US election workers get little help from law enforcement as terror threats mount

It's becoming more clear that the damage that has been done over the last five years is broader in scope than we knew. Worse, this is nowhere near being over. Not by a long shot.
Reluctantly - I agree. One would think that the MAGA-hatters would be bored with this crap as we approach the 1 year mark. But looking at the posts around here ... Doesn't look like it.
They should apologize to those that signed affidavits about what they saw during the stolen election.

Some were Dem watchers. One said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Ah yes, Rudy and Sid's THOUSANDS of signed affidavits. The judges laughed at those too - They were meaningless. It's like if I wrote: "I saw Bigfoot last night at a Circle K buying candy and smokes" Signed x DrLove

Absolutely worthless without the surveillance video or maybe 3-4 absolutely unrelated witnesses.
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Reluctantly - I agree. One would think that the MAGA-hatters would be bored with this crap as we approach the 1 year mark. But looking at the posts around here ... Doesn't look like it.
No it doesn't. They're dug in emotionally, and nothing is going to change their minds.

At this point, I'm just hoping enough peel away over time so this all fits back on the fringe. But that will be a process, at best.
LOL Couldn't very well have witnesses when all the Rep watchers were thrown out. Oh and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it.

You voted for an incompetent ass who proves just how incompetent he is every day. Congrats.
LOL Couldn't very well have witnesses when all the Rep watchers were thrown out. Oh and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it.

You voted for an incompetent ass who proves just how incompetent he is every day. Congrats.
Nobody was thrown out. That is fake news. Your team actually won ONE court case out of 70 when it was determined that they could get within six feet as opposed to 12. One for Seventy? - Not bad! :laugh2:

Oh - And yes, people sign affidavits for the hell of it. Especially Trumptards.
LOL Couldn't very well have witnesses when all the Rep watchers were thrown out. Oh and people don't sign affidavits for the hell of it.

You voted for an incompetent ass who proves just how incompetent he is every day. Congrats.

First. Most of the affidavits were silly. I talked to a friend who said his Brother saw this. Almost none of the affidavits were first person accounts.

An affidavit is a sworn statement. If I sign one that states I talked to Bob Smith and he told me the Moon was made of Cheese. It is the truth. Bob told me that. It doesn’t mean the Moon is made of Cheese.

Most of those who said they had first hand knowledge refused to sign affidavits. Once they learned that they were subject to charges of Perjury they were less interested.

Now. The election. Honestly we had a choice between two steaming piles of shit. Neither candidate campaigned on voting for them. It was all vote against those people. It is why I didn’t personally vote. I could find no reason to vote for either of the steaming piles of shit.

Even now. As we approach a year from the election. It is always how Democrats voted for a pile of shit. Oh we get some insane vague Trump wouldn’t have done this nonsense. But it isn’t supported by the record. Trump’s record.

Trump could have accomplished so much. If he was really intending to drain the Swamp. He could have. He had no such intention. He didn’t want to end the abuses. He wanted to direct them at his enemies.

Issue after issue shows that to be true. Trump accomplished pretty much nothing. Because he could never figure out he wasn’t a CEO anymore. He was the President.
Well pictures don't lie. Hell they were 30 feet away, using bino's to see what was going on. They put paper over the windows so no could see what they were doing. Fishy?? You bet.
Oh you saw those affidavits??

I work in a court house and no one files an affidavit for the hell of it. There were hundred if not thousands filed. Some were filed by Dem watchers. I doubt they would file a "silly" affidavit.

Silly my ass.
Oh you saw those affidavits??

I work in a court house and no one files an affidavit for the hell of it. There were hundred if not thousands filed. Some were filed by Dem watchers. I doubt they would file a "silly" affidavit.

Silly my ass.

Remember Claudette, you wanted this.

No, I read the news, and the Judge's statements on them.

I could post links for hours. But you will do what the Trump Fanboys always do. Claim that it is all a lie by the Deep State, the MSM, the Chinese, or the grand Socialist Conspiracy.

But Judges, including those appointed by Trump, seem to disagree. And the last time I checked, they work at Court Houses too. Now, you may be a clerk, or you may be a janitor, or the person selling Coffee in the Lobby. I don’t know, and I don’t care.

But hey, let’s deal with the CT shall we? Now, the election was supposedly stolen. But the problem is that none of the theories put forth explain any of the evidence, much less all of it.

Let’s deal with the votes. According to the theories, a discrete number of counties cooked up additional votes to steal the election from Trump. But that doesn’t match the evidence.

Look at the map, and then click on the swing versus 2016. You’ll see that the Democrats did much better in the election than in 2016. In fact, they showed increases in about 45 states, including Texas. Now, a discrete number of counties involved in this effort to steal the election doesn’t begin to explain how all those Red States managed to get more votes for Biden than they did for Hillary in 2016. Why not? Because even the most rabid and I mean frothing at the mouth Trump Fanboy doesn’t believe this conspiracy exists in all those states. No, it has to be believable for the effort to take root.

Claims, one after another has been debunked. My characterization of the Affidavits was a summary of the finding of the Judges. Most of the claims were silly.

Judges and Juries decide if the witness is believable. And so far, nobody has believed them.

So Silly is an accurate and honest assessment of the claims.

I live in Georgia, and watched the claims here carefully. I was willing to believe, but I wanted proof. And none. Republican Governor, Republican Secretary of State, and nothing. Zip, zilch, nada.

Texas had a big blue shift, and nothing to this claims there to explain away the increase in the percentage of the vote that was Democratic. Well other than the Republican admitting that if they hadn’t stopped the mail in vote that Trump would have lost Texas.

Yes, I know. You won’t believe that. It wasn’t posted on RW News for the nutters dot com.

Now, if we are to look at this honestly, the Republicans were following the letter of the law, if not the spirt. I can respect that. To an extent anyway.

It also shows that the Republicans know how outnumbered they are, and the voter restrictions passed show how much they need to stop people from voting. Doesn’t that give you pause? Or is victory no matter the cost or method the only thing that matters?

Silly was accurate.
And if you believe Bidung got 80 million votes then you are the silly one.

So instead of dealing with facts you prefer to believe that a giant conspiracy existed that covered 45 states and flooded the election with bogus ballots. And the participants are so good at it they left no evidence.

So how many votes were bogus? One million? Ten million?

I posted the proof. You just called me silly for believing the proof. But let’s take a moment and consider what it would take to actually do what you suggest.

You have to have an army of forgers. Because the signature on the ballot has to match the signature card. So you are talking about tens of thousands of forgers who took great care in keeping a record of the forgery they made to insure it matched. If it didn’t match the ballot was rejected.

I mean this was a full time job. Tens of thousands of forgers insuring that the signature they put on the ballot matched the one they used weeks or months before to register.

Or perhaps it was not focused on the absentee ballots. I mean someone would have talked right? So perhaps it was computer hackers. But here again we have a problem. Because even if we say Dominion was complicit, they only provided machines to 28 states. That leaves at least 17 that had Biden pick up votes fair and square.

Again. You have to explain all the evidence with the theories. Can you do that?
Claudette OK. Help me understand. First how many votes were fraudulent? If Biden didn’t get 81.2 million votes how many did he get?
Simple. The man never campaigned and he sure didn't put himself out for votes. Didn't have to.

Anyone who thinks Bidung got 80 million votes is living in dream land.

Ok. How many did he get? That is the question.

You work in a court house right? Accusations have to be specific don’t they? You don’t claim someone robbed a bank somewhere. At some time. You say he robbed it on Tuesday the 17th at 2:12 PM.

So how many votes did Biden get? Were all 81.2 million fraudulent?
Ok. How many did he get? That is the question.

You work in a court house right? Accusations have to be specific don’t they? You don’t claim someone robbed a bank somewhere. At some time. You say he robbed it on Tuesday the 17th at 2:12 PM.

So how many votes did Biden get? Were all 81.2 million fraudulent?

He got maybe 45 to 50 million real votes from people who were: alive, US citizen, legitimate, and voted only once
Your Q-Kook Fraudits won’t make a hill of beans difference. The election was over almost a year ago. High time you moved on.

So you can’t bring yourself to condemn the violent threats to election officials? That’s very sad.
Your support of the summer of love, disqualifies you from having any credibility on this.
When the Dems pushed the mail in ballots I knew it would be a nightmare and so it was. Lots of iffy shit with those mail in ballots.

Rep watchers being kicked out. Paper put over the windows so no one could see what was going on.

Watchers having to use bino's to see anything.

Ballots in boxes under desks. Ballots delivered in the middle of the night with no supervisors around. Ballot counted in the middle of the night after the counters had been sent home.

Oh yes. a Nightmare. Oh and Dominion machines taking Trump votes and giving them to Biden. Voting machines with algorithms when voting machines don't have algorithms.

Lots of iffy shit about the 2020 election.
He got maybe 45 to 50 million real votes from people who were: alive, US citizen, legitimate, and voted only once

Ok. Describe the process that created 30 million plus fraudulent votes.

Remember the explanation has to account for all evidence. Otherwise the evidence remaining is exculpatory. In other words. Proves the Prosecution is wrong.
LOL He doesn't want to hear that. He's rather believe a guy who never campaigned got 80 million votes. Fits in with his mindset.

Of course he voted for an incompetent boob who proves just how incompetent he is every day. Hell even Barry said if you want it fucked up, let Bidung handle it. It will be fucked up. How right the man was.

Oh and he expects you to explain those 30 million votes. He wants evidence. Evidence that will never come which is why they used the paper ballot scam.

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