US may face investigation & prosecution for genocide support

Ancient lion

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Nov 22, 2010
Journalist Sam Husseini grills Pentagon's spokesman over the US's support for Israeli genocide in Gaza.

" As the United States is a signatory to both the 1949 Geneva Conventions and the Genocide Convention, it has an obligation to respect and ensure respect for the obligations in those international treaties, including to prevent the commission of genocide and to prevent and punish the commission of grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions – not aid and abet them.

Please take notice that should you vote in favor of that package, you risk facing criminal and civil liability for aiding and abetting genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity under international law, and may face investigation and prosecution at the International Criminal Court, and in third-states under the principle of universal jurisdiction."

Journalist Sam Husseini grills Pentagon's spokesman over the US's support for Israeli genocide in Gaza.

" As the United States is a signatory to both the 1949 Geneva Conventions and the Genocide Convention, it has an obligation to respect and ensure respect for the obligations in those international treaties, including to prevent the commission of genocide and to prevent and punish the commission of grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions – not aid and abet them.

Please take notice that should you vote in favor of that package, you risk facing criminal and civil liability for aiding and abetting genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity under international law, and may face investigation and prosecution at the International Criminal Court, and in third-states under the principle of universal jurisdiction."
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Cant wait to see Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden, tried for war crimes... Of course Barrack Hussain Obama, who ended up murdering 10s of thousands of Mexicans by allowing guns to be bought by drug Cartels, also should be brought up with war crimes. And anyone who voted for those Demofascists are also culpable for war crimes. You dumbass Marxists should pack your backs and head to Cuba, they protect criminals like you....
Of course Barrack Hussain Obama, who ended up murdering 10s of thousands of Mexicans by allowing guns to be bought by drug Cartels, also should be brought up with war crimes.
That would be the legislators of Az. Whose lax gun law allows the transfers of legally purchased weapons to second parties without any interference. They refused to prosecute the straw buyers the ATF surveillance reveled. Those weapons would have still gone to Mexico regardless of the failed surveillance program that was initiated by local ATF agents. The ATF was leaderless at the time because the GOP wouldn't let Obama's nominee get a vote.

Besides the Gun Lobby says it's not the guns, they don't shoot themselves, it's people who do the murdering.
Journalist Sam Husseini grills Pentagon's spokesman over the US's support for Israeli genocide in Gaza.

" As the United States is a signatory to both the 1949 Geneva Conventions and the Genocide Convention, it has an obligation to respect and ensure respect for the obligations in those international treaties, including to prevent the commission of genocide and to prevent and punish the commission of grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions – not aid and abet them.

Please take notice that should you vote in favor of that package, you risk facing criminal and civil liability for aiding and abetting genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity under international law, and may face investigation and prosecution at the International Criminal Court, and in third-states under the principle of universal jurisdiction."
View attachment 854642

That would be the legislators of Az. Whose lax gun law allows the transfers of legally purchased weapons to second parties without any interference. They refused to prosecute the straw buyers the ATF surveillance reveled. Those weapons would have still gone to Mexico regardless of the failed surveillance program that was initiated by local ATF agents. The ATF was leaderless at the time because the GOP wouldn't let Obama's nominee get a vote.

Besides the Gun Lobby says it's not the guns, they don't shoot themselves, it's people who do the murdering.
Just because you say it doesnt make it true.

That would be Eric Holder's Fast and Furious that allowed Drug Cartels to murder thousands of Mexicans, and the only reason Eric {the racist} Holder got caught, was that one of the guns he allowed killed a US border agent.

Nice try, dumbass, but i never forget...

Agent Brian A. Terry

U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian A. Terry was killed during a shootout with Mexican bandits south of Tucson, Ariz., in December 2010. Weapons seized afterward were later linked to Operation Fast and Furious, an ATF effort to trace the flow of weapons to Mexican drug cartels.

Investigation finds no evidence AG Eric Holder knew of 'Fast and ...
Just because you say it doesnt make it true.

That would be Eric Holder's Fast and Furious that allowed Drug Cartels to murder thousands of Mexicans, and the only reason Eric {the racist} Holder got caught, was that one of the guns he allowed killed a US border agent.

Nice try, dumbass, but i never forget...

Agent Brian A. Terry

U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian A. Terry was killed during a shootout with Mexican bandits south of Tucson, Ariz., in December 2010. Weapons seized afterward were later linked to Operation Fast and Furious, an ATF effort to trace the flow of weapons to Mexican drug cartels.

Investigation finds no evidence AG Eric Holder knew of 'Fast and ...

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Mr. Terry was killed after his team was ordered to use bean bag shot on the bandits and they returned fire with real bullets. Holder never authorize the so called gun walking scheme. Furthermore, the Cartels gets most of their weapons they use to kill Mexicans from the Mexican Military. Guess where the Mexican military buys their weapons.
Journalist Sam Husseini grills Pentagon's spokesman over the US's support for Israeli genocide in Gaza.

" As the United States is a signatory to both the 1949 Geneva Conventions and the Genocide Convention, it has an obligation to respect and ensure respect for the obligations in those international treaties, including to prevent the commission of genocide and to prevent and punish the commission of grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions – not aid and abet them.

Please take notice that should you vote in favor of that package, you risk facing criminal and civil liability for aiding and abetting genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity under international law, and may face investigation and prosecution at the International Criminal Court, and in third-states under the principle of universal jurisdiction."
View attachment 854642

Wow, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Antony Blinken, etc. are going to be tried for war crimes.

What do the Biden supporters here have to say about this?
Mr. Terry was killed after his team was ordered to use bean bag shot on the bandits and they returned fire with real bullets. Holder never authorize the so called gun walking scheme. Furthermore, the Cartels gets most of their weapons they use to kill Mexicans from the Mexican Military. Guess where the Mexican military buys their weapons.
Just because you say it doesnt make it true..

EDITORIAL: More to Eric Holder’s Fast and Furious gun scheme
Several gun shops at first refused to sell the guns to known criminals, but were “persuaded” when they were reminded that federal agents could revoke or refuse to renew the federal licenses they had to have to stay in business. Many of the purchasers couldn’t pass a background check, but the government manipulated the National Instant Check System, supervised by the FBI, to clear them.
Before outraged federal whistleblowers whistled word of what their superiors were doing, more than 1,400 guns had made it across the Rio Grande. When a U.S. Border Patrol officer was shot and killed by a cartel gunman with one of Eric Holder’s guns, the Obama White House rushed into the stonewalling mode that has served the president so well in dealing with other outrages over his terms.
Don't all you gunnuts believe that weapons aren't the culprit, people with weapons are. The Neo-GOP investigated this till the cows returned home and found that neither Holder nor Obama were informed that the Az ATF had resumed the Gun Walking scheme.
Nice diversion, when time and again, i keep proving that you are just a stupid twit....

No, that is your side. During WWII the KKK (Democrats) put the hate on Jews. Today, the Democrats have put the hate on Jews....again...
Your zeal to blame Democrats for everything is telling of your ignorance.

"Americans rarely agree as overwhelmingly as they did in November 1938. Just two weeks after Nazi Germany coordinated a brutal nationwide attack against Jews within its own borders -- an event known as "Kristallnacht" -- Gallup asked Americans: "Do you approve or disapprove of the Nazi treatment of Jews in Germany?" Nearly everyone who responded -- 94% -- indicated that they disapproved.

Yet, even though nearly all Americans condemned the Nazi regime's terror against Jews in November 1938, that very same week, 72% of Americans said "No" when Gallup asked: "Should we allow a larger number of Jewish exiles from Germany to come to the United States to live?" Just 21% said "Yes."

Your zeal to blame Democrats for everything is telling of your ignorance.

"Americans rarely agree as overwhelmingly as they did in November 1938. Just two weeks after Nazi Germany coordinated a brutal nationwide attack against Jews within its own borders -- an event known as "Kristallnacht" -- Gallup asked Americans: "Do you approve or disapprove of the Nazi treatment of Jews in Germany?" Nearly everyone who responded -- 94% -- indicated that they disapproved.

Yet, even though nearly all Americans condemned the Nazi regime's terror against Jews in November 1938, that very same week, 72% of Americans said "No" when Gallup asked: "Should we allow a larger number of Jewish exiles from Germany to come to the United States to live?" Just 21% said "Yes."

That is true, the citizens were isolationists at the time, and didnt want any foreigner in the country. Yet it was FDR who interred German-Americans and Japanese-Americans without due process. And to think that we were talking about the murder of 10s of thousands of Mexicans, because Eric Holder allowed drug cartels to run guns to kill them....
Journalist Sam Husseini grills Pentagon's spokesman over the US's support for Israeli genocide in Gaza.

" As the United States is a signatory to both the 1949 Geneva Conventions and the Genocide Convention, it has an obligation to respect and ensure respect for the obligations in those international treaties, including to prevent the commission of genocide and to prevent and punish the commission of grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions – not aid and abet them.

Please take notice that should you vote in favor of that package, you risk facing criminal and civil liability for aiding and abetting genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity under international law, and may face investigation and prosecution at the International Criminal Court, and in third-states under the principle of universal jurisdiction."
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