US forces launch raid in Syria

No, good poster Rambunctious, I ain't....nor is my avatar.....gonna 'look it up'.

WE didn't assert it.
We didn't claim it.
You did.

So either you don't really know, or you are faking it for some reason, or what you think you know ain't so, or you are fibbing for some reason.

But whatever it is, it comes down to this, amigo, saddle up and show the forum that your little pony has some trot in him.

In other words, ...Giddyap! And prove what you say.

Lest folks here think you are a fake and a phony.

No disrespect intended.
I could serve up posts all day for you on the rise in illegal border crossings and catch and release numbers but I'm sure it would be a waste of my time...remember... stubborn is a close friend of stupid and I don't intend on going through this again with another uninformed liberal...the information is in reach of your keyboard...either you want to know the truth or you don't....
  • "..... our southern border has been wide open all year."
Prove it.
Show us some credible authoritative sourcing.


  • "I don't intend on going through this again with another uninformed liberal"

No intention to be dismissive; however, the conclusion is ---- your pony can't trot.

You've got nuthin' in your hand.
You are a fake and a phony. Some might say.
Prove it.
Show us some credible authoritative sourcing.


No intention to be dismissive; however, the conclusion is ---- your pony can't trot.

You've got nuthin' in your hand.
You are a fake and a phony. Some might say.
You are on your own tard...look up the numbers...they are a friend or a family member turn off CNN and try FOX for just a I said I'm not doing this again with one of you willfully blind CNN viewers....oh what the dummy...

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. special operations forces conducted a large-scale counterterrorism raid in northwestern Syria overnight Thursday, in what the Pentagon said was a “successful mission.” Residents and activists reported multiple deaths — including civilians — from the attack.

US forces launch raid in Syria, civilians also reported dead

OK, launch a raid in Syria for "national security" while at the same time our southern border is wide open.....Clown World.
Ive always wondered about killing our"enemies" overseas. It sounds cool to kill them but think about this. Al Queda and Isis hate us for what they see as justified reasons. What if they had the same capabilities as we have as far as drones and missiles are concerned and they are droning and killing our leaders here at home?
Go back into your history of sound just like the people on are duped...they are always eventually shown to be wrong and so are you....
What are you babbling about now?

You are basically saying your fact-free, gut reaction opinion is the way to go, because all the facts that undermine your lies are, themselves, lies.

What are you babbling about now?

You are basically saying your fact-free, gut reaction opinion is the way to go, because all the facts that undermine your lies are, themselves, lies.

History is a valuable asset dummy...too bad you know none....
History is a valuable asset dummy...too bad you know none....
Oh look, more vapid whining. Do you think this is going to cover up the fact that you seized upon a fact free opinion and now are clinging to it despite the facts undermining it?

It won't.
They killed a bunch of kids and are being vague on WHO the target was---think BIDEN is trying to do the SAUDS bidding by taking out poor alawit muslim ASSAD who was protecting christians and jews from the larger more killer muslim groups.
The sauds don't care about Assad. Where do you come up with such bullshit?
".....since our southern border has been wide open all year..."
  • "5 Syrian men encountered at southern border...."
  • "Illegal immigration surges" ......fiscal year 2021,
    (ps....5 1/2 months under Trump; 6 1/2 under Biden)
  • "Illegal immigrants from Afghanistan, India, Pakistan and Syria were reportedly apprehended
  • "The large majority of the 1.9 million..... were stopped by the Border Patrol.
Whew! If the forum took poor poster Rambunctious seriously.....we'd be worried about those five (5!) men.

Or, if we took poor poster Rambunctious seriously......we should be worried about a "wide open border open all year".....

.....except........ the Border Patrol was there to "apprehend" immigrants. The Border Patrol was there to "stop" immigrants.

And, hopefully, all those surging immigrants during Trump's 5 1/2 months of responsiblity in that fiscal year, were stopped too.

Regardless of how many tried to get in under Trump's months, or tried to get in under Biden's months........the key takeaway is that they were stopped and/or apprehended.

Which, my Funk & Wagnalls informs me: Is NOT the same as being a wide open border.

It's OK though. No harm, no foul.
Histrionics, hyperbole, and shrilling is something we are used to on this venue......from some quarters.

It's all good. ;)
Oh look, more vapid whining. Do you think this is going to cover up the fact that you seized upon a fact free opinion and now are clinging to it despite the facts undermining it?

It won't.
It was a botched raid dummy...accept were killed....if Trump was at the helm you would be saying exactly what I'm saying....
  • "5 Syrian men encountered at southern border...."
  • "Illegal immigration surges" ......fiscal year 2021,
    (ps....5 1/2 months under Trump; 6 1/2 under Biden)
  • "Illegal immigrants from Afghanistan, India, Pakistan and Syria were reportedly apprehended
  • "The large majority of the 1.9 million..... were stopped by the Border Patrol.
Whew! If the forum took poor poster Rambunctious seriously.....we'd be worried about those five (5!) men.

Or, if we took poor poster Rambunctious seriously......we should be worried about a "wide open border open all year".....

.....except........ the Border Patrol was there to "apprehend" immigrants. The Border Patrol was there to "stop" immigrants.

And, hopefully, all those surging immigrants during Trump's 5 1/2 months of responsiblity in that fiscal year, were stopped too.

Regardless of how many tried to get in under Trump's months, or tried to get in under Biden's months........the key takeaway is that they were stopped and/or apprehended.

Which, my Funk & Wagnalls informs me: Is NOT the same as being a wide open border.

It's OK though. No harm, no foul.
Histrionics, hyperbole, and shrilling is something we are used to on this venue......from some quarters.

It's all good. ;)
Now you are trying to be asked for links... I provided the links to you and that's all you can say?...I knew it would be a waste of my time....thankfully most people in this nation agree with me and not you...
I provided the links to you and that's all you can say?..

Indeed, my avatar did ask for your sourcing for this assertion of yours:
".....since our southern border has been wide open all year..."

But, unfortunately, none of the links you offered the forum support your claim.
Instead, they quite promptly describe that immigrants have been 'stopped'; have been 'apprehended', etc.

Which, as stated earlier......really doesn't support a claim of a "wide open" border.

Your eagerness to want to believe a right-wing trope is leading you astray in your discourse.

Trust me.

Indeed, my avatar did ask for your sourcing for this assertion of yours:
".....since our southern border has been wide open all year..."

But, unfortunately, none of the links you offered the forum support your claim.
Instead, they quite promptly describe that immigrants have been 'stopped'; have been 'apprehended', etc.

Which, as stated earlier......really doesn't support a claim of a "wide open" border.

Your eagerness to want to believe a right-wing trope is leading you astray in your discourse.

Trust me.
You might look up DHS and other border related figures if you are going to continue to post anything worth reading. Most readers who are in border and security topics are mostly interested in facts, not opinions.

Meanwhile, actual events along the border include the following:
“Since March 2021, when Gov. Greg Abbott launched Operation Lone Star (OLS), Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) state troopers have been working around the clock to help defend the southern border. Nine months later, its chief reports a record for state interdiction efforts.

Since OLS began, state troopers have arrested more than 10,000 illegal immigrants, including smugglers and drug traffickers, Texas DPS Director Steve McCraw said Wednesday at a Texas Public Policy Foundation event in Austin. They’ve seized over 5 tons of methamphetamine, over $17 million in cash, and enough fentanyl to kill over 260 million people.

The operation integrates DPS state troopers with the Texas National Guard to deploy air, ground, marine and tactical border security assets to high-threat areas to prevent and or mitigate Mexican cartels’ human and drug smuggling operations into Texas.”

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Since OLS began, state troopers have arrested more than 10,000 illegal immigrants, including smugglers and drug traffickers............They’ve seized over 5 tons of methamphetamine, over $17 million in cash, and enough fentanyl to kill over 260 million people.
That's terrible. All those illicit addictive drugs. By smugglers, no less.
On the positive side, they may be able to keep some, even much, maybe all(?) of that cash.

I would note also, that catching smugglers who smuggle drugs at the US/Mexican border, or hell, even the US/Canadian border......well, it ain't a new thing.

That's the nature of smuggling. It is sort of an illegal variation on capitalism: Where there is a a demand......find a way to make a market, and make a profit.

Mexican drug cartels know that.
So too do Americans involved in the largest drug smuggling operations in the US (tobacco).

It has been ever such.

Indeed, my avatar did ask for your sourcing for this assertion of yours:
".....since our southern border has been wide open all year..."

But, unfortunately, none of the links you offered the forum support your claim.
Instead, they quite promptly describe that immigrants have been 'stopped'; have been 'apprehended', etc.

Which, as stated earlier......really doesn't support a claim of a "wide open" border.

Your eagerness to want to believe a right-wing trope is leading you astray in your discourse.

Trust me.
You are an idiot....please don't vote....
That's terrible. All those illicit addictive drugs. By smugglers, no less.
On the positive side, they may be able to keep some, even much, maybe all(?) of that cash.

I would note also, that catching smugglers who smuggle drugs at the US/Mexican border, or hell, even the US/Canadian border......well, it ain't a new thing.

That's the nature of smuggling. It is sort of an illegal variation on capitalism: Where there is a a demand......find a way to make a market, and make a profit.

Mexican drug cartels know that.
So too do Americans involved in the largest drug smuggling operations in the US (tobacco).

It has been ever such.
We’ll have to part ways regarding what we each expect as an acceptable level of border security and success. I usually “grade on the curve” on social issues but not in this matter, it is cut and dry.

Yes, drug smuggling “has always” been the case coming in from not only missed illicit cargo at all checkpoints, but throughout ports and the northern border as well. Reportedly, most is getting in across the southern border.

Human trafficking- another horrendous tragedy for many migrants falling for costly trunk rides across the desert and dying. As long as cartels make money, as you’ve stated, they’ll keep getting customers and the horrendous conditions (rapes, death, a couple of contagions in the bulk) will continue. But…..US southern border states still have a choice to reduce the flow. Other states with drug and human trafficking problems should have already become proactive in capturing dealers and runners. Texas knows how to step it up, and they don’t whine about it.

In 2022, it’s very clear that’s supporting states rights is indeed necessary for not only statehood survival but to preserve any unity that remains via federal efforts . The southern states have the misfortune of being the geographical gate keepers for malfeasance, although illegal drug wars over multiple US cities will continue to run amuck with gang violence and human traffickers until all states take care of its security problem.

Positive note: many states (mostly red) are becoming more proactive than ever, regarding various state issues, and as a long-time supporter of states rights I am so glad to see it! The only thing that will “save” our floundering federal government will be to enhance state governmental powers.

Added note- successful capture of drug runners and human trafficking does not involve catch and release.
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Now the scam is to get on of their parents over here, then send in the kids by themselves, and then they can claim to have relatives here and release the kids to them. Works pretty good for the criminals.

Bread and Circuses did the same thing to Rome as what is happening to us now. Romans sat back at the colosseums while they were being invaded too.
Chinese get knocked up then dome here to drop anchor. Imagine if we tried that in China.
I seldom ever say this gut I care for all people no matter but I care more for my own like all others do.
I just post to vent sometimes or out of boredom.

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