US health insurance vs European insurance.


Worried an aggressive new rule could cut into providers’ earnings, key members of Congress including Rep. Richie Neal are helping private industry weaken the administration’s position in federal court.​

“Congressional Democrats are joining Republicans in a last-ditch effort to undermine the newly implemented No Surprises Act, which bans surprise medical bills. A key provision in the law could become a first step toward allowing the federal government to standardize rates for medical procedures covered under private insurance plans, an objective the private health care industry has fought for decades. Late last year, in the months leading up to the bill’s enactment, opponents filed a flurry of lawsuits claiming that by enforcing the rule in a manner widely viewed as consistent with the text of the legislation, the Biden administration had overstepped Congress’s intentions.”

January 17 2022, 6:00 a.m.

Libertarian/Anarchist. 😉
Not this again. You know there are numerous types of libertarians, yet you attempt to narrow down the definition for whatever reason.

That was a short commercial break, now back to the topic.
Not this again. You know there are numerous types of libertarians, yet you attempt to narrow down the definition for whatever reason.

That was a short commercial break, now back to the topic.
Yes, yes. Words can mean whatever we want them to mean. :rolleyes-41:
My wife and I are retired. My wife has a chronic illness (Lupus) and takes several daily medications. I am in fairly good health although I did have cancer a few years ago that was fully cured..

Each year we see preventative specialists like Heart, Dermatology and Primary Care. We both see Ophthalmologists several times a year and usually a Optometrist We both had Cataract surgeries in both eyes and occasionally other procedures.

Usually in a year we see one or more specialist just to check things out.

We get excellent care.

Not including dental our total cost of medical care in a year very seldom exceeds 5% of our income. That includes medical insurance, medications and all co payments and deductibles. The IRS allows for medical deductions on taxes but we never exceed the threshold amounts.

When I had cancer I could have got it treated through the VA for free but instead chose to pay the insurance deductible myself and get better faster treatment. I don't trust the government with my health care. Too important to be left to bureaucrats.

Heath care is great in the US. Even the poor welfare queens get great treatment better than what most people get in the rest of the world. It would be better and cheaper if the government didn't have so many regulations and interference. The government fucks up everything.

Do you not realize that you and your wife are only allowed to continue having healthcare with your company because the government passed a law that you can't deny someone with pre existing conditions, which you and your wife fall under? Looks like you're enjoying those same "regulations and interference," you're so against.

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