US Military can’t meet its recruitment goals, 40% of target for the year.

Not according to the Zionist Warmongers... we were supposed to stay over there forever and ever and ever and ever until the Afghans learned to love Coca-cola.

I just explained it to you. You fight a war against people who've been fighting guerilla wars for 40 years... you are going to get bad results.
I get it. You excuse the failure of FJ Biden because it reflects poorly on woke democrats and their incompetence.

I explained to you that there was widespread and consistent criticism as to how Biden utterly botched the withdrawal of troops before allowing US citizens to leave. The Biden dems abandoned US citizens and even failed to accurately identify how many they left behind.

To excuse such incompetence with your usual Jew conspiracy theories is a laughable joke.
I'd ask where these Republicans were when THOUSANDS of Americans were dying needlessly in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I'd ask why FJ Biden, a 4 decade know-nothing, do-nothing, woke democrat ignored the recommendations of senior military and allowed US military to die.

Why is it that you believe floating your Jew conspiracy theories address FJ Biden's incompetence?

Top military officials told lawmakers on Tuesday that they had recommended 2,500 U.S. troops remain in Afghanistan, contradicting comments made by President Biden earlier this year.
I get it. You excuse the failure of FJ Biden because it reflects poorly on woke democrats and their incompetence.

No, what was inexcusable was fighting that war for 20 years... when it was obvious by 2005 it was a wasted effort.

I explained to you that there was widespread and consistent criticism as to how Biden utterly botched the withdrawal of troops before allowing US citizens to leave. The Biden dems abandoned US citizens and even failed to accurately identify how many they left behind.

Widespread criticism by people who didn't utter a PEEP when Trump sold out our Afghan Quislings at Doha.

Biden lost less troops in that mess than Trump, Obama or Bush did.

I'd ask why FJ Biden, a 4 decade know-nothing, do-nothing, woke democrat ignored the recommendations of senior military and allowed US military to die.

You mean the same senior military who grew fat and happy in the Forever War before cashing in on their big contracts with defense contractors.

The tragedy of the Forever War was that no one pulled the plug on it a lot sooner.

Why is it that you believe floating your Jew conspiracy theories address FJ Biden's incompetence?
The Jews got us into that mess. You look at the architects of our Middle East policy for the last 40 years, and guess what, all Jews. Doesn't matter the party, the Zionist Lobby will keep us in Forever Wars, until someone gets fed up with it and says "No".
No, what was inexcusable was fighting that war for 20 years... when it was obvious by 2005 it was a wasted effort.

Widespread criticism by people who didn't utter a PEEP when Trump sold out our Afghan Quislings at Doha.

Biden lost less troops in that mess than Trump, Obama or Bush did.

You mean the same senior military who grew fat and happy in the Forever War before cashing in on their big contracts with defense contractors.

The tragedy of the Forever War was that no one pulled the plug on it a lot sooner.

The Jews got us into that mess. You look at the architects of our Middle East policy for the last 40 years, and guess what, all Jews. Doesn't matter the party, the Zionist Lobby will keep us in Forever Wars, until someone gets fed up with it and says "No".
How strange that Jews had nothing to do with the disaster created by FJ Biden and his disastrous exit which led to military personnel being killed and Americans abandoned.

You obsession with Jews makes for terrible excuses to sidestep leftist policies of failure and incompetence.
How strange that Jews had nothing to do with the disaster created

They had everything to do with it. First they talked Bush into an invasion, then they talked him into switching our focus to Iraq.

The political malpractice happened LONG before Biden got there. We were going to lose in Afghanistan, inevitably... whining that 13 guys were killed by a terrorist group that ONLY existed because of Bush's fumbled invasion is kind of.... silly.

American Middle East policy in a nutshell- sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.
They had everything to do with it. First they talked Bush into an invasion, then they talked him into switching our focus to Iraq.

The political malpractice happened LONG before Biden got there. We were going to lose in Afghanistan, inevitably... whining that 13 guys were killed by a terrorist group that ONLY existed because of Bush's fumbled invasion is kind of.... silly.

American Middle East policy in a nutshell- sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.
I don't recall Bush being president in 2021. Similarly, I don't recall Bush being Jewish.

Therefore, to hold Bush accountable for the disaster created by FJ Biden is yet another of your lurid conspiracy theories that collapses.
I don't recall Bush being president in 2021. Similarly, I don't recall Bush being Jewish.

Therefore, to hold Bush accountable for the disaster created by FJ Biden is yet another of your lurid conspiracy theories that collapses.

Now you are being obtuse. We were at war with Afghanistan for 20 years... Biden oversaw that war for only the last 8 months... after we had all pretty much agreed we needed to get out.

The disaster was that we were in there at all, not what happened the day we left.
Now you are being obtuse. We were at war with Afghanistan for 20 years... Biden oversaw that war for only the last 8 months... after we had all pretty much agreed we needed to get out.

The disaster was that we were in there at all, not what happened the day we left.
Now you're being a typical leftist.

You can blame Bush being president in 2021 for FJ Biden's failure and incompetence but that's just another of your loopy, leftist conspiracy theories.
You can blame Bush being president in 2021 for FJ Biden's failure and incompetence but that's just another of your loopy, leftist conspiracy theories.

The incompetence is trying to hold down a country of 26 million angry Muslims who hate us with 2500 guys.... that wasn't Biden's idea.
The incompetence is trying to hold down a country of 26 million angry Muslims who hate us with 2500 guys.... that wasn't Biden's idea.
So, a'splain us in your best conspiracy theory drivel how everybody but FJ Biden is responsible for the failures and incompetence of FJ Biden.

Biden claimed his hands were tied by the Trump administration’s deals with the Taliban. They were not. He chose to withdraw in the middle of fighting season.

Real leaders take responsibility for their decisions, including ones that have led to untenable situations and demand action. Biden didn’t.

Not at all surprising that we see no one but the leftist entity blaming others for FJ Biden's failures.
So, a'splain us in your best conspiracy theory drivel how everybody but FJ Biden is responsible for the failures and incompetence of FJ Biden.

I have multiple times... Sweet Evil Jesus are you slow.

Biden claimed his hands were tied by the Trump administration’s deals with the Taliban. They were not. He chose to withdraw in the middle of fighting season.

Um, yeah. That's the problem, Trump DID make an agreement. He also chose not to enforce it when the Taliban violated it time after time.

The real question is, WHY stay any longer? If I fault Biden for anything, it's not getting the fuck out like five minutes after he was inaugurated. Instead, he delayed to give the War Profiteers more time to get their wage slaves out.

Real leaders take responsibility for their decisions, including ones that have led to untenable situations and demand action. Biden didn’t.

Okay. Too bad pulling out really wasn't his decision. Trump pretty much gave the Taliban the whole show. The absurdity was that we really thought that the Afghan Army would continue to fight a war we already admitted was lost.
I have multiple times... Sweet Evil Jesus are you slow.

Um, yeah. That's the problem, Trump DID make an agreement. He also chose not to enforce it when the Taliban violated it time after time.

The real question is, WHY stay any longer? If I fault Biden for anything, it's not getting the fuck out like five minutes after he was inaugurated. Instead, he delayed to give the War Profiteers more time to get their wage slaves out.

Okay. Too bad pulling out really wasn't his decision. Trump pretty much gave the Taliban the whole show. The absurdity was that we really thought that the Afghan Army would continue to fight a war we already admitted was lost.

Those are some pretty funny conspiracy theories. It must be fun to forever live in a world where all your failures are someone else's fault.

They had everything to do with it. First they talked Bush into an invasion, then they talked him into switching our focus to Iraq.

The political malpractice happened LONG before Biden got there. We were going to lose in Afghanistan, inevitably... whining that 13 guys were killed by a terrorist group that ONLY existed because of Bush's fumbled invasion is kind of.... silly.

American Middle East policy in a nutshell- sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.
You make your point. However, it is not whining about 13 guys. It is about a leader who messed up and got those 13 killed. Joe has been around for 50 years. He knows better we were told.
You make your point. However, it is not whining about 13 guys. It is about a leader who messed up and got those 13 killed. Joe has been around for 50 years. He knows better we were told.

I'm not sure what you think Biden can do to prevent terrorist attacks that every last one of his predecessors have failed to do, exactly.

EVERY President in modern history has lost people - military and civilian - to terror attacks.

Those are some pretty funny conspiracy theories. It must be fun to forever live in a world where all your failures are someone else's fault.

No, there's nothing funny about the Jews sending young American boys off to die for the Zionist Entity. Fight your own damned wars!
I'm not sure what you think Biden can do to prevent terrorist attacks that every last one of his predecessors have failed to do, exactly.

EVERY President in modern history has lost people - military and civilian - to terror attacks.

No, there's nothing funny about the Jews sending young American boys off to die for the Zionist Entity. Fight your own damned wars!
There's something really disturbing with your lurid Jew conspiracy theories.

You're free to hate Jews but why blame Jews for your failures and inadequacies?
There's something really disturbing with your lurid Jew conspiracy theories.

You're free to hate Jews but why blame Jews for your failures and inadequacies?

Why do you keep changing the subject?

I do fine because I avoid working for Jews. I find out my potential boss has a Jewish name, I head in the other direction.
Why do you keep changing the subject?

I do fine because I avoid working for Jews. I find out my potential boss has a Jewish name, I head in the other direction.
Why do you feel such a compulsion to scream out your Jew hatreds?
Probably just tired of disingenous idiots who want to pretend that they aren't making suckers of us all...
You may embrace the idea that you're a perpetual victim, unable to manage his own affairs and forever under the bootheel of vast conspiracies but not everyone shares your defeatist attitudes.

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