US global image plummets under Trump

As I recall, those missiles cost us $1.6 million each, so we have sent a clear message that we will pay ANY price to our military industrial complex to dig holes in the desert!

Syria should actually "thank" Trump for the holes where trees can now be easily planted.....Yep, Trump the landscaper in chief..... LOL
The survey of 37 nations found a median of only 22% of respondents had confidence Trump will do the right thing when it comes to international affairs, compared to 64% trust in President Obama during the final years of his administration

As Conservatives respond in unison "Who cares what other countries think?"

With 64% of nations trusting Obama's leadership, Obama was able to get other countries to assume a bigger role in the war on terrorism, he was able to get international sanctions against Russia, he was able to get a climate accord and an international agreement in Iran's nuclear disarmament

All this from a community organizer. With a great dealmaker like Trump sporting 22% of countries having confidence in his ability to do the right thing....we are on our own
Nobody trusts Trump. They don't trust him to keep his promises, they don't trust his judgment and they won't enter alliances with him
View attachment 135803
'US global image plummets under Trump'

Obama helped The Muslim Brotherhood and Al '3k Dead Americans' Qaeda take over their own countries

Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, and protected ISIS.

Obama armed Mexican Drug Cartels

Obama helped Iran advance it's nuclear program with an Un-Constitutional Treaty

Obama paid terrorists ransoms, paid Iran a ransom, and released terrorists from Gitmo, none more important than the Taliban 5

Obama illegally spied on reporters, the media, Americans, the Senate, and potentially on the USSC

Obama was only 1 of 2 Presidents to use the IRS as a weapon against the American people

Obama's Cabinet / FBI / Intel Agencies illegally shared classified Intel, illegally unmasked Americans, and perpetrated Felony Espionage

Obama's 1st US AG perpetrated Felony Perjury while the 2nd obstructed justice

Criminal Obama administration employees who should be in jail include Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, James Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Reid, Castro, and others..

Obama embarrassed himself and this nation with his Syrian Red Line and endangered our national security by then backing down from it.

Obama was a joke and a failure, a criminal, Constitution and Law violator, as we have seen even after he has left office.

America, despite the Democrats' continued lies, Conspiracy Theories, subversion, sedition, treason, Felony Espionage, and exposed crimes, is trying to recover under Trump.
Trump hates that America still loves Obama more than they'll ever tolerate him.
That's why he has a vendetta of undoing all of Obama's great accomplishments.
That's why he lied about Obama wiretapping him.
The thin skinned whiny little bitch can't handle being the most hated man in the world.
The survey of 37 nations found a median of only 22% of respondents had confidence Trump will do the right thing when it comes to international affairs, compared to 64% trust in President Obama during the final years of his administration

As Conservatives respond in unison "Who cares what other countries think?"

With 64% of nations trusting Obama's leadership, Obama was able to get other countries to assume a bigger role in the war on terrorism, he was able to get international sanctions against Russia, he was able to get a climate accord and an international agreement in Iran's nuclear disarmament

All this from a community organizer. With a great dealmaker like Trump sporting 22% of countries having confidence in his ability to do the right thing....we are on our own
Nobody trusts Trump. They don't trust him to keep his promises, they don't trust his judgment and they won't enter alliances with him
Same pollsters said Hillary would be pResident.
Study: U.S. image plummets under Trump, but hey, Russia likes us

The survey of 37 nations found a median of only 22% of respondents had confidence Trump will do the right thing when it comes to international affairs, compared to 64% trust in President Obama during the final years of his administration.

U.S. prestige also took a hit, with a median of 49% saying they had a positive view of the United States now compared to 64% during Obama's tenure.

I thought Trump was going to make America great again?


All this means is that other governments are angry they can't have their way with America anymore and it's funnelled down through their words and local media. It also means that they have to pony up on their obligations whereas in the past, some presidents didn't care to put America First.

The survey was of the people of the world not their governments

Frankly, the world looks at the US as going a little bit crazy right now
Screw the world.
Most (not all) right wingers who have (somehow) fallen in love with the orange charlatan, will probably NOT CARE as to how the world sees us, because love of party seems to trump (pardon the expression) objectivity and sanity.

U.S. exceptionalism has now become a trite and mocked contention by only some Americans; we are often laughed at about our collective stupidity about our health care status....about our ridiculous expenditures on never-ending wars......and about our narcissism that belies reality.

The Pew Research's findings........both interesting and rather sad....

Here's one example......


.......and here's another.....


U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership
they hate him, we know. you think that's news? socialist countries with nothing but hate and violence hates us? It's what they fking do. we're taking our constitution back.
We don´t hate you gun wielding coal rollers. We just ask you to be honest and put that swastika on.
ahh look at the little tyke who has no balls. afraid of the bad ole USA are you?
Yeah. Please don´t destroy everything. We are living here too.
I supposed you'd prefer to be speaking german then, eh?
I suspect that NATO wonders from day to day whether they are obsolete to us this week, or not.
yeah, how is that North Korea guy doing? oh that's right, the UN turns it head. Listen to them yell fk u to the globe.
Study: U.S. image plummets under Trump, but hey, Russia likes us

The survey of 37 nations found a median of only 22% of respondents had confidence Trump will do the right thing when it comes to international affairs, compared to 64% trust in President Obama during the final years of his administration.

U.S. prestige also took a hit, with a median of 49% saying they had a positive view of the United States now compared to 64% during Obama's tenure.

I thought Trump was going to make America great again?

I truly don't care what other countries residents think. They enjoyed the US giving away cash like a hooker gives away her body for the past 50 years and now they don't like a President of the US that puts America first. Boo Hoo!
The survey of 37 nations found a median of only 22% of respondents had confidence Trump will do the right thing when it comes to international affairs, compared to 64% trust in President Obama during the final years of his administration

As Conservatives respond in unison "Who cares what other countries think?"

With 64% of nations trusting Obama's leadership, Obama was able to get other countries to assume a bigger role in the war on terrorism, he was able to get international sanctions against Russia, he was able to get a climate accord and an international agreement in Iran's nuclear disarmament

All this from a community organizer. With a great dealmaker like Trump sporting 22% of countries having confidence in his ability to do the right thing....we are on our own
Nobody trusts Trump. They don't trust him to keep his promises, they don't trust his judgment and they won't enter alliances with him
Same pollsters said Hillary would be pResident.

They are not the same pollsters

A survey of 45,000 people around the world and Trump comes in at 22%

Obama was trusted to do the right thing.....Trump is looked at as a bufoon
I suspect that NATO wonders from day to day whether they are obsolete to us this week, or not.
yeah, how is that North Korea guy doing? oh that's right, the UN turns it head. Listen to them yell fk u to the globe.

You expect NATO to go to war with North Korea? For what? "Extreme obnoxiousness?"
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL dude for real? they just murdered a college student over what? extreme obnoxiousness? fk the UN they are the most useless organization that exists on this planet.
Study: U.S. image plummets under Trump, but hey, Russia likes us

The survey of 37 nations found a median of only 22% of respondents had confidence Trump will do the right thing when it comes to international affairs, compared to 64% trust in President Obama during the final years of his administration.

U.S. prestige also took a hit, with a median of 49% saying they had a positive view of the United States now compared to 64% during Obama's tenure.

I thought Trump was going to make America great again?

I truly don't care what other countries residents think. They enjoyed the US giving away cash like a hooker gives away her body for the past 50 years and now they don't like a President of the US that puts America first. Boo Hoo!

That's the rub

We can say fuck you, we don't care what you think of us. But when we want their help fighting terrorism or want a new trade agreement, or want to impose international sanctions....that 22% will not buy us much

Even if Trump is a master negotiator
Lets face it

The rest of the world looks at us like we are fucking crazy for electing someone like Trump
lets face it - the beating of this drum is getting less effective the more you beat it.

beat the shit out of it man. people are getting numb and immune to it.
American liberals look worse than anything. How many crybabies and excuse makers can you put in one country?
even after trump bombed his military? really, prove it.

Trump bombed Putin's military????

The above is one of the leading idiots among the right wing, clueless ilk....LOL
Syria bombing: US says Russia bears responsibility for Assad's gas attack – as it happened

"The Pentagon alerted Russian military counterparts to minimize the risk of conflict. A spokesman said the strike appeared to have “severely damaged or destroyed Syrian aircraft”. Russian authorities disputed the claim, saying many missiles missed their targets. By Friday afternoon the base was already launching flights again, according to AFP."

I love it that you stupid fks don't know shit.

Good God you're a stupid fuck.........

Trump warns Russia he is going to send missiles.....
The Russians tell the Syrians to get their planes out of that airfield
Trump launches missiles that made big holes AROUND the airfield which was up and running within hours.....

...and THIS IDIOT above calls the operation a sounding success???


Someone who disagrees with you is stupid. What are the odds?

Good thing you are there to tell them eh?
Most (not all) right wingers who have (somehow) fallen in love with the orange charlatan, will probably NOT CARE as to how the world sees us, because love of party seems to trump (pardon the expression) objectivity and sanity.

U.S. exceptionalism has now become a trite and mocked contention by only some Americans; we are often laughed at about our collective stupidity about our health care status....about our ridiculous expenditures on never-ending wars......and about our narcissism that belies reality.

The Pew Research's findings........both interesting and rather sad....

Here's one example......


.......and here's another.....


U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership

that's what happens when there's an orange sociopath running things for Russia.
The survey of 37 nations found a median of only 22% of respondents had confidence Trump will do the right thing when it comes to international affairs, compared to 64% trust in President Obama during the final years of his administration

As Conservatives respond in unison "Who cares what other countries think?"

With 64% of nations trusting Obama's leadership, Obama was able to get other countries to assume a bigger role in the war on terrorism, he was able to get international sanctions against Russia, he was able to get a climate accord and an international agreement in Iran's nuclear disarmament

All this from a community organizer. With a great dealmaker like Trump sporting 22% of countries having confidence in his ability to do the right thing....we are on our own
Nobody trusts Trump. They don't trust him to keep his promises, they don't trust his judgment and they won't enter alliances with him
Same pollsters said Hillary would be pResident.

They are not the same pollsters

A survey of 45,000 people around the world and Trump comes in at 22%

Obama was trusted to do the right thing.....Trump is looked at as a bufoon

Obama doubled your debt in 8 years! Making it the number one National Security threat to America, while China laughed and gladly became the #2 economy and military threat while lending the U.S money by purchasing T-Bills at the same time stealing your industries.

All in all, I have to say, Obama really just became an asterisk in presidential history. He won't crack the top 10 for all the money he spent. Sad.

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