US Military Recruitment Plummets

“The Army this week admitted it was having problems recruiting and announced an unprecedented reduction in its numbers that would shrink the active duty Army to its smallest size since World War II.”

Uh. I wonder why nobody wants to join the military.

Anyway, in other military news:

Today is #TransDayofVisiblity– Check out @UnderSecAF Jones talk with Lt. Col. Bree Fram, highest-ranking openly transgender @DeptofDefense officer…

If you're not going to be going around the world, acting as the "world's policeman" and invading foreign countries, why do you need more than a million people in uniform?

The problem is the pay is so poor, you need Section 8 and food stamps for your family to survive, and then if you get injured, the government doesn't keep its promises to look after you.
Who would want to enlist other than fags queers and trannys. Everything the left touches gets destroyed.
What difference does that make? Trannies can't get in without jumping through several additional hoops.

My son was an Army infantry sergeant in Afghanistan. He said that the gays in his unit were often better soldiers than the straights.

My daughter is commander of an Army transportation unit. She has far more trouble with her heterosexual soldiers than homosexuals.
If, as we keep hearing, the military is mostly con-servatives....why would a lack of recruitment be liberal blame?
There could be several reasons

biden as commander in chief

Lib obama/biden flunkies running the Pentagon

Or maybe dykes and fags are not so interested in going to war now that they are free to do so
If you're not going to be going around the world, acting as the "world's policeman" and invading foreign countries, why do you need more than a million people in uniform?

The problem is the pay is so poor, you need Section 8 and food stamps for your family to survive, and then if you get injured, the government doesn't keep its promises to look after you.
Wasn’t an issue until Brandon and his sexual deviant minions took over.
So we blame pulling out of an unwinnable war that really was just babysitting a corrupt puppet govt for kids deciding blown up was not worth the GI bill?
Join the US Army so you can save Biden's corrupt contracts in Ukraine and you too can start WW3. Join today!
I blame W and Obama for not following the Weinberger/Powell/Reagan doctrine .... but Powell was part of trashing it. My daughter's Marine is pretty disillusioned, and he's not re-upping, but .... imo it's more about people learning what JFK said years ago "it's not fair." And kids are just meat for the govt, regardless of party. Sometimes, maybe less often that not, we have good presidents. I don't consider Biden won, but not because of his reluctance to see kids slaughtered for little reason
And this push to make all kids trannies and non binary weak pussy ass bitches as early as first and second grade guarantees the future of military will be weak as well. Plus you have companies like Disney trying to make their products "more inclusive" and so on. The only kids that aren't going to come out of childhood as sissy bitches are the ones with moral parents that stay involved with their kids and want them to be strong and tough adults. Sadly yesterday's weak willed and weak minded kids are going to be the ones raising their kids or have like teaching positions or creating content for other people's kids.

I was in the army right out of highschool. I didn't want to make a career out of it but I did think it made me a better person. But in this day and age? I couldn't recommend anyone do it. And if you really wanted to I'd only recommend air force or perhaps the navy.

We are right now, at this moment, in the time of where America is going to make it's turning point unless people put a stop to this kind of nonsense. One more generation of this nonsense and America will be beyond it's ability to correct it's course. The old guard is getting older everyday.

You nailed it.
If you're not going to be going around the world, acting as the "world's policeman" and invading foreign countries, why do you need more than a million people in uniform?

The problem is the pay is so poor, you need Section 8 and food stamps for your family to survive, and then if you get injured, the government doesn't keep its promises to look after you.

That is BS. An E-1 makes $1833.30 per month , plus at my daughter's Army post, they receive and an additional $1464 for dependent's housing.

Average rent for a 2-bedroom apartment is $1169.

The E-1s I recruit for the Army make more money than I do as a government contractor.
That is BS. An E-1 makes $1833.30 per month , plus at my daughter's Army post, they receive and an additional $1464 for dependent's housing.

Average rent for a 2-bedroom apartment is $1169.

The E-1s I recruit for the Army make more money than I do as a government contractor.
Tell us why recruiting is down. As an actual recruiter, you are the expert here.
Why would recruiting remain high?
*Economic growth is so strong, its generated inflation.
*The US is not involved in major conflicts for the first time since 2002.

Frankly we need to scale back in a big way, and quit volunteering ourselves for Cold War II with the Chinese. That involves a strong Navy, Air and Space Arm.
Tell us why recruiting is down. As an actual recruiter, you are the expert here.

The kids are either not interested because they don't like the mission, or they simply re not qualified. A typical high school student that has a diploma, is not an illegal, speaks English, does not have a criminal history, doesn't do excessive amounts of drugs. doesn't have 3 kids by 3 different women, has tattoos on his neck face or hands, and has a good ASVAB score, is going to college, usually on Pell Grants or Momma and Daddy are picking up the bill.

That about sums it up!
“The Army this week admitted it was having problems recruiting and announced an unprecedented reduction in its numbers that would shrink the active duty Army to its smallest size since World War II.”

A lot of the drop in recruitment was due to the drop in in-person recruiting because of Covid. This problem began in 2020.

After reviewing data provided to Rand by the Department of Defense, the researchers noted that the initial drop in the number of recruits moving through training and the number of enlistment contracts being written happened between March and April 2020, "a period when each of the services placed restrictions on in-person recruiting activities to curb the spread of COVID-19."

So much for your "because fags" horseshit.
Another cause of the drop in recruitment is that military pay is not keeping up with inflation, while many private sector jobs are.
A new study by Rand Corp. released Tuesday shows that, while the pandemic made it harder for the military services to recruit new personnel, overall numbers actually increased.

According to the paper, the Army, Navy and Air Force all managed to increase the number of troops in their ranks in 2020 compared to the year before, despite a downturn in new enlistments.

A lot of the drop in recruitment was due to the drop in in-person recruiting because of Covid. This problem began in 2020.

After reviewing data provided to Rand by the Department of Defense, the researchers noted that the initial drop in the number of recruits moving through training and the number of enlistment contracts being written happened between March and April 2020, "a period when each of the services placed restrictions on in-person recruiting activities to curb the spread of COVID-19."

So much for your "because fags" horseshit.
Sure it was! Unemployment means nobody looking for work!
There could be several reasons

biden as commander in chief

Lib obama/biden flunkies running the Pentagon

Or maybe dykes and fags are not so interested in going to war now that they are free to do so

How can the military support the party of Donald Trump, who thinks they're are fools and suckers?

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