US embassy employee steals Russian train station sign


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Due to the lack of traitors and collaborationist USA must make its dirty 'work' by itself. In the case of a catastrophe Biden would blame 'Putin's murderous regime' as always.
A good work of Putin who prohibited most of controlled by NWO NGOs in Russia.
Do you remember Novitshok, Navalny and another provocations against Russia?
As always CIA & Co are behind

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has revealed it believes a staff member from the US Embassy in Moscow was behind the disappearance of a railway sign earlier this year, saying the theft could have had deadly consequences.

Are you even a citizen of the US?

Yes, I'm a citizen of the U.S. and I'm tied to pay my tax money in the name of numerous wars provoked by insane idiots siting in D.C. and another sh.tholes.
Numerous lives and $ billions have been wasted in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and another countries.
All on behalf of Israel.
As results the U.S. is kicked out from all of them.
Now Ukraine is coming.
Because insane morons want to start WWIII against Russia and do anything possible to provoke adverse reaction.
Is he stealing or sabotaging?

The entirely West is lost in Russia, there are only few morons who believe in the democracy fairy-tale.
Putin prohibited Russians to work in the US embassies, so CIA & Co must do dirty work by itself.
It could be the guy wanted to make a railway incident and together with western presstitutes blame Putin as always.
Who is responsible for hiring of inept morons to work for intells?
Are you even a citizen of the US?

Yes, I'm a citizen of the U.S. and I'm tied to pay my tax money in the name of numerous wars provoked by insane idiots siting in D.C. and another sh.tholes.
Numerous lives and $ billions have been wasted in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and another countries.
All on behalf of Israel.
As results the U.S. is kicked out from all of them.
Now Ukraine is coming.
Because insane morons want to start WWIII against Russia and do anything possible to provoke adverse reaction.
You lied on your oath of allegiance. You obviously have far more loyalty to Putin than America. You came over here from your crap country and faggot dictator to do nothing but bad mouth our nation. Go back to Russia and shut the fuck up. Us real Americans do not like foreign assholes telling us we should appease faggot Russian dictators.
Are you even a citizen of the US?

Yes, I'm a citizen of the U.S. and I'm tied to pay my tax money in the name of numerous wars provoked by insane idiots siting in D.C. and another sh.tholes.
Numerous lives and $ billions have been wasted in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and another countries.
All on behalf of Israel.
As results the U.S. is kicked out from all of them.
Now Ukraine is coming.
Because insane morons want to start WWIII against Russia and do anything possible to provoke adverse reaction.
You lied on your oath of allegiance. You obviously have far more loyalty to Putin than America. You came over here from your crap country and faggot dictator to do nothing but bad mouth our nation. Go back to Russia and shut the fuck up. Us real Americans do not like foreign assholes telling us we should appease faggot Russian dictators.

I advise you to read the book from below and re-read Constitution again.

We the People of the United States..... establish Justice.....
All wars of the last 76 years USA was involved were unjust and promoted interests of NWO, Oligarchs, Banks and satanists
Why Russia is bad?
Because in difference to Ukraine it refuses to give its commodities for free to mostly jewish international Oligarchs and Banksters.
What Americans received from all those 'wars for democracy' on behalf of insane morons?
You can see below the National Debt of the US

USA badly needs more Freedom and more Patriots in government, not Israel lobby at any corner.


Costs of Democracy Export before

Upcoming costs of Democracy Export to Russia now


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