US is No. 4 in the world with most orphaned children by COVID deaths, study finds

200 thousand have did of covid since Biden took office 6 months ago .... but no ones blaming Biden nor should they ! China is to blame for the millions of deaths around the world !
Unvaxxed folk are dying in droves. What can Pres Joe do if Qop trash are afraid of the vax ?
Of course it isn't...or in this case a grandparent, or any kin....but that's true for the flu, cancer, heart attacks, and a hold host of other ways people can get sick and die.
Government inaction caused the virus to spread and then trump misinformation caused folk to treat it like a hoax.

"And then it will just disappear"

Nobody ever said that about cancer.
We are #3 in population, dumb ass.

Wales can't be up there because it doesn't have the population, and of the population it does have, too many seem to be pudgy little poofders who don't have children.
not China eh ? ok then please tell us whos to blame for the over 1.2 million covid deaths in Europe out of a population of approximately 750 million ? again about the same rate as the UK and the US ? is China to blame for those deaths ? Coronavirus in Europe: the latest counts, charts and maps
Weak leadership. Some countries have managed the virus better than others. It is the countries with populist dickhead leaders who have suffered the most. USA, UK, Brazil, India. Mainly because they have pandered to the vocal idiots.
Weak leadership. Some countries have managed the virus better than others. It is the countries with populist dickhead leaders who have suffered the most. USA, UK, Brazil, India. Mainly because they have pandered to the vocal idiots.
ok got it ! only leaders that are not leftists are responsible for the covid deaths in the countries they lead .... and China isnt responsible ...i think we can all see what you are saying .... and its pathetic .
Because covid doesnt affect thin people. Marje says so. Not the orphans fault is it if their parents are fatsos ?

A child being orphaned is always a tragedy. I'm telling you why America has so many orphaned children

Instead of worthless masks, public health should have focused on weight loss, exercise and healthy eating
Not surprising when you have just freed yourself from a sociopathic "President" who admitted to downplaying the virus at a critical time.
Your TDS is showing

The “study” is nothing more than a couple of libs at Imperial College making wild guesses while never leaving their desk

And you fell for it
ok got it ! only leaders that are not leftists are responsible for the covid deaths in the countries they lead .... and China isnt responsible ...i think we can all see what you are saying .... and its pathetic .
I would hardly describe the Singapore government as left wing and they have done pretty well. It is down to the individual leader and the dickheads are generally right wing idiots..
There is no real data to support the Lancet's findings. The estimate is based on some sort of "fertility and mortality" computer statistics. The U.K. "Lancet" is affiliated with the World Health Organization (WHO) which is now under attack for covering up allegations that the Covid was released from a Chinese lab. It's the old strategy of a good defense. Attack the U.S. with unfounded allegations while you are guilty of delays and coverups that cost the lives of millions.
Government inaction caused the virus to spread and then trump misinformation caused folk to treat it like a hoax.

"And then it will just disappear"

Nobody ever said that about cancer.
What misinformation?

I don't disagree that the Chinese Govt's inaction and lies caused it to spread.
I suggest that we refer to them as the Trump children so that we never forget which fat bastard is the cause of this suffering.

Why would we want to call them that, Tittie, when these children and 90% of all the real suffering was really all caused by the shutdown demanded by all the blue state governors! And the ongoing Covid patterns in other countries confirm that Trump was no significant factor here! In fact, wasn't PENCE actually in charge of it? The CDC tells us that 95% of the Covid deaths were really people who died of other things in their old age perhaps complicated by Covid, or they at least also tested positive. Most were due to die anyway. Meantime, the most vulnerable age group, the +85 crowd, are still 700% more likely to die of OTHER causes than Covid. Some pandemic.

Take your unfounded, unscientific, TDS rantings and go jerk off with them.

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The above taken right off my pharmacist's website.
shame so many people turned to drugs and substance abuse due to the depression of being locked down for so long by leftist Govs…
Masses were dying of overdose prior to that but it did increase depression and such so a slight increase in suicides, etc... but overall deaths stats remained steady.
SweetSue92 here they are not listing all of the obituaries and the people damaged by vax are being silenced at every turn. Many of those thousands sick from the jab are medical professionals who took the jab as a job requirement.

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