US Military Interventions in Syria and Libya

Sorry to see you change the photo. The general feeling was that the surgery had worked very well, at least the visible parts.

Still, denial not spoken, it is clear that you agree America elected a stooge.

Says the stooge :lol:
Awwww, Jakey, you looked so cute! Sorry to see your "after" photo go away.

Meanwhile, face this:

Nations don't have to go to war to thwart nations that threaten others. A nation with a strong leader, obviously not afraid to commit seriously superiour forces to halting aggression is positioned to do that with a raised eyebrow.

Unfortunately, America is now positioned with a hollowed-out military, staffed by an officer corps (not "corpse", pajama boy) loyal not to the nation, rather to a personality cult Messiah. And....led by a serial apologist who'd rather grovel than fight. Contrary to your entire belief system, that is not a recipe for success. Only for the sick combination of failure and ridicule.
Air bursts over Mecca and Medina? Really?...
Quite probably.

If there is a 'next time'.

'Why not reveal to the world the twenty-eight redacted pages concerning the funding of the 911 attacks
Why don't you cut to the chase and give us the Cliff's Notes recap.

BTW, if you want the world to stop phukking with the US, tell your buds in the Pentagon to stop raping the planet for Wall $treet
It's not the whole world.

Just some of your dumbass Muslim buds.

And they've had their ears slapped-back good and proper.

Additional bitch-slapping available upon request.

It is pretty much to whole world.

Muslims get it worse because they don't understand why our oil and gas are under their soil.

The greatest purveyor of violence in the world has bitch slapped women and kids from Korea to Kandahar, much to the delight of pathic flag flaps and other losers.

Phukk the Punks.

Know what I mean?
Air bursts over Mecca and Medina? Really?...
Quite probably.

If there is a 'next time'.

Why don't you cut to the chase and give us the Cliff's Notes recap.

BTW, if you want the world to stop phukking with the US, tell your buds in the Pentagon to stop raping the planet for Wall $treet
It's not the whole world.

Just some of your dumbass Muslim buds.

And they've had their ears slapped-back good and proper.

Additional bitch-slapping available upon request.

It is pretty much to whole world.

Muslims get it worse because they don't understand why our oil and gas are under their soil.

The greatest purveyor of violence in the world has bitch slapped women and kids from Korea to Kandahar, much to the delight of pathic flag flaps and other losers.

Phukk the Punks.

Know what I mean?
Fun, ain't it?
Oh, we are back to one of your favorite sites again, Herr George? I have a nephew who is a socialist and he also was interviewed on Counterpunch. Wby is it so difficult for you to admit that the Muslims have murdered millions and millions of people since the religion started, and people are still being murdered by radical Muslims? You are so into yourself and the pathetic life that you have that you never spare a moment for people who are actually suffering.

It would never cross Herr George's mind that the weapons from the U.S. were intended for the Free Syrian Army, and not the Islamic rebels who want to take over the world for Islam. I guess Herr George had no problem with all the people Assad had murdered. What does he care that over 150,000 Syrians have died, probably just as many have been wounded and over 2 million refugees so far in this Civil War? It really is not affecting him, and the bottom line is that he really doesn't care about humanity. He just needs to find scapegoats.
Why are you blind to the fact that Christians have also murdered millions and millions of people since their religion started? In fact, Jews are probably unique among the three Great Western Religions who haven't murdered millions and millions of people; HOWEVER, I'm sure Bibi's working on that.

Are you willing to bet your life there currently are no US boots on the ground between Aleppo and Damascus? How are they supposed to identify the difference between multiple Islamist rebel groups of unknown loyalties? Maybe you recall last August when 95% of Americans told Obama: No War in Syria? What part of that is troubling you?

US Aids Syrian Rebels » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Are you really that stupid, George. So quick to find other scapegoats, are you? This is the 21st century. How many have the Christians murdered in this century? The Muslims are murdering right and left, even their fellow Muslims, and you now want to drag in the Christians. Remember, folks, if the Islamists were ever lucky enough to establish their worldwide Caliphate, Herr George will be first in line to raise his hand. Maybe he thinks they will give him a better life than he has now by being a Dhimmi.
Are you stupid enough to believe Obama arming Syrian "rebels" with surface-to-air missiles will make flying safer? You're obviously stupid enough to think the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World has any interest in global peace.
Quite probably.

If there is a 'next time'.

Why don't you cut to the chase and give us the Cliff's Notes recap.

It's not the whole world.

Just some of your dumbass Muslim buds.

And they've had their ears slapped-back good and proper.

Additional bitch-slapping available upon request.

It is pretty much to whole world.

Muslims get it worse because they don't understand why our oil and gas are under their soil.

The greatest purveyor of violence in the world has bitch slapped women and kids from Korea to Kandahar, much to the delight of pathic flag flaps and other losers.

Phukk the Punks.

Know what I mean?
Fun, ain't it?
What's "fun?"
Why do you find it hard to admit the US government is a big reason why thousands of innocents have died in the Middle East?

"In early April, Israel’s Debkafile reported that the Pentagon had supplied Syrian rebels with the powerful armor-piercing, optically-guided BGM-71 TOW missiles.

"Citing anonymous military sources, Debkafile further reported that US Joint Chief Chair Gen. Martin Dempsey requested Israeli officials to help Saudi Arabian fighter jets provide air cover as American forces moved the weapons into southern Syria."

US Aids Syrian Rebels » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Oh, we are back to one of your favorite sites again, Herr George? I have a nephew who is a socialist and he also was interviewed on Counterpunch. Wby is it so difficult for you to admit that the Muslims have murdered millions and millions of people since the religion started, and people are still being murdered by radical Muslims? You are so into yourself and the pathetic life that you have that you never spare a moment for people who are actually suffering.

It would never cross Herr George's mind that the weapons from the U.S. were intended for the Free Syrian Army, and not the Islamic rebels who want to take over the world for Islam. I guess Herr George had no problem with all the people Assad had murdered. What does he care that over 150,000 Syrians have died, probably just as many have been wounded and over 2 million refugees so far in this Civil War? It really is not affecting him, and the bottom line is that he really doesn't care about humanity. He just needs to find scapegoats.
Why are you blind to the fact that Christians have also murdered millions and millions of people since their religion started? In fact, Jews are probably unique among the three Great Western Religions who haven't murdered millions and millions of people; HOWEVER, I'm sure Bibi's working on that.

Are you willing to bet your life there currently are no US boots on the ground between Aleppo and Damascus? How are they supposed to identify the difference between multiple Islamist rebel groups of unknown loyalties? Maybe you recall last August when 95% of Americans told Obama: No War in Syria? What part of that is troubling you?

US Aids Syrian Rebels » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Why are you blind to the fact that Christians have also murdered millions and millions of people since their religion started? In fact, Jews are probably unique among the three Great Western Religions who haven't murdered millions and millions of people; HOWEVER, I'm sure Bibi's working on that.

Are you willing to bet your life there currently are no US boots on the ground between Aleppo and Damascus? How are they supposed to identify the difference between multiple Islamist rebel groups of unknown loyalties? Maybe you recall last August when 95% of Americans told Obama: No War in Syria? What part of that is troubling you?

US Aids Syrian Rebels » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Are you really that stupid, George. So quick to find other scapegoats, are you? This is the 21st century. How many have the Christians murdered in this century? The Muslims are murdering right and left, even their fellow Muslims, and you now want to drag in the Christians. Remember, folks, if the Islamists were ever lucky enough to establish their worldwide Caliphate, Herr George will be first in line to raise his hand. Maybe he thinks they will give him a better life than he has now by being a Dhimmi.
Are you stupid enough to believe Obama arming Syrian "rebels" with surface-to-air missiles will make flying safer? You're obviously stupid enough to think the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World has any interest in global peace.

Herr Geroge, why are you still here? You have shown the readers constantly that you hate this country so why don't you move to one where you will feel more comfortable, such as North Korea or Iran? Are you afraid that you wouldn't get the perks like you get here, such as a subsidized apartment? I think that Herr George really believes that all the Islamists in the world actually want peace with the Infidels -- no matter how matter people they behead or how many throats they slit.. Certainly it doesn't seem to bother him that they keep on killing innocent people.
Sally "Old News" couldn't care less about CIA death squads in Libya or Ukraine or Syria.
As long as they kill innocent Muslims instead of Jews she's one happy shill.

"Under clear desert skies and a sweltering sun, a team of CIA trainers put the Libyan exile commander through his paces, teaching sabotage and tactics to his small band of fighters.

"Back then, in the 1980s, they dreamed of the day they could go home and topple Muammar Gaddafi.

"Khalifa Heftar's offensive against the government that replaced Gaddafi – which he accuses of being a haven for terrorists – has been far more successful.

"It has seen him attack Islamist militias in Benghazi and the parliament in Tripoli. In less then a week key army units, political parties and tribal forces have rallied under his banner.

"On Thursday tension mounted when a powerful brigade from Misrata deployed in the centre of the capital.

"The renegade general's moves are being closely watched both at home and abroad.

"Heftar's old links with the CIA have come back to haunt him – with enemies denouncing him as an American 'agent'. In Libya's charged political mood, the accusation is toxic but it may be misleading or simply old news. For the record the US has denied backing him; he has also denied being in contact with Washington."

Khalifa Haftar: renegade general causing upheaval in Libya | World news | The Guardian
Sally "Old News" couldn't care less about CIA death squads in Libya or Ukraine or Syria.
As long as they kill innocent Muslims instead of Jews she's one happy shill.

"Under clear desert skies and a sweltering sun, a team of CIA trainers put the Libyan exile commander through his paces, teaching sabotage and tactics to his small band of fighters.

"Back then, in the 1980s, they dreamed of the day they could go home and topple Muammar Gaddafi.

"Khalifa Heftar's offensive against the government that replaced Gaddafi – which he accuses of being a haven for terrorists – has been far more successful.

"It has seen him attack Islamist militias in Benghazi and the parliament in Tripoli. In less then a week key army units, political parties and tribal forces have rallied under his banner.

"On Thursday tension mounted when a powerful brigade from Misrata deployed in the centre of the capital.

"The renegade general's moves are being closely watched both at home and abroad.

"Heftar's old links with the CIA have come back to haunt him – with enemies denouncing him as an American 'agent'. In Libya's charged political mood, the accusation is toxic but it may be misleading or simply old news. For the record the US has denied backing him; he has also denied being in contact with Washington."

Khalifa Haftar: renegade general causing upheaval in Libya | World news | The Guardian

Poor Herr George, he is so busy trying to blame the U.S. or Israel (Jews) for whatever goes wrong in this world, while his newfound buddies are still busy murdering innocent others in the Muslim world. Oh boy, is Herr George the perfect Dhimmi for these Islamists. There are so many people around the world who would love to be able to come here and become U.S. citizens. They would raise their hands if asked if they would like to take Herr George's place while he leaves the country and helps his new buddies. I wonder if Herr George takes some little naps during the day. After all, I noticed from the time of one of his posts that he must roll out of bed and run right away to his computer. I would suggest that since it is a lovely day in Los Angeles, Herr George takes some time out from castigating the U.S. and Israel (the Jews) and actually go outdoors and enjoy the fact that he lives in a free country. It wouldn't even cost him anything to take a nice walk and get some fresh air.
Sally "Old News" couldn't care less about CIA death squads in Libya or Ukraine or Syria.
As long as they kill innocent Muslims instead of Jews she's one happy shill.

"Under clear desert skies and a sweltering sun, a team of CIA trainers put the Libyan exile commander through his paces, teaching sabotage and tactics to his small band of fighters.

"Back then, in the 1980s, they dreamed of the day they could go home and topple Muammar Gaddafi.

"Khalifa Heftar's offensive against the government that replaced Gaddafi – which he accuses of being a haven for terrorists – has been far more successful.

"It has seen him attack Islamist militias in Benghazi and the parliament in Tripoli. In less then a week key army units, political parties and tribal forces have rallied under his banner.

"On Thursday tension mounted when a powerful brigade from Misrata deployed in the centre of the capital.

"The renegade general's moves are being closely watched both at home and abroad.

"Heftar's old links with the CIA have come back to haunt him – with enemies denouncing him as an American 'agent'. In Libya's charged political mood, the accusation is toxic but it may be misleading or simply old news. For the record the US has denied backing him; he has also denied being in contact with Washington."

Khalifa Haftar: renegade general causing upheaval in Libya | World news | The Guardian

Poor Herr George, he is so busy trying to blame the U.S. or Israel (Jews) for whatever goes wrong in this world, while his newfound buddies are still busy murdering innocent others in the Muslim world. Oh boy, is Herr George the perfect Dhimmi for these Islamists. There are so many people around the world who would love to be able to come here and become U.S. citizens. They would raise their hands if asked if they would like to take Herr George's place while he leaves the country and helps his new buddies. I wonder if Herr George takes some little naps during the day. After all, I noticed from the time of one of his posts that he must roll out of bed and run right away to his computer. I would suggest that since it is a lovely day in Los Angeles, Herr George takes some time out from castigating the U.S. and Israel (the Jews) and actually go outdoors and enjoy the fact that he lives in a free country. It wouldn't even cost him anything to take a nice walk and get some fresh air.
Why don't you take a nice stroll around Tripoli or Allepo, Sal?
Maybe you'll get lucky...:eusa_shhh:

"The official position is that the U.S. has refused to allow heavy weapons into Syria.
But there's growing evidence that U.S. agents — particularly murdered ambassador Chris Stevens — were at least aware of heavy weapons moving from Libya to jihadist Syrian rebels."

How US Ambassador Chris Stevens May Have Been Linked To Jihadist Rebels In Syria - Business Insider
Sally "Old News" couldn't care less about CIA death squads in Libya or Ukraine or Syria.
As long as they kill innocent Muslims instead of Jews she's one happy shill.

"Under clear desert skies and a sweltering sun, a team of CIA trainers put the Libyan exile commander through his paces, teaching sabotage and tactics to his small band of fighters.

"Back then, in the 1980s, they dreamed of the day they could go home and topple Muammar Gaddafi.

"Khalifa Heftar's offensive against the government that replaced Gaddafi – which he accuses of being a haven for terrorists – has been far more successful.

"It has seen him attack Islamist militias in Benghazi and the parliament in Tripoli. In less then a week key army units, political parties and tribal forces have rallied under his banner.

"On Thursday tension mounted when a powerful brigade from Misrata deployed in the centre of the capital.

"The renegade general's moves are being closely watched both at home and abroad.

"Heftar's old links with the CIA have come back to haunt him – with enemies denouncing him as an American 'agent'. In Libya's charged political mood, the accusation is toxic but it may be misleading or simply old news. For the record the US has denied backing him; he has also denied being in contact with Washington."

Khalifa Haftar: renegade general causing upheaval in Libya | World news | The Guardian

Poor Herr George, he is so busy trying to blame the U.S. or Israel (Jews) for whatever goes wrong in this world, while his newfound buddies are still busy murdering innocent others in the Muslim world. Oh boy, is Herr George the perfect Dhimmi for these Islamists. There are so many people around the world who would love to be able to come here and become U.S. citizens. They would raise their hands if asked if they would like to take Herr George's place while he leaves the country and helps his new buddies. I wonder if Herr George takes some little naps during the day. After all, I noticed from the time of one of his posts that he must roll out of bed and run right away to his computer. I would suggest that since it is a lovely day in Los Angeles, Herr George takes some time out from castigating the U.S. and Israel (the Jews) and actually go outdoors and enjoy the fact that he lives in a free country. It wouldn't even cost him anything to take a nice walk and get some fresh air.

Why don't you take a nice stroll around Tripoli or Allepo, Sal?
Maybe you'll get lucky...:eusa_shhh:

"The official position is that the U.S. has refused to allow heavy weapons into Syria.
But there's growing evidence that U.S. agents — particularly murdered ambassador Chris Stevens — were at least aware of heavy weapons moving from Libya to jihadist Syrian rebels."

How US Ambassador Chris Stevens May Have Been Linked To Jihadist Rebels In Syria - Business Insider

Why, Herr George, no matter how hard you are trying to be a good Dhimmi, go visit any of these Muslim countries and see what will happen to you if one of these radical Muslim groups show up. If they are not hesitant to kill each other, do you really think they will give you a pass because you don't mind being a Dhimmi. So, did y ou get a little fresh air today? Or was it more important to stay inside to bash the U.S. and Israel (Jews)?
Seriously, Silly-Sally, it's wayyy too early in the morning to be :booze:again. ... :lol: :lol:
It's never too early for Ha$bara:lol:
Hasbro makes some damned-fine games and toys.

Fatah and Hamas make (and hire) some marginally functional tools and useful idiots.
What's your take on the recent reunion between Hamas and Iran?

"A rapprochement between Hamas and Tehran is under way almost three years after a breach over the Palestinian party's refusal to back the Syrian government in the civil war, and amid its current political isolation following the demise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

"The rebuilding of the relationship is likely to dismay Israel and the US, which had welcomed the weakened ties between Gaza's rulers and their powerful political, financial and military sponsors.

"'Relations between us are now almost back to how they were before [the crisis over Syria]. We believe we will soon be back at that point,' said Taher al-Nounou, an aide to Gaza's prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh.

"Contacts between high-ranking officials from both sides had resumed, he said.

"Khaled Meshaal, the head of Hamas's political bureau, based in Qatar, has met Iranian representatives in Ankara and Doha in recent months, and may visit Tehran in the coming months."

Hamas and Iran rebuild ties three years after falling out over Syria | World news |
Seriously, Silly-Sally, it's wayyy too early in the morning to be :booze:again. ... :lol: :lol:

It's never too early for Ha$bara:lol:

Hasbro makes some damned-fine games and toys.

Fatah and Hamas make (and hire) some marginally functional tools and useful idiots.

Being a former alcoholic, Sunni Man projects his alcoholism on others, and being that Herr George is short of money, he always wants us to be aware of this with his use of dollar signs. However, two peas in a pod when it comes to being anti-Semites.
It's never too early for Ha$bara:lol:
Hasbro makes some damned-fine games and toys.

Fatah and Hamas make (and hire) some marginally functional tools and useful idiots.
What's your take on the recent reunion between Hamas and Iran?

"A rapprochement between Hamas and Tehran is under way almost three years after a breach over the Palestinian party's refusal to back the Syrian government in the civil war, and amid its current political isolation following the demise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

"The rebuilding of the relationship is likely to dismay Israel and the US, which had welcomed the weakened ties between Gaza's rulers and their powerful political, financial and military sponsors.

"'Relations between us are now almost back to how they were before [the crisis over Syria]. We believe we will soon be back at that point,' said Taher al-Nounou, an aide to Gaza's prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh.

"Contacts between high-ranking officials from both sides had resumed, he said.

"Khaled Meshaal, the head of Hamas's political bureau, based in Qatar, has met Iranian representatives in Ankara and Doha in recent months, and may visit Tehran in the coming months."

Hamas and Iran rebuild ties three years after falling out over Syria | World news |
All the better to eat the PLO with...

( great casus belli for the future, in connection with the Palestinians )

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