US high school allows Muslims time for prayer if they earn good grades

Hahaha tell that to the Christians in Egypt that are being killed right now and the ones in Syria

Now I can post URLs ,, and yes videos in Arabic but at least they are TRUE not fake
you don't have to translate the language if you didn't find a reliable interpreter
pictures are enough

they are from real sources, not only from Websites that are not trusted or a member writes false stories just to show racism against others

Watch them so you know very well that the Christians and Muslims in Syria are like one hand
And Muslims are protecting villages where Christians live
And they are allowing Christians to join them in fighting
and congratulate Christians in their festivals

Christians in Syria make up a battalion Name: Ansar Allah In collaboration with Muslims "Free Army"
[ame=]?????????? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ?????? - YouTube[/ame]

Free Army protects the village liberated cannula population are Christians
[ame=]?????? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????? ????????? - YouTube[/ame]

and here it is a Christian man join the Free army with Muslims
[ame=]?????? ????? ?? ????? ?????? - YouTube[/ame]

Free Army with Christians celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Christ
[ame=]?????? ???? ????? ?? ????????? ?? ???? ????? ???????? - YouTube[/ame]
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the crap and double standards that are allowed to go on in this country totally blow my mind.
the crap and double standards that are allowed to go on in this country totally blow my mind.

Its called political correctness, never do or say anything that might offend any minority, but you can slander and insult any majority as much as you wish.

It is lunacy, and we let it happen.
there should be NO religion in public schools.

if the christians cant pray.... neither can the muslims.

if the muslims want to do their crap, they can go to muslim schools. [/COLOR]

Crap !!!

You insult yourself , your religion and your country when you insult others' religion

How does insulting a religion insult a country? This country was founded on the idea that no one is above insult, which means that the only way to insult it is by not insulting religion.
I did not say it is a legal religion, so I can't link to that. What I said is that atheism is a religion under the 1st Amendment.

KAUFMAN v. McCAUGHTRY, No.?04-1914., August 19, 2005 - US 7th Circuit | FindLaw

The Supreme Court has recognized atheism as equivalent to a “religion” for purposes of the First Amendment on numerous occasions, most recently in McCreary County, Ky. v. American Civil Liberties Union of Ky., 545U.S. 844, 125 S.Ct. 2722, 162 L.Ed.2d 729 (2005).   The Establishment Clause itself says only that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” but the Court understands the reference to religion to include what it often calls “nonreligion.”   In McCreary County, it described the touchstone of Establishment Clause analysis as “the principle that the First Amendment mandates government neutrality between religion and religion, and between religion and nonreligion.”  Id. at *10 (internal quotations omitted).   As the Court put it in Wallace v. Jaffree, 472 U.S. 38, 105 S.Ct. 2479, 86 L.Ed.2d 29 (1985):
on this though, this is rather weak that it would be an inmate saying he is a practicing atheist. The Judge got it wrong and was played. Atheism is not a religion.

It wasn't a judge, idiot, it was a three judge panel of the appellate court, they cited two Supreme Court decisions to back up their position, and the decision was unanimous.

Want to try pretending you are smarter than the entire universe, or do you want to admit I actually got something right.

I admitted you got something right a few posts ago. I am saying this is weak and in my opinion the judges got it wrong. That being said it is what it is.

No need to pretend, i simply gave my opinion and you went retard over it. Cant stop you from doing that,
There is no need to pray in school during classes. If you are Muslim, you can pray early morning, again before school, again during your lunch break, again when you arrive home, and finally, in the evening.

Christians can do the same.

It is not like that,
Muslim prayer is not like Christian prayers
Muslims have certain times to do their prayer
and in school it means the noon (Duhr) prayer is the prayer that they should performance
It doesn't take more than five minutes
Yes there are certain time for the required 5 prayers a day. The timings of these prayers are spaced fairly evenly throughout the day, so that one is constantly reminded of God and given opportunities to seek His guidance and forgiveness.

The times are:
late afternoon
Daily Prayer Timings

I really doubt the truth to this story. The media screws up almost every story and this one is certainly not an exception.

Muslims need to pray 5 times a day regardless of their level of education
Christians , on the other hand need to pray just once a week in Sundays, in their weekend , not during school time

Plus, many Islamic countries respect Christianity by allowing them to build Churches so that they can pray as much as they can FREELY whatever their grades are !


For many prayer and meditation is a state of being not a mechanical application of a man made ritual.

Further, I do not believe you know what you are talking about.
Legally, anyone is allowed to pray in school in the US, as long as the prayers are not officially sponsored by the school and do not disrupt others. In reality, such decisions often spark heated – and sometimes legal – objections from opponents.

from the original link.

I agree though that tying it to good grades is sort of odd. But, since their prayers must be held at specific times, praying will inevitably lead to some loss of instruction time.
If Muslims wish to pray at school, let them - but the time they take to pray must be added up, and they must stay the extra time at the end of the week to make up for it.

Same for Christians.

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