US military has carried out several air strikes in Syria


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
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If I were the planners of the military I would dust off a couple of F-117's in mothballs launch them from an aircraft carrier have air refueling available and drop two 1,000 ;b bombs on the Ayatollah's palace in Iran.
Just to send him a message.
You have to ask yourself why are we pussy footing around.
The attack on Israel and our bases in Syria and Iraq is by order of the Iranian Ayatollah. Let's return the favor.
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  • Afghanistan
  • Russia
  • Ukraine
  • Now Israel
  • Palestine
  • Iran
  • Syria
  • Soon to be China,
  • North Korea and
  • Taiwan.
Should prove to be an interesting 2024 election campaign for Joe on top of border insecurity, inviting 11 million undocumented illegals in, massive crime, spending, moral and city decay, overt sexualization of deviants, energy problems, economic problems, food problems, and a whole bunch of other things.
You know this is in response to attacks on US bases and in support of Israel?
Indeed, There have been 8 attacked on our bases in Syria and Iraq, all perpetrated by proxies of Iran.
Joe has said "Don't". Dropping some bombs on Iran would reinforce the message. Just as Reagan did in 1986.
If you remember how Iran reacted in 1988, all bluster no bite and they shut up for a short time.

Biden carrying the torch Obama lit, war in Syria.

Congrats lefties, the Democrat Party has adopted the foreign policy of John Mc-shit-Stain and Lindsay Graham. Y’all must be proud.

Syria was second on the list of Clean Break Strategy.

Biden carrying the torch Obama lit, war in Syria.

Congrats lefties, the Democrat Party has adopted the foreign policy of John Mc-shit-Stain and Lindsay Graham. Y’all must be proud.

As the population is sleepwalking into Ww3


Spicy times domestically to!
id count on it

If I were the planners of the military I would dust off a couple of F-117's in mothballs launch them from an aircraft carrier have air refueling available and drop two 1,000 ;b bombs on the Ayatollah's palace in Iran.
Just to send him a message.
You have to ask yourself why are we pussy footing around.
The attack on Israel and our bases in Syria and Iraq is by order of the Iranian Ayatollah. Let's return the favor.
You reap what you sow .
And if you never learn you deserve everything coming your way .

Biden carrying the torch Obama lit, war in Syria.

Congrats lefties, the Democrat Party has adopted the foreign policy of John Mc-shit-Stain and Lindsay Graham. Y’all must be proud.


Biden carrying the torch Obama lit, war in Syria.

Congrats lefties, the Democrat Party has adopted the foreign policy of John Mc-shit-Stain and Lindsay Graham. Y’all must be proud.

Syria was in trouble by 2005. The oil sector had collapsed... so had agriculture because of drought. Obama had nothing to do with it. Syria has always had sectarian strife and a long history of assassinations.
Indeed, There have been 8 attacked on our bases in Syria and Iraq, all perpetrated by proxies of Iran.
Joe has said "Don't". Dropping some bombs on Iran would reinforce the message. Just as Reagan did in 1986.
If you remember how Iran reacted in 1988, all bluster no bite and they shut up for a short time.
When did Syria invite the U.S. into its country, and offer to host a base for our military..?

Biden carrying the torch Obama lit, war in Syria.

Congrats lefties, the Democrat Party has adopted the foreign policy of John Mc-shit-Stain and Lindsay Graham. Y’all must be proud.

/----/ democRATs love to scream war monger when a Republican president calls for airstrikes. But turn hawkish when a democRAT president does the same thing. Where is Code Pink?
If I were the planners of the military I would dust off a couple of F-117's in mothballs launch them from an aircraft carrier have air refueling available and drop two 1,000 ;b bombs on the Ayatollah's palace in Iran.
Just to send him a message.
You have to ask yourself why are we pussy footing around.
The attack on Israel and our bases in Syria and Iraq is by order of the Iranian Ayatollah. Let's return the favor.

Just technically speaking, please don't do military planning.

STEALTH (RADAR Cross Section) - smaller is better:
  • F-117 = 0.003 sq/m
  • F-35 = 0.0015 sq/m
  • F-22 = 0.0001sq/m
Meaning either an F-35 or F-22 would be more stealthy than the F-117.

Secondly, neither the F-117 or F-22 are launchable from an aircraft carrier because their nose gear isn't designed for catapult launches and the decks are not long enough for a non-assisted launch. So you would have to go with the F-35C (Naval variant), and there are only a few squadrons that have transitioned or the F-35B (Marine variant) which has a few more squadrons but has vertical take off capabilities.

I am all for staying out of nation building and policing the world, when it is not in our national interest to do so. For example, there is absolutely no reason we should be involved in the Ukraine conflict except for traditional diplomatic posturing. We should not be sending them the amount of weapons that we are.

I think the Middle East, though, is different. Even Trump recognized this, as it was the Trump Admin that used military force to destroy the ISIS caliphate and substantially diminish their strength. Due to the oil in the region, the fact that Israel is a strategic ally in the region, and existence of WMD in the hands of hostile actors (nukes - Iran), I think our continued involvement in the ME is warranted.
Syria was in trouble by 2005. The oil sector had collapsed... so had agriculture because of drought. Obama had nothing to do with it. Syria has always had sectarian strife and a long history of assassinations.
Obama had nothing to do with funding terrorists to overthrow the Assad regime?
If I were the planners of the military I would dust off a couple of F-117's in mothballs launch them from an aircraft carrier have air refueling available and drop two 1,000 ;b bombs on the Ayatollah's palace in Iran.
Just to send him a message.
You have to ask yourself why are we pussy footing around.
The attack on Israel and our bases in Syria and Iraq is by order of the Iranian Ayatollah. Let's return the favor.
F-117s? Are you drunk? They cannot launch from a carrier. That is why do we have F-35s now.

But I like the way you are thinking! :abgg2q.jpg:

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