US Marines To Join Portesters in NYC in Occupy Wallstreet Protests!

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Jul 3, 2011
October 1, 2011 - TAMPA, FL - The Occupy Wall Street movement may have just received an unexpected surprise – United States Army and Marine troops are reportedly on their way to various protest locations to support the movement and to protect the protesters.

Army serviceman Ward Reilly posted the following on Facebook:

“I'm heading up there tonight in my dress blues. So far, 15 of my fellow marine buddies are meeting me there, also in Uniform.

I want to send the following message to Wall St and Congress:

I didn't fight for Wall St. I fought for America. Now it's Congress' turn.

More : US Marines To Join Portesters in NYC in Occupy Wallstreet Protests!
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October 1, 2011 - TAMPA, FL - The Occupy Wall Street movement may have just received an unexpected surprise – United States Army and Marine troops are reportedly on their way to various protest locations to support the movement and to protect the protesters.

Army serviceman Ward Reilly posted the following on Facebook:

“I'm heading up there tonight in my dress blues. So far, 15 of my fellow marine buddies are meeting me there, also in Uniform.

I want to send the following message to Wall St and Congress:

I didn't fight for Wall St. I fought for America. Now it's Congress' turn.

More : US Marines To Join Portesters in NYC in Occupy Wallstreet Protests!

Ward Reilly, eh, Cindy Sheehan's buddy?

The same guy who claimed to be a nam vet and was exposed in 2005??? After writing Anti-American blogs and stealing others valor? Yup, the one in the same

Tim Blair

VFP “Lawyer” Is Fake Vietnam Combat Vet | Sweetness & Light

AND if you read his facebook page now, he claims he and a few retired guys from 1968 to 1974 are headed to Wall Street BUT he did not write the post now being reported about.

To all my Facebook friends....PLEASE note that the message from the Marine who is going to "OccupyWallSt." with his buddies was sent to one of the co-organizers of our organizing team for the Oct.6 action in D.C.

I am NOT the Marine that sent the message...(I was Army Infantry, '71-'74)....MANY hundreds of my fellow veterans are doing the same thing in D.C., starting on Oct.6. I simply shared the fine message from the Marine. :>) ....thank you all for making that message go viral.

Ward Reilly | Facebook
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It would be interesting to see lib marines head down there, to be confronted by conservative patriotic marines, and the national guard.

It might start things off just right.
The Truth finally sees the light of day.
I bet the libs that posted have there panties in a bunch right now. :lol:
CaféAuLait;4216259 said:
October 1, 2011 - TAMPA, FL - The Occupy Wall Street movement may have just received an unexpected surprise – United States Army and Marine troops are reportedly on their way to various protest locations to support the movement and to protect the protesters.

Army serviceman Ward Reilly posted the following on Facebook:

“I'm heading up there tonight in my dress blues. So far, 15 of my fellow marine buddies are meeting me there, also in Uniform.

I want to send the following message to Wall St and Congress:

I didn't fight for Wall St. I fought for America. Now it's Congress' turn.

More : US Marines To Join Portesters in NYC in Occupy Wallstreet Protests!

Ward Reilly, eh, Cindy Sheehan's buddy?

The same guy who claimed to be a nam vet and was exposed in 2005??? After writing Anti-American blogs and stealing others valor? Yup, the one in the same

Tim Blair

VFP “Lawyer” Is Fake Vietnam Combat Vet | Sweetness & Light

AND if you read his facebook page now, he claims he and a few retired guys from 1968 to 1974 are headed to Wall Street BUT he did not write the post now being reported about.

To all my Facebook friends....PLEASE note that the message from the Marine who is going to "OccupyWallSt." with his buddies was sent to one of the co-organizers of our organizing team for the Oct.6 action in D.C.

I am NOT the Marine that sent the message...(I was Army Infantry, '71-'74)....MANY hundreds of my fellow veterans are doing the same thing in D.C., starting on Oct.6. I simply shared the fine message from the Marine. :>) ....thank you all for making that message go viral.

Ward Reilly | Facebook

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