Turkish President Erdogan warns, 'Turkiye might enter Israel to help Palestinians'

Israel need only raise this in the UN and get a resolution to force Egypt to comply, that's typically how international disputes are resolved in the modern world.
UNSC 95 (excerpt)

And further noting that the restrictions on the passage of goods through the Suez Canal to Israel ports are denying to nations at no time connected with the conflict in Palestine valuable supplies required for their economic reconstruction, and that these restrictions together with sanctions applied by Egypt to certain ships which have visited Israel ports represent unjustified interference with the rights of nations to navigate the seas and to trade freely with one another, including the Arab States and Israel,
Calls upon Egypt to terminate the restrictions on the passage of international commercial shipping and goods through the Suez Canal wherever bound and to cease all interference with such shipping beyond that essential to the safety of shipping in the Canal itself and to the observance of the international conventions in force.

(emphasis mine)
The UN had the power, Israel chose not to use that route, show me, did Israel every request a resolution? was a vote ever held by the security council to punish Egypt? No, because Israel chose not to take that route, every UN member can request an emergency meeting and vote at short notice (God knows, the Palestinians have done this enough times).

Nevertheless an armed attack on a sovereign nation is AGAINST international law UNLESS its a response to a prior armed attack, only military force can justify military force OR a UN resolution that authorizes military force.

So cut it dice it as you wish, the facts are Israel sought war and violated international law. Here READ what the victors of WW2 expected from the UN, the reasons it was created:

View attachment 986355
Now, specifically:

View attachment 986360
Israel is a lying, monstrous beast, it signed the charter, agreed to these rules and stipulation and like the serpent of old has nothing but deceitful intentions.
Again, the UN was powerless to force Egypt to end the blockade. Egypt was a client state of the USSR which had veto power in the in the UNSC. Second, blocking an international waterway with warships is already illegal, so there is no reason to think either Egypt or the USSR cared what was legal. There was no reason for Egypt to block the Strait of Tiran other than to try to deny oil to Israel and destroy the Israeli economy and there was no remedy other than for Israel to invade Egypt and take away its ability to block the Strait of Tiran.
Again, the UN was powerless to force Egypt to end the blockade.
The UN only does what the members states authorize it to do, there is no "UN was powerless".
Egypt was a client state of the USSR which had veto power in the in the UNSC.
Right and did the USSR veto a resolution brought by Israel? No, because the Israelis never submitted a resolution.
Second, blocking an international waterway with warships is already illegal, so there is no reason to think either Egypt or the USSR cared what was legal.
Right, so bring it to the UN to resolve, that's what Israel AGREED to do by becoming a UN member, that's why the UN was created to PEACEFULLY resolve international disputes.
There was no reason for Egypt to block the Strait of Tiran other than to try to deny oil to Israel and destroy the Israeli economy and there was no remedy other than for Israel to invade Egypt and take away its ability to block the Strait of Tiran.
Israel has created hostility, fear and misery since before the states creation. The reason the middle east is such a hotbed is Israel, its very existence is a threat to everyone in the region. It should be wiped off the map just like the Third Reich was.
The UN only does what the members states authorize it to do, there is no "UN was powerless".

Right and did the USSR veto a resolution brought by Israel? No, because the Israelis never submitted a resolution.

Right, so bring it to the UN to resolve, that's what Israel AGREED to do by becoming a UN member, that's why the UN was created to PEACEFULLY resolve international disputes.

Israel has created hostility, fear and misery since before the states creation. The reason the middle east is such a hotbed is Israel, its very existence is a threat to everyone in the region. It should be wiped off the map just like the Third Reich was.
The truth is it was the refusal of the Arabs to live in peace with the Jews and then with Israel after 1920 that has been the source of all of the problems and violence in the ME, and Nasser's dangerously stupid blockade of the Strait of Tiran is just another example of this insanity, and there was clearly no remedy to this problem other than taking away Egypt's ability to blockade.

A reasonable person will note that while the Arabs, now principally the Palestinians, have continued to view Israel with genocidal intentions, Israel has consistently offered peace in return, starting with Israel's declaration of Independence in 1948 and continuing through all the wars the Arabs have launched against Israel, including the present war in Gaza.
Right, so bring it to the UN to resolve, that's what Israel AGREED to do by becoming a UN member, that's why the UN was created to PEACEFULLY resolve international disputes.
Egypt failed to abide by international law requiring her to allow free passage through the straits. Egypt then failed to abide by the UNSC resolution requiring her to allow free passage through the straits. At the time, there was NO state of belligerency between Egypt and Israel as they were under an Armistice Agreement. There was no "dispute" to resolve. Egypt unilaterally committed an act of war against Israel contrary to international law and treaty agreements, and against a specific UNSC resolution.
Egypt failed to abide by international law requiring her to allow free passage through the straits. Egypt then failed to abide by the UNSC resolution requiring her to allow free passage through the straits. At the time, there was NO state of belligerency between Egypt and Israel as they were under an Armistice Agreement. There was no "dispute" to resolve. Egypt unilaterally committed an act of war against Israel contrary to international law and treaty agreements, and against a specific UNSC resolution.
Use of armed, military force (by any state, in this case Israel) is a violation of international law UNLESSS one has been subject to an armed attack. That's the reality, go and check, read the charter. Obviously Israel had "reasons" for attacking Egypt that's not disputed, what those reasons were, what they were claimed to be and so on, doesn't change the fact that it is against international law to do what Israel did (and does every day).

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