US forces 'used chemical weapons' during assault on city of Fallujah

Theregular said:
So its propaganda, haha, typical...

Emmm, chemical wepons.

The assult was reported in the western media, however nothing from the what actually happened in the assult, no media was allowed to enter, nor where any medical teams either during the combat, or after the combat finished.

Its really funny how you guys attack every channel or newspaper that mentions the truth, I mean I would understand it if Aljazeera said something like this and you said they where biased, but an Itlain TV and a British news paper, and still, your saying its propaganda, I am sure if Bush admitted the use of chemical wepons in Iraq, you guys would say that he fell in love with Saddam and had a secret affiar with him. hahahaha

Hey irregular ..... white phosphorous is used for marking, it is not an anti-personnel weapon (that means it isn't used against people, braindead one).

What's really NOT funny is YOU will jump on anything that accuses the US of a crime; regardless a lack of evidence or credible source.

Feel free to go beat some objectivity into yourself.
GunnyL said:
Hey irregular ..... white phosphorous is used for marking, it is not an anti-personnel weapon (that means it isn't used against people, braindead one).

What's really NOT funny is YOU will jump on anything that accuses the US of a crime; regardless a lack of evidence or credible source.

Feel free to go beat some objectivity into yourself.

I think this is the only thing he can beat:


WASHINGTON - Pentagon officials acknowledged Tuesday that U.S. troops used white phosphorous as a weapon against insurgent strongholds during the battle of Fallujah last November. But they denied an Italian television news report that the spontaneously flammable material was used against civilians.

Lt. Col. Barry Venable, a Pentagon spokesman, said that while white phosphorous is most frequently used to mark targets or obscure a position, it was used at times in Fallujah as an incendiary weapon against enemy combatants.

"It was not used against civilians," Venable said.

The spokesman referred reporters to an article in the March-April 2005 edition of the Army's Field Artillery magazine, an official publication, in which veterans of the Fallujah fight spelled out their use of white phosphorous and other weapons. The authors used the shorthand "WP" in referring to white phosphorous.

"WP proved to be an effective and versatile munition," the authors wrote. "We used it for screening missions at two breeches and, later in the fight, as a potent psychological weapon against the insurgents in trench lines and spider holes when we could not get effects on them with HE (high explosive)" munitions.

"We fired `shake and bake' missions at the insurgents, using WP to flush them out and HE to take them out."

The authors added, in citing lessons for future urban battles, that fire-support teams should have used another type of smoke bomb for screening missions in Fallujah "and saved our WP for lethal missions."

The battle for Fallujah was the most intense and deadly fight of the war, after the fall of Baghdad in April 2003. The city, about 35 miles west of Baghdad on the Euphrates River, was a key insurgent stronghold. The authors of the "after action" report said they encountered few civilians in their area of operations.

Italian communists held a sit-in Monday in front of the U.S. Embassy in Rome to protest the reported use by American troops of white phosphorous. Italy's state-run RAI24 news television aired a documentary last week alleging the U.S. used white phosphorous shells in a "massive and indiscriminate way" against civilians during the Fallujah offensive.

The State Department, in response, initially denied that U.S. troops had used white phosphorous against enemy forces. "They were fired into the air to illuminate enemy positions at night, not at enemy fighters."

The department later said its statement had been incorrect.

"There is a great deal of misinformation feeding on itself about U.S. forces allegedly using `outlawed' weapons in Fallujah," the department said. "The facts are that U.S. forces are not using any illegal weapons in Fallujah or anywhere else in Iraq."

Venable said white phosphorous shells are a standard weapon used by field artillery units and are not banned by any international weapons convention to which the U.S. is a signatory.

White phosphorous is a colorless-to-yellow translucent wax-like substance with a pungent, garlic-like smell. The form used by the military ignites once it is exposed to oxygen, producing such heat that it bursts into a yellow flame and produces a dense white smoke. It can cause painful burn injuries to exposed human flesh.
nosarcasm said:
My advice never count on Italy. Yeah I took out a minute of my life
to hate on them. But hey they cost us Moscow. :D

I thought that was General Winter
true but because of the Italian failure in the balkan the operations against
the Commies had to be pushed back for 6 weeks.

These 6 weeks would have made the difference in the battle for moscow.
nosarcasm said:
true but because of the Italian failure in the balkan the operations against
the Commies had to be pushed back for 6 weeks.

These 6 weeks would have made the difference in the battle for moscow.

...enabling an advance of a few hundred more km into the tundra.
The war was lost on 22nd june 1941.
umm German forces beat the first wave of defenders of Moscow but had to wait 4 weeks during the mud period before winter set in with their operations.

So with 6 extra weeks they would have taken Moscow. If this would
have let to the collapse of Russia or not, I do not know. But the moral
impact could have made the difference. Even in 1942 the US had an
emergency landing plan for France in case Russia should be close to collapse.
Lefty Wilbury said:
just posting the bullshit the foriegn media is throwing out there. just letting everyone know what we are up againest in the pr war that and the fact italian state run media is running with this story.
Hmm, looks like the foreign bullshit is true.
The US has now admitted using white phosphorus as a weapon in Falluja last year, after earlier denying it.

GunnyL said:
Hey irregular ..... white phosphorous is used for marking, it is not an anti-personnel weapon (that means it isn't used against people, braindead one).
The US initially said white phosphorus had been used only to illuminate enemy positions, but now admits it was used as a weapon.
america go to hell
god destroy america
the heros of iraqi resistane will keep killing terorists of us force
go to hell united states of terorrism
allhamm ansor almjuahdeen fi aliraq
allah akbar
allah akbar
the heros of iraqi resistance have fighted american forces for three years
the powerful us army didnt defeat iraqi fighters
the iraqi fighters stand in the battlefield despite iron fist matador snake
steel curtain and all that poolshit of us misrable soldiers
the heros of iraqi mujahdeen are tough strong patient enemy for the pigs of
us poolshit army
mujahid said:
the heros of iraqi resistance have fighted american forces for three years
the powerful us army didnt defeat iraqi fighters
the iraqi fighters stand in the battlefield despite iron fist matador snake
steel curtain and all that poolshit of us misrable soldiers
the heros of iraqi mujahdeen are tough strong patient enemy for the pigs of
us poolshit army

Thats pretty funny! :)

Is Saddam still in power? Did I miss that?

Iraqi fighters "STILL" stand in the battlefield? Ha! There NEVER stood there, much less still do.

What exactly is poolshit?

I think this is some American leftist anti war liberal trying to post like a middle easterner. hahahhaha,

thanks for the entertainment !!!!!!!!!!!
LuvRPgrl said:
Thats pretty funny! :)

Is Saddam still in power? Did I miss that?

Iraqi fighters "STILL" stand in the battlefield? Ha! There NEVER stood there, much less still do.

What exactly is poolshit?

I think this is some American leftist anti war liberal trying to post like a middle easterner. hahahhaha,

thanks for the entertainment !!!!!!!!!!!

More likely a hit-n-runner that got bored lip-diddling :lame2:
mujahid said:
the heros of iraqi resistance have fighted american forces for three years
the powerful us army didnt defeat iraqi fighters
the iraqi fighters stand in the battlefield despite iron fist matador snake
steel curtain and all that poolshit of us misrable soldiers
the heros of iraqi mujahdeen are tough strong patient enemy for the pigs of
us poolshit army

Our women fight better than your men.

That is why you must hide behind the skirts of your own women,
and behind the playgrounds of your children.

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