US election workers get little help from law enforcement as terror threats mount

When the Dems pushed the mail in ballots I knew it would be a nightmare and so it was. Lots of iffy shit with those mail in ballots.

Rep watchers being kicked out. Paper put over the windows so no one could see what was going on.

Watchers having to use bino's to see anything.

Ballots in boxes under desks. Ballots delivered in the middle of the night with no supervisors around. Ballot counted in the middle of the night after the counters had been sent home.

Oh yes. a Nightmare. Oh and Dominion machines taking Trump votes and giving them to Biden. Voting machines with algorithms when voting machines don't have algorithms.

Lots of iffy shit about the 2020 election.

Dominion was only in 28 states. 45 states had more votes for Biden than Hillary. Your explanation is forgetting that.

Mail in ballots. Ok. How many millions of people had to be involved in the creation of these absentee ballots? And why did the Texas Secretary of State say that if the State had not stopped the mass mailing of ballots to registered voters then Biden would have won Texas?

If there wasn’t millions of people involved in creating these thirty million fraudulent votes, how did they match signatures on the mail in ballots to existing signatures on the registration cards?

You have to address all the evidence. Otherwise it is used by the Defense to prove the Prosecution is wrong. Isn’t that true?
Not a court of law there dude. Just you and me with a difference of opinion. You believe as you wish and so will I.

The 2020 election was stolen. No way Bidung got 80 million votes. But Trump sure as hell got 75 million. We will see you in 2024.
Ok. Describe the process that created 30 million plus fraudulent votes.

Remember the explanation has to account for all evidence. Otherwise the evidence remaining is exculpatory. In other words. Proves the Prosecution is wrong.

The democrat Party explained it years ago when they called even maintaining an accurate voter database an "existential threat"

"The DNC’s top leaders have been telling people that Hoffman’s project represents an “existential threat" to the party, according to two sources with knowledge of the discussions."

LinkedIn co-founder backs $35 million voter data project in 'existential threat' to Democratic Party
LOL He doesn't want to hear that. He's rather believe a guy who never campaigned got 80 million votes. Fits in with his mindset.

Of course he voted for an incompetent boob who proves just how incompetent he is every day. Hell even Barry said if you want it fucked up, let Bidung handle it. It will be fucked up. How right the man was.

Oh and he expects you to explain those 30 million votes. He wants evidence. Evidence that will never come which is why they used the paper ballot scam.

Actually. I didn’t vote. I said before the election that both candidates were steaming piles of shit and I would not cast my ballot for either.

However. I am a man who respects and loves truth. And the truth is that Biden won.

Let me explain. I write fiction as a hobby. You can write anything in fiction. But for it to be enjoyed, believable, it must be possible. It must be reasonable.

I’ve come up with ways for criminal organizations to do most everything in my stories. And it is believable. But I can’t figure out how thirty million votes were created without a massive criminal conspiracy. And by massive I mean approaching 1% of the population.

This conspiracy would have to include Republicans. Republicans because Georgia is one of the states. And the Georgia SOS is a Republican. So is the Governor.

Now. A huge conspiracy consisting of millions including Republicans and Democrats when they can’t agree on the time of day. It just doesn’t work.

Their motivation. Motivation is usually broken down to the acronym MICE. Money, Ideology, Conscience, or Ego.

Money wouldn’t work. Because millions of people would have blackmail evidence against the organizers for life.

The same is true for the other motivations. They just don’t work.

So what are we left with? The deep unpopularity of Trump. And again I think that both Trump and Biden are steaming piles of shit.

There was no reason to vote for either candidate. There were reasons to vote against. That’s it. Was Trump more hated than Biden? It seems so. That explains the evidence. 45 states with more votes for Biden in 2020 than Hillary got in 2016. Including Texas I might add.

It is the only explanation that fits the evidence.
Not a court of law there dude. Just you and me with a difference of opinion. You believe as you wish and so will I.

The 2020 election was stolen. No way Bidung got 80 million votes. But Trump sure as hell got 75 million. We will see you in 2024.

Please tell me the Republicans are going to run a decent Candidate in 2024. If like a candidate I can vote for. I refuse to show up just to vote against.
LOL I'm hoping Trump runs cause he will get my vote. When he was POTUS this country was doing great before the very convenient Chines virus.

UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. I'll vote for the person who can give the country that again and I think Trump will. He will have a big mess left by Bidung to clean up but he's a very resourceful guy with lots of know how.
LOL I'm hoping Trump runs cause he will get my vote. When he was POTUS this country was doing great before the very convenient Chines virus.

UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. I'll vote for the person who can give the country that again and I think Trump will. He will have a big mess left by Bidung to clean up but he's a very resourceful guy with lots of know how.

Oh please. I see you were a follower of the Twitter Propaganda. I’m sorry to say.
Sure they were thrown out. Pictures don't lie and the pictures were all over. They were thrown out and paper was taped to the windows so no one could see what they were doing. Oh and I guess you missed the pictures of watchers having to use binoculars to see what the counters were doing as they had been forbidden to be close.
Oh please. I see you were a follower of the Twitter Propaganda. I’m sorry to say.

Well I don't have any social media accounts and never have. I pity any who use them. I never will.

Trump was a great POTUS and I sure hope he is again in 2024.
Well I don't have any social media account. Trump was a great POTUS and I sure hope he is again in 2024.

He really wasn’t. Let’s start at the beginning. His first big victory. NAFTA. Nothing changed except the name. It was a bad trade deal allowing cars and other items to be manufactured in Mexico and sold as Domestic in the US.

Trump fixed it. It was renamed USMC.

Cars and items are still made in Mexico. The factories there are still running flat out. No American Jobs were created or saved.

Let’s deal with the elephant. Draining the Swamp.

After Trump was victimized by the FBI abusing the FISA court the claims by people like me that the FISA and FBI being routinely corrupt were vindicated.

What Trump did was send his man over there. Not to stop it. But to direct these abuses towards his enemies. The problems he had with the DOJ and FBI were they wouldn’t do what he told them to. He wasn’t draining the swamp. He wanted the reigns in his own hands.

He could have gone to Congress and demanded reforms. He could have declassified the abuses and exposed them to the public. He could have named the head of the ACLU as the new Attorney General with instructions to clean it up.

He wanted the power to abuse on others. That is not good. That is not a good President. That is not defending the Constitution. That is nothing but what we object to with others. Yes including Obama who had his FBI lying to get the Bundy’s convicted.

I voted for Trump in 2016 because I approved of his ideals. His stated ideals. I did not vote in 2020 because he had done nothing about any of them except send out idiotic tweets.

Georgia went Blue. And this year we are liable to have Democrats sweep the Statewide offices.

If the Republicans want to be competitive. If they want to win. They need to rediscover core beliefs and principles. And they need to actually follow through on the promises.
Donald Trump should personally apologize to each of them.

Yeah, the rube cult is unhappy that their Orange God lost, so they're taking their snowflake emotions out on the people who make our republic function.
So. You didn't like low gas prices, UE the lowest it had been in 50 years, jobs all across the country and a great economy?

Got it. Oh and Trump made good on almost every campaign promise he made unlike others who made it into the WH.

Is he perfect?? Hell no he isn't. He's abrasive and can be an asshole at times. I voted for him cause he wasn't a politician. He's a billionaire who can't be bought and he's a businessman who know how to get shit done.

All in all I was very happy with my vote for Trump and he will get my vote again if he runs in 2024.
Yeah, the rube cult is unhappy that their Orange God lost, so they're taking their snowflake emotions out on the people who make our republic function.

They are certainly a violent bunch - It's tempting to get inside their heads and find out WTF makes them tick, but it likely would look like a jangled mess of crossed wires.
Sure they were thrown out. Pictures don't lie and the pictures were all over. They were thrown out and paper was taped to the windows so no one could see what they were doing. Oh and I guess you missed the pictures of watchers having to use binoculars to see what the counters were doing as they had been forbidden to be close.

Why do you keep bringing up a bunch of debunked conspiracy theories? This crap is not healthy for you and it is not healthy for our country.

So. You didn't like low gas prices, UE the lowest it had been in 50 years, jobs all across the country and a great economy?

Got it. Oh and Trump made good on almost every campaign promise he made unlike others who made it into the WH.

Is he perfect?? Hell no he isn't. He's abrasive and can be an asshole at times. I voted for him cause he wasn't a politician. He's a billionaire who can't be bought and he's a businessman who know how to get shit done.

All in all I was very happy with my vote for Trump and he will get my vote again if he runs in 2024.

He didn’t make good on any of them.

That’s the point. The economy was already building. It was trending upwards. For years before trump got into office.

Look. Look past the propaganda. Look at his actual record. What did he accomplish? If you say economy. Ok. What was his oath? To support and defend the Constitution. The IG examined almost two dozen FISA warrant applications. He found that there were problems in every single one of them. Not some. Every one.

That means the FBI regularly violates the Constitution and the law to get their FISA warrants. That is a threat to the Constitution. But it did not play into the rhetoric. The idea that the individual agents were doing a fantastic job. But a few leaders were Democrat plants.

The report covered more than the Washington Office. Agents in every officer were lying to get the warrants.

Nope. Not gonna address that. We have a great economy. Sure we have an unaccountable police force locking people up illegally. But hey we have a great economy and low gas prices.

Sure most of the things being manufactured as Domestic are made in Mexico. But great economy for Wall Street.

Another housing bubble is already building. Wall Street is doing exactly the same thing that wiped out the economy last time. No effort at reform. Nothing but cheering those low unemployment numbers.

So what promise did he keep. Did he get us out of Syria. Sort of. We still have troops there. Just not as many. Did we get out of Afghanistan? Yes. And according to the RW it’s all Biden’s fault.

Did we end manufacturing in Mexico? No. Did we get Mexico to pay for the six hundred feet of wall? No. Did we fix immigration? No.

Sadly there is an answer to immigration. But it’s too simple and the White Wing would never go for it.

What did we do? Well we threatened cities for not honoring requests. Somehow that is treason. We watched the Republicans lose the House and the Senate. We watched Republicans lose across the nation.

Trump is winning. Great President. Trust us. Don’t look at the facts. Just go with it.

Sure he knew from personal experience what it is like to have the Government break the law. But that’s not important. What is important is low gas prices.

The trains ran on time in Fascist Italy too.

The trains ran on time in the Soviet Union. And Saudi Arabia has very low gas prices.

Either the Constitution matters. Or it doesn’t. And from the evidence it doesn’t matter to either party. So no. Trump was not a great President. He was at best mediocre.

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