's laugh?
he was almost on a slab, and you want to know if he's laughing. wow.
Seriously, has anyone ever heard him laugh? I hadn't thought about it until he started attacking Kamala for the way she one does when you're a candidate for the most prestigious office in America.
I can't remember ever hearing him laugh. Inability to laugh sounds like a sign of psychosis to me...

Anyone got a recording of the Old Orange Turd's laugh?
Trump laughs but it is more at the misfortune of others.
He is incapable of self depreciating humor

Comedy to Trump is more along the lines of someone slipping on a Banana Peel
That may be true, fricken Democrats have been slipping on Banana Peels for months.
That may be true, fricken Democrats have been slipping on Banana Peels for months.
these days most men won't even do it because society has taught them that they are sheep and when wolves come, you must not fight them, you must call the shepherd.

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