US Military Interventions in Syria and Libya


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
DC war whores are getting desperate to bring about the New Middle East:

"The latest DEBKA Weekly out Friday homes in on the Obama administration’s seminal Middle East policy turnabout, performed unannounced almost overnight: The quiet switch from military withdrawal to proactive military intervention – based mainly on the CIA – is already impacting the Libyan and Syrian crises.

"Exclusive insights and fresh data will reveal how this extraordinary change is manifested in US-UAE backing for Gen. Khalifa Haftar’s nascent operation in Libya, compared with reliance on the strong Israeli and Jordanian armies to achieve US goals in Syria."

Those US goals include an arc of instability stretching from the eastern Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea, with western arms and oil companies poised to make a killing from the mass murder of Muslims.


Revived US military intervention in Mid East flashpoints is heralded by active steps in Syria and Libya
DC war whores are getting desperate to bring about the New Middle East:

"The latest DEBKA Weekly out Friday homes in on the Obama administration’s seminal Middle East policy turnabout, performed unannounced almost overnight: The quiet switch from military withdrawal to proactive military intervention – based mainly on the CIA – is already impacting the Libyan and Syrian crises.

"Exclusive insights and fresh data will reveal how this extraordinary change is manifested in US-UAE backing for Gen. Khalifa Haftar’s nascent operation in Libya, compared with reliance on the strong Israeli and Jordanian armies to achieve US goals in Syria."

Those US goals include an arc of instability stretching from the eastern Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea, with western arms and oil companies poised to make a killing from the mass murder of Muslims.


Revived US military intervention in Mid East flashpoints is heralded by active steps in Syria and Libya

Herr George, do you ever have anything to say about the unfortunate people who are suffering in the Middle East? Don't the thousands and thousands of innocent who have been killed affect you at all? The Islamist rebels says that Syria is the stepping stone to the worldwide Califprhate, and Herr George is going to be the first Dhimmi to raise his hand.
DC war whores are getting desperate to bring about the New Middle East:

"The latest DEBKA Weekly out Friday homes in on the Obama administration’s seminal Middle East policy turnabout, performed unannounced almost overnight: The quiet switch from military withdrawal to proactive military intervention – based mainly on the CIA – is already impacting the Libyan and Syrian crises.

"Exclusive insights and fresh data will reveal how this extraordinary change is manifested in US-UAE backing for Gen. Khalifa Haftar’s nascent operation in Libya, compared with reliance on the strong Israeli and Jordanian armies to achieve US goals in Syria."

Those US goals include an arc of instability stretching from the eastern Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea, with western arms and oil companies poised to make a killing from the mass murder of Muslims.


Revived US military intervention in Mid East flashpoints is heralded by active steps in Syria and Libya

Herr George, do you ever have anything to say about the unfortunate people who are suffering in the Middle East? Don't the thousands and thousands of innocent who have been killed affect you at all? The Islamist rebels says that Syria is the stepping stone to the worldwide Califprhate, and Herr George is going to be the first Dhimmi to raise his hand.
Why do you find it hard to admit the US government is a big reason why thousands of innocents have died in the Middle East?

"In early April, Israel’s Debkafile reported that the Pentagon had supplied Syrian rebels with the powerful armor-piercing, optically-guided BGM-71 TOW missiles.

"Citing anonymous military sources, Debkafile further reported that US Joint Chief Chair Gen. Martin Dempsey requested Israeli officials to help Saudi Arabian fighter jets provide air cover as American forces moved the weapons into southern Syria."

US Aids Syrian Rebels » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The Muslims needed a bitch-slap anyway.

They knock over two of our buildings, we knock over two of their countries.

They kill 3,000 of ours.

We kill 300,000 of theirs.

100-to-1 kill ratios.

We teach a lesson.
DC war whores are getting desperate to bring about the New Middle East:

"The latest DEBKA Weekly out Friday homes in on the Obama administration’s seminal Middle East policy turnabout, performed unannounced almost overnight: The quiet switch from military withdrawal to proactive military intervention – based mainly on the CIA – is already impacting the Libyan and Syrian crises.

"Exclusive insights and fresh data will reveal how this extraordinary change is manifested in US-UAE backing for Gen. Khalifa Haftar’s nascent operation in Libya, compared with reliance on the strong Israeli and Jordanian armies to achieve US goals in Syria."

Those US goals include an arc of instability stretching from the eastern Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea, with western arms and oil companies poised to make a killing from the mass murder of Muslims.


Revived US military intervention in Mid East flashpoints is heralded by active steps in Syria and Libya

Herr George, do you ever have anything to say about the unfortunate people who are suffering in the Middle East? Don't the thousands and thousands of innocent who have been killed affect you at all? The Islamist rebels says that Syria is the stepping stone to the worldwide Califprhate, and Herr George is going to be the first Dhimmi to raise his hand.
Why do you find it hard to admit the US government is a big reason why thousands of innocents have died in the Middle East?

"In early April, Israel’s Debkafile reported that the Pentagon had supplied Syrian rebels with the powerful armor-piercing, optically-guided BGM-71 TOW missiles.

"Citing anonymous military sources, Debkafile further reported that US Joint Chief Chair Gen. Martin Dempsey requested Israeli officials to help Saudi Arabian fighter jets provide air cover as American forces moved the weapons into southern Syria."

US Aids Syrian Rebels » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Oh, we are back to one of your favorite sites again, Herr George? I have a nephew who is a socialist and he also was interviewed on Counterpunch. Wby is it so difficult for you to admit that the Muslims have murdered millions and millions of people since the religion started, and people are still being murdered by radical Muslims? You are so into yourself and the pathetic life that you have that you never spare a moment for people who are actually suffering.

It would never cross Herr George's mind that the weapons from the U.S. were intended for the Free Syrian Army, and not the Islamic rebels who want to take over the world for Islam. I guess Herr George had no problem with all the people Assad had murdered. What does he care that over 150,000 Syrians have died, probably just as many have been wounded and over 2 million refugees so far in this Civil War? It really is not affecting him, and the bottom line is that he really doesn't care about humanity. He just needs to find scapegoats.
Those problems in the ME belong to the ME since Bush sent us into wars the peaces of which we could not win.

The neo-cons are terrified they can't use their war toys and justify their job security.
Not to worry about war in The Middle East.

One good apology tour oughta make everything better.

Love the new look, glad the operation went well!
HBH did not support the wars but is not man enough to give credit for the troops coming home.

What a stooge.
HBH did not support the wars but is not man enough to give credit for the troops coming home.

What a stooge.

Hit right on the head! We elected a stooge who promised to bring all the troops home and empty Gitmo. Then, pleased with how well His lies went down, doubled-down with all the crap about keeping your insurance; keeping your doctor.

You're right, we elected a stooge.
HBH did not support the wars but is not man enough to give credit for the troops coming home.

What a stooge.

Hit right on the head! We elected a stooge who promised to bring all the troops home and empty Gitmo. Then, pleased with how well His lies went down, doubled-down with all the crap about keeping your insurance; keeping your doctor.

You're right, we elected a stooge.

:lol: Henry, the board is laughing at you.

Say good night.
Sorry to see you change the photo. The general feeling was that the surgery had worked very well, at least the visible parts.

Still, denial not spoken, it is clear that you agree America elected a stooge.

The Muslims needed a bitch-slap anyway.

They knock over two of our buildings, we knock over two of their countries.

They kill 3,000 of ours.

We kill 300,000 of theirs.

100-to-1 kill ratios.

We teach a lesson.
Learn to count first:

Three WTC buildings.
Not two.
You remember how many airplanes?
You remember how many Saudi hijackers?
No Afghan hijackers.
No Iraqi hijackers.
No Libyan hijackers.
No Syrian hijackers.
Payback coming.
In $pades.

The Muslims needed a bitch-slap anyway.

They knock over two of our buildings, we knock over two of their countries.

They kill 3,000 of ours.

We kill 300,000 of theirs.

100-to-1 kill ratios.

We teach a lesson.
Learn to count first:

Three WTC buildings.
Not two.

Two Big Ones and an Itty Bitty One.

Nobody counts the Itty-Bitty One, in popular literature, etc.

The observation still stands, in connection with the Big Ones.

We also took care of avenging the Itty Bitty One.

With an Itty Bitty commando raid to kill that ratphukk, Osama bin Laden, and his people.

You remember how many airplanes?

Including the one that took out a slice of the Pentagon - a 3rd building.

So, we pounded on a slice of a third Muslim country - Waziristan Province, Pakistan.

You remember how many Saudi hijackers?

No Afghan hijackers. No Iraqi hijackers. No Libyan hijackers. No Syrian hijackers.
The lesson was not for Saudi Arabia.

The lesson was for the Ummah.

Payback coming. In $pades.
Oh, I"m sure you're licking your chops over that one.

If payback DOES come 'in spades', of the kind meted out to us on 9-11, or worse, you will then see megaton-caliber airbursts over Mecca and Medinah...

America will not tolerate a second round of such attacks, and will prove to be a merciless enemy, if provoked again...

And, if such a terrible revenge is still insufficient to stay your hand, then, you can expect additional airbursts over Riyadh, Damascus, Tehran, or wherever the hell is connected with such second-round attacks upon the United States...

As I said...

We teach a lesson...

Leave us alone, and you live...

Phukk with us, and you die...

In numbers grotesquely higher and disproportionate to the level of casualties you inflict upon us.

Grotesquely higher and disproportionate, next time.


After Iraq and Afghanistan, your buddies in leadership positions within the Ummah understand this now, even if you don't.
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Herr George, do you ever have anything to say about the unfortunate people who are suffering in the Middle East? Don't the thousands and thousands of innocent who have been killed affect you at all? The Islamist rebels says that Syria is the stepping stone to the worldwide Califprhate, and Herr George is going to be the first Dhimmi to raise his hand.
Why do you find it hard to admit the US government is a big reason why thousands of innocents have died in the Middle East?

"In early April, Israel’s Debkafile reported that the Pentagon had supplied Syrian rebels with the powerful armor-piercing, optically-guided BGM-71 TOW missiles.

"Citing anonymous military sources, Debkafile further reported that US Joint Chief Chair Gen. Martin Dempsey requested Israeli officials to help Saudi Arabian fighter jets provide air cover as American forces moved the weapons into southern Syria."

US Aids Syrian Rebels » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Oh, we are back to one of your favorite sites again, Herr George? I have a nephew who is a socialist and he also was interviewed on Counterpunch. Wby is it so difficult for you to admit that the Muslims have murdered millions and millions of people since the religion started, and people are still being murdered by radical Muslims? You are so into yourself and the pathetic life that you have that you never spare a moment for people who are actually suffering.

It would never cross Herr George's mind that the weapons from the U.S. were intended for the Free Syrian Army, and not the Islamic rebels who want to take over the world for Islam. I guess Herr George had no problem with all the people Assad had murdered. What does he care that over 150,000 Syrians have died, probably just as many have been wounded and over 2 million refugees so far in this Civil War? It really is not affecting him, and the bottom line is that he really doesn't care about humanity. He just needs to find scapegoats.
Why are you blind to the fact that Christians have also murdered millions and millions of people since their religion started? In fact, Jews are probably unique among the three Great Western Religions who haven't murdered millions and millions of people; HOWEVER, I'm sure Bibi's working on that.

Are you willing to bet your life there currently are no US boots on the ground between Aleppo and Damascus? How are they supposed to identify the difference between multiple Islamist rebel groups of unknown loyalties? Maybe you recall last August when 95% of Americans told Obama: No War in Syria? What part of that is troubling you?

US Aids Syrian Rebels » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The Muslims needed a bitch-slap anyway.

They knock over two of our buildings, we knock over two of their countries.

They kill 3,000 of ours.

We kill 300,000 of theirs.

100-to-1 kill ratios.

We teach a lesson.
Learn to count first:

Three WTC buildings.
Not two.

Two Big Ones and an Itty Bitty One.

Nobody counts the Itty-Bitty One, in popular literature, etc.

The observation still stands, in connection with the Big Ones.

We also took care of avenging the Itty Bitty One.

With an Itty Bitty commando raid to kill that ratphukk, Osama bin Laden, and his people.


Including the one that took out a slice of the Pentagon - a 3rd building.

So, we pounded on a slice of a third Muslim country - Waziristan Province, Pakistan.


No Afghan hijackers. No Iraqi hijackers. No Libyan hijackers. No Syrian hijackers.
The lesson was not for Saudi Arabia.

The lesson was for the Ummah.

Payback coming. In $pades.
Oh, I"m sure you're licking your chops over that one.

If payback DOES come 'in spades', of the kind meted out to us on 9-11, or worse, you will then see megaton-caliber airbursts over Mecca and Medinah...

America will not tolerate a second round of such attacks, and will prove to be a merciless enemy, if provoked again...

And, if such a terrible revenge is still insufficient to stay your hand, then, you can expect additional airbursts over Riyadh, Damascus, Tehran, or wherever the hell is connected with such second-round attacks upon the United States...

As I said...

We teach a lesson...

Leave us alone, and you live...

Phukk with us, and you die...

In numbers grotesquely higher and disproportionate to the level of casualties you inflict upon us.

Grotesquely higher and disproportionate, next time.


After Iraq and Afghanistan, your buddies in leadership positions within the Ummah understand this now, even if you don't.
Air bursts over Mecca and Medina?

Why not reveal to the world the twenty-eight redacted pages concerning the funding of the 911 attacks:

"Senator Graham co-chaired the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11 that investigated intelligence failures leading up to 9/11.

"The inquiry’s final report included a 28-page chapter describing the Saudi connection to 9/11, but it was completely redacted by U.S. intelligence agencies.

“'I was stunned that the intelligence community would feel that it was a threat to national security for the American people to know who had made 9/11 financially possible,' said Senator Graham. 'And I am sad to report that today, some 12 years after we submitted our report, that those 28 pages continue to be withheld from the public.'”

BTW, if you want the world to stop phukking with the US, tell your buds in the Pentagon to stop raping the planet for Wall $treet

Investigating the Saudi Government's 9/11 Connection and the Path to Disilliusionment - Sen. Graham on Reality Asserts Itself pt 1
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Air bursts over Mecca and Medina? Really?...
Quite probably.

If there is a 'next time'.

'Why not reveal to the world the twenty-eight redacted pages concerning the funding of the 911 attacks
Why don't you cut to the chase and give us the Cliff's Notes recap.

BTW, if you want the world to stop phukking with the US, tell your buds in the Pentagon to stop raping the planet for Wall $treet
It's not the whole world.

Just some of your dumbass Muslim buds.

And they've had their ears slapped-back good and proper.

Additional bitch-slapping available upon request.
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The Muslims needed a bitch-slap anyway.

They knock over two of our buildings, we knock over two of their countries.

They kill 3,000 of ours.

We kill 300,000 of theirs.

100-to-1 kill ratios.

We teach a lesson.
Learn to count first:

Three WTC buildings.
Not two.
You remember how many airplanes?
You remember how many Saudi hijackers?
No Afghan hijackers.
No Iraqi hijackers.
No Libyan hijackers.
No Syrian hijackers.
Payback coming.
In $pades.

actually there were 7 building that made up the complex
if the 19 hijackers there were two from the UEA, one from Egypt and one from Lebanon.
Why do you find it hard to admit the US government is a big reason why thousands of innocents have died in the Middle East?

"In early April, Israel’s Debkafile reported that the Pentagon had supplied Syrian rebels with the powerful armor-piercing, optically-guided BGM-71 TOW missiles.

"Citing anonymous military sources, Debkafile further reported that US Joint Chief Chair Gen. Martin Dempsey requested Israeli officials to help Saudi Arabian fighter jets provide air cover as American forces moved the weapons into southern Syria."

US Aids Syrian Rebels » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Oh, we are back to one of your favorite sites again, Herr George? I have a nephew who is a socialist and he also was interviewed on Counterpunch. Wby is it so difficult for you to admit that the Muslims have murdered millions and millions of people since the religion started, and people are still being murdered by radical Muslims? You are so into yourself and the pathetic life that you have that you never spare a moment for people who are actually suffering.

It would never cross Herr George's mind that the weapons from the U.S. were intended for the Free Syrian Army, and not the Islamic rebels who want to take over the world for Islam. I guess Herr George had no problem with all the people Assad had murdered. What does he care that over 150,000 Syrians have died, probably just as many have been wounded and over 2 million refugees so far in this Civil War? It really is not affecting him, and the bottom line is that he really doesn't care about humanity. He just needs to find scapegoats.
Why are you blind to the fact that Christians have also murdered millions and millions of people since their religion started? In fact, Jews are probably unique among the three Great Western Religions who haven't murdered millions and millions of people; HOWEVER, I'm sure Bibi's working on that.

Are you willing to bet your life there currently are no US boots on the ground between Aleppo and Damascus? How are they supposed to identify the difference between multiple Islamist rebel groups of unknown loyalties? Maybe you recall last August when 95% of Americans told Obama: No War in Syria? What part of that is troubling you?

US Aids Syrian Rebels » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Are you really that stupid, George. So quick to find other scapegoats, are you? This is the 21st century. How many have the Christians murdered in this century? The Muslims are murdering right and left, even their fellow Muslims, and you now want to drag in the Christians. Remember, folks, if the Islamists were ever lucky enough to establish their worldwide Caliphate, Herr George will be first in line to raise his hand. Maybe he thinks they will give him a better life than he has now by being a Dhimmi.
Learn to count first:

Three WTC buildings.
Not two.

Two Big Ones and an Itty Bitty One.

Nobody counts the Itty-Bitty One, in popular literature, etc.

The observation still stands, in connection with the Big Ones.

We also took care of avenging the Itty Bitty One.

With an Itty Bitty commando raid to kill that ratphukk, Osama bin Laden, and his people.


Including the one that took out a slice of the Pentagon - a 3rd building.

So, we pounded on a slice of a third Muslim country - Waziristan Province, Pakistan.


The lesson was not for Saudi Arabia.

The lesson was for the Ummah.

Payback coming. In $pades.
Oh, I"m sure you're licking your chops over that one.

If payback DOES come 'in spades', of the kind meted out to us on 9-11, or worse, you will then see megaton-caliber airbursts over Mecca and Medinah...

America will not tolerate a second round of such attacks, and will prove to be a merciless enemy, if provoked again...

And, if such a terrible revenge is still insufficient to stay your hand, then, you can expect additional airbursts over Riyadh, Damascus, Tehran, or wherever the hell is connected with such second-round attacks upon the United States...

As I said...

We teach a lesson...

Leave us alone, and you live...

Phukk with us, and you die...

In numbers grotesquely higher and disproportionate to the level of casualties you inflict upon us.

Grotesquely higher and disproportionate, next time.


After Iraq and Afghanistan, your buddies in leadership positions within the Ummah understand this now, even if you don't.
Air bursts over Mecca and Medina?

Why not reveal to the world the twenty-eight redacted pages concerning the funding of the 911 attacks:

"Senator Graham co-chaired the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11 that investigated intelligence failures leading up to 9/11.

"The inquiry’s final report included a 28-page chapter describing the Saudi connection to 9/11, but it was completely redacted by U.S. intelligence agencies.

“'I was stunned that the intelligence community would feel that it was a threat to national security for the American people to know who had made 9/11 financially possible,' said Senator Graham. 'And I am sad to report that today, some 12 years after we submitted our report, that those 28 pages continue to be withheld from the public.'”

BTW, if you want the world to stop phukking with the US, tell your buds in the Pentagon to stop raping the planet for Wall $treet

Investigating the Saudi Government's 9/11 Connection and the Path to Disilliusionment - Sen. Graham on Reality Asserts Itself pt 1

It reduces the chance of rogue hate attacks on those involved or those who might be related or from the same tribe. Details help law enforcement, but serve no use to the public. It prevents copycats, aid to fugitives, widespread internet detraction of the evidence or science before trial, interference with the investigation, etc.

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