US global image plummets under Trump

Lets face it

The rest of the world looks at us like we are fucking crazy for electing someone like Trump
lets face it - the beating of this drum is getting less effective the more you beat it.

beat the shit out of it man. people are getting numb and immune to it.

No matter who beats it....the tune sounds the same

Trump is not respected around the world and America's image is suffering because of it
bullshit. maybe the image YOU wish we were presenting, but for many of us, bout time we stood up to people and worked for our own common good.

This has to do with the trust of Trump as a world leader

You guys can say "Go fuck yourself" to the world but it doesn't help the ability of the US to obtain agreements around the world. That includes NATO, the UN, multilateral trade agreements, economic sanctions, military cooperation

The POTUS is normally in a position as leader of the free world. Trump is openly mocked and distrusted around the world.
You guys can say "Go fuck yourself" to the world but it doesn't help the ability of the US to obtain agreements around the world. That includes NATO, the UN, multilateral trade agreements, economic sanctions, military cooperation.

The only thing we need to get the few, if any things we need from outside this nation is our nuclear arsenal and someone willing to use it having their finger in the button.
You guys can say "Go fuck yourself" to the world but it doesn't help the ability of the US to obtain agreements around the world. That includes NATO, the UN, multilateral trade agreements, economic sanctions, military cooperation.

The only thing we need to get the few, if any things we need from outside this nation is our nuclear arsenal and someone willing to use it having their finger in the button.

Ah yes...the ultimate solution for conservatives
Lets face it

The rest of the world looks at us like we are fucking crazy for electing someone like Trump
lets face it - the beating of this drum is getting less effective the more you beat it.

beat the shit out of it man. people are getting numb and immune to it.

No matter who beats it....the tune sounds the same

Trump is not respected around the world and America's image is suffering because of it
bullshit. maybe the image YOU wish we were presenting, but for many of us, bout time we stood up to people and worked for our own common good.

This has to do with the trust of Trump as a world leader

You guys can say "Go fuck yourself" to the world but it doesn't help the ability of the US to obtain agreements around the world. That includes NATO, the UN, multilateral trade agreements, economic sanctions, military cooperation

The POTUS is normally in a position as leader of the free world. Trump is openly mocked and distrusted around the world.
yea, and you can keep saying the world hates trump w/o proof or links and just expecting people to agree with you cause all the cool kids are doing it.

and some of those agreements need to be reviewed anyway.
You guys can say "Go fuck yourself" to the world but it doesn't help the ability of the US to obtain agreements around the world. That includes NATO, the UN, multilateral trade agreements, economic sanctions, military cooperation.

The only thing we need to get the few, if any things we need from outside this nation is our nuclear arsenal and someone willing to use it having their finger in the button.

Ah yes...the ultimate solution for conservatives
and i can just as easily say the ultimate solution for liberals is to bash trump.

Russia is dead now. time to move on to obstruction. wait, if there was no russia there could be no obstruction to chase - that was a media hype, not the FBI or our own gov now was it?

back to just blindly bashing trump til you can some up with something else. in that and activity the libs continue to push you will continue to get the "Fuck Offs".
We don´t hate you gun wielding coal rollers. We just ask you to be honest and put that swastika on.
ahh look at the little tyke who has no balls. afraid of the bad ole USA are you?
Yeah. Please don´t destroy everything. We are living here too.
I supposed you'd prefer to be speaking german then, eh?
Lets face it

The rest of the world looks at us like we are fucking crazy for electing someone like Trump
lets face it - the beating of this drum is getting less effective the more you beat it.

beat the shit out of it man. people are getting numb and immune to it.

No matter who beats it....the tune sounds the same

Trump is not respected around the world and America's image is suffering because of it
bullshit. maybe the image YOU wish we were presenting, but for many of us, bout time we stood up to people and worked for our own common good.

This has to do with the trust of Trump as a world leader

You guys can say "Go fuck yourself" to the world but it doesn't help the ability of the US to obtain agreements around the world. That includes NATO, the UN, multilateral trade agreements, economic sanctions, military cooperation

The POTUS is normally in a position as leader of the free world. Trump is openly mocked and distrusted around the world.
yea, and you can keep saying the world hates trump w/o proof or links and just expecting people to agree with you cause all the cool kids are doing it.

and some of those agreements need to be reviewed anyway.

I did provide links

22% support is not going to get you much global cooperation.....Even if you are the worlds greatest dealmaker
You guys can say "Go fuck yourself" to the world but it doesn't help the ability of the US to obtain agreements around the world. That includes NATO, the UN, multilateral trade agreements, economic sanctions, military cooperation.

The only thing we need to get the few, if any things we need from outside this nation is our nuclear arsenal and someone willing to use it having their finger in the button.

Ah yes...the ultimate solution for conservatives
and i can just as easily say the ultimate solution for liberals is to bash trump.

Russia is dead now. time to move on to obstruction. wait, if there was no russia there could be no obstruction to chase - that was a media hype, not the FBI or our own gov now was it?

back to just blindly bashing trump til you can some up with something else. in that and activity the libs continue to push you will continue to get the "Fuck Offs".

If only it was so easy....
No, Russia is not dead. Trump will still be answering for it a year from now
Trump's ability to deal with foreign nations is severely compromised by his lack of support both at home and abroad
He also has the weakest State Department in a hundred years
lets face it - the beating of this drum is getting less effective the more you beat it.

beat the shit out of it man. people are getting numb and immune to it.

No matter who beats it....the tune sounds the same

Trump is not respected around the world and America's image is suffering because of it
bullshit. maybe the image YOU wish we were presenting, but for many of us, bout time we stood up to people and worked for our own common good.

This has to do with the trust of Trump as a world leader

You guys can say "Go fuck yourself" to the world but it doesn't help the ability of the US to obtain agreements around the world. That includes NATO, the UN, multilateral trade agreements, economic sanctions, military cooperation

The POTUS is normally in a position as leader of the free world. Trump is openly mocked and distrusted around the world.
yea, and you can keep saying the world hates trump w/o proof or links and just expecting people to agree with you cause all the cool kids are doing it.

and some of those agreements need to be reviewed anyway.

I did provide links

22% support is not going to get you much global cooperation.....Even if you are the worlds greatest dealmaker
sorry - was CNN included? :)

since it's trendy to bash trump and the news does it for ratings, you'll forgive me if our news sources i refuse to listen to or trust right now.
You guys can say "Go fuck yourself" to the world but it doesn't help the ability of the US to obtain agreements around the world. That includes NATO, the UN, multilateral trade agreements, economic sanctions, military cooperation.

The only thing we need to get the few, if any things we need from outside this nation is our nuclear arsenal and someone willing to use it having their finger in the button.

Ah yes...the ultimate solution for conservatives
and i can just as easily say the ultimate solution for liberals is to bash trump.

Russia is dead now. time to move on to obstruction. wait, if there was no russia there could be no obstruction to chase - that was a media hype, not the FBI or our own gov now was it?

back to just blindly bashing trump til you can some up with something else. in that and activity the libs continue to push you will continue to get the "Fuck Offs".

If only it was so easy....
No, Russia is not dead. Trump will still be answering for it a year from now
Trump's ability to deal with foreign nations is severely compromised by his lack of support both at home and abroad
He also has the weakest State Department in a hundred years
how? CNN has now said it's all bullshit for ratings. everyone with any form of name has said NOTHING THERE.

what are you going to keep holding onto other than hope and a pack of lies? your hate for trump is making you seriously warp the "normal" occurrence of events here so you can still self-justify trump hate.
Lets face it

The rest of the world looks at us like we are fucking crazy for electing someone like Trump
lets face it - the beating of this drum is getting less effective the more you beat it.

beat the shit out of it man. people are getting numb and immune to it.

No matter who beats it....the tune sounds the same

Trump is not respected around the world and America's image is suffering because of it
bullshit. maybe the image YOU wish we were presenting, but for many of us, bout time we stood up to people and worked for our own common good.

But you're not working for your own common good. You're working for the good of the wealthy. The rest of you are worse off than before.
I suspect that NATO wonders from day to day whether they are obsolete to us this week, or not.
yeah, how is that North Korea guy doing? oh that's right, the UN turns it head. Listen to them yell fk u to the globe.

You expect NATO to go to war with North Korea? For what? "Extreme obnoxiousness?"
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL dude for real? they just murdered a college student over what? extreme obnoxiousness? fk the UN they are the most useless organization that exists on this planet.

Well, jc, if you want to be shipped to North Korea to go to war over some half assed college student who decides to vacation in the world's most dangerous country, and while he is at it, decides to steal one of their government owned propaganda signs, have at it! As for me, I consider the entire incident to be an excellent example of the Darwin principle.
As I recall, those missiles cost us $1.6 million each, so we have sent a clear message that we will pay ANY price to our military industrial complex to dig holes in the desert!

Syria should actually "thank" Trump for the holes where trees can now be easily planted.....Yep, Trump the landscaper in chief..... LOL

You really shouldn't joke about war.

You mean that this whole foreign policy we have to kill Islamics until they agree to like us is not a joke?
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No matter who beats it....the tune sounds the same

Trump is not respected around the world and America's image is suffering because of it
bullshit. maybe the image YOU wish we were presenting, but for many of us, bout time we stood up to people and worked for our own common good.

This has to do with the trust of Trump as a world leader

You guys can say "Go fuck yourself" to the world but it doesn't help the ability of the US to obtain agreements around the world. That includes NATO, the UN, multilateral trade agreements, economic sanctions, military cooperation

The POTUS is normally in a position as leader of the free world. Trump is openly mocked and distrusted around the world.
yea, and you can keep saying the world hates trump w/o proof or links and just expecting people to agree with you cause all the cool kids are doing it.

and some of those agreements need to be reviewed anyway.

I did provide links

22% support is not going to get you much global cooperation.....Even if you are the worlds greatest dealmaker
sorry - was CNN included? :)

since it's trendy to bash trump and the news does it for ratings, you'll forgive me if our news sources i refuse to listen to or trust right now.
Most of the world does not watch CNN

They do however, realize what an incompetent leader Trump is
You guys can say "Go fuck yourself" to the world but it doesn't help the ability of the US to obtain agreements around the world. That includes NATO, the UN, multilateral trade agreements, economic sanctions, military cooperation.

The only thing we need to get the few, if any things we need from outside this nation is our nuclear arsenal and someone willing to use it having their finger in the button.

Ah yes...the ultimate solution for conservatives
and i can just as easily say the ultimate solution for liberals is to bash trump.

Russia is dead now. time to move on to obstruction. wait, if there was no russia there could be no obstruction to chase - that was a media hype, not the FBI or our own gov now was it?

back to just blindly bashing trump til you can some up with something else. in that and activity the libs continue to push you will continue to get the "Fuck Offs".

If only it was so easy....
No, Russia is not dead. Trump will still be answering for it a year from now
Trump's ability to deal with foreign nations is severely compromised by his lack of support both at home and abroad
He also has the weakest State Department in a hundred years
how? CNN has now said it's all bullshit for ratings. everyone with any form of name has said NOTHING THERE.

what are you going to keep holding onto other than hope and a pack of lies? your hate for trump is making you seriously warp the "normal" occurrence of events here so you can still self-justify trump hate.
The only thing we need to get the few, if any things we need from outside this nation is our nuclear arsenal and someone willing to use it having their finger in the button.

Ah yes...the ultimate solution for conservatives
and i can just as easily say the ultimate solution for liberals is to bash trump.

Russia is dead now. time to move on to obstruction. wait, if there was no russia there could be no obstruction to chase - that was a media hype, not the FBI or our own gov now was it?

back to just blindly bashing trump til you can some up with something else. in that and activity the libs continue to push you will continue to get the "Fuck Offs".

If only it was so easy....
No, Russia is not dead. Trump will still be answering for it a year from now
Trump's ability to deal with foreign nations is severely compromised by his lack of support both at home and abroad
He also has the weakest State Department in a hundred years
how? CNN has now said it's all bullshit for ratings. everyone with any form of name has said NOTHING THERE.

what are you going to keep holding onto other than hope and a pack of lies? your hate for trump is making you seriously warp the "normal" occurrence of events here so you can still self-justify trump hate.
link for what? the CNN confession.

please. i'm done playing this game now.
Ah yes...the ultimate solution for conservatives
and i can just as easily say the ultimate solution for liberals is to bash trump.

Russia is dead now. time to move on to obstruction. wait, if there was no russia there could be no obstruction to chase - that was a media hype, not the FBI or our own gov now was it?

back to just blindly bashing trump til you can some up with something else. in that and activity the libs continue to push you will continue to get the "Fuck Offs".

If only it was so easy....
No, Russia is not dead. Trump will still be answering for it a year from now
Trump's ability to deal with foreign nations is severely compromised by his lack of support both at home and abroad
He also has the weakest State Department in a hundred years
how? CNN has now said it's all bullshit for ratings. everyone with any form of name has said NOTHING THERE.

what are you going to keep holding onto other than hope and a pack of lies? your hate for trump is making you seriously warp the "normal" occurrence of events here so you can still self-justify trump hate.
link for what? the CNN confession.

please. i'm done playing this game now.
Show me where CNN confessed

Come can do it
and i can just as easily say the ultimate solution for liberals is to bash trump.

Russia is dead now. time to move on to obstruction. wait, if there was no russia there could be no obstruction to chase - that was a media hype, not the FBI or our own gov now was it?

back to just blindly bashing trump til you can some up with something else. in that and activity the libs continue to push you will continue to get the "Fuck Offs".

If only it was so easy....
No, Russia is not dead. Trump will still be answering for it a year from now
Trump's ability to deal with foreign nations is severely compromised by his lack of support both at home and abroad
He also has the weakest State Department in a hundred years
how? CNN has now said it's all bullshit for ratings. everyone with any form of name has said NOTHING THERE.

what are you going to keep holding onto other than hope and a pack of lies? your hate for trump is making you seriously warp the "normal" occurrence of events here so you can still self-justify trump hate.
link for what? the CNN confession.

please. i'm done playing this game now.
Show me where CNN confessed

Come can do it
fuck off.

ignore +1

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