75% Of Our Kids Ineligable For Military Service

Do you ever watch those street scenes some of the late night shows do in walking in the public and asking different questions?

Who is Joe Biden?

I dunno.

Who is our president?

I dunno.

Who was your favorite POTUS?

What's a potus?

Shit like that. Ignorance galore.
Our public school system is really doing a job on our kids.


These are models, not our kids btw

About 75% of America's 17- to 24-year-olds are ineligible for military service due to lack of education, obesity, and other physical problems, or criminal history, according to a report issued in 2009 by the Mission: Readiness group.

Just Not Smart Enough
In its report, Ready, Willing and Unable to Serve, Mission: Readiness - a group of retired military and civilian military leaders - found that one in four young people between 17 and 24 does not have a high school diploma. About 30 percent of those who do, states the report, still fail the Armed Forces Qualification Test, the entrance test required to join the US military. Another one in ten young people cannot serve because of past convictions for felonies or serious misdemeanors, states the report.

Obesity and Other Health Problems Wash Many Out
A full 27 percent of young Americans are simply too overweight to join the military, says Mission: Readiness. "Many are turned away by recruiters and others never try to join.

Of those who attempt to join, however, roughly 15,000 young potential recruits fail their entrance physicals every year because they are too heavy."

Nearly 32 percent have other disqualifying health problems, including asthma, eyesight or hearing problems, mental health issues, or recent treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Due to all of the above and other assorted problems, only about two out of 10 American young people are fully eligible to join the military without special waivers, according to the report.

"Imagine ten young people walking into a recruiter's office and seven of them getting turned away," said former Under Secretary of the Army Joe Reeder in a press release. "We cannot allow today's dropout crisis to become a national security crisis."

Post-Recession Military Recruiting Goals in Jeopardy
Clearly, what worries the members of Mission: Readiness - and the Pentagon - is that faced with this ever-shrinking pool of qualified young people, the US military branches will no longer be able to meet their recruiting goals once the economy recovers and non-military jobs return.

"Once the economy begins to grow again, the challenge of finding enough high-quality recruits will return," states the report. "Unless we help more young people get on the right track today, our future military readiness will be put at risk."

"The armed services are meeting recruitment targets in 2009, but those of us who have served in command roles are worried about the trends we see," said Rear Admiral James Barnett (USN, Ret.), in a press release. "Our national security in the year 2030 is absolutely dependent on what's going on in pre-kindergarten today. We urge Congress to take action on this issue this year."

Up to 75 Percent of US Youth Ineligible for Military Service

Gee .. but their 'self esteem' and stuff are at all time highs, and according to the faux 'progressives' that's all that counts!
If the military has to draft, the dumber ones are canon fodder , the fat ones will lose weight and the ones that play viddy games the best will fly the drones...
Poor education started with the "social-promoting" concept whereby even if the child has failing grades, you still move him/her into the next grade up so it doesn't hurt his/her feelings by not being with those of his/her own age.
Do you ever watch those street scenes some of the late night shows do in walking in the public and asking different questions?

Who is Joe Biden?

I dunno.

Who is our president?

I dunno.

Who was your favorite POTUS?

What's a potus?

Shit like that. Ignorance galore.
Did you ever figure out that they edit those?
Poor education started with the "social-promoting" concept whereby even if the child has failing grades, you still move him/her into the next grade up so it doesn't hurt his/her feelings by not being with those of his/her own age.
In my day all you needed to be was a lettering jock and you were passed to the next grade...
How long have these same standards been in place? It seems as if the military would take almost anybody just a couple decades ago.
A couple of decades ago is 1996. I enlisted in the Army in 1993. The APFT was the same as it is today, as well as BMI index standards. Drug use and criminal history were disqualifiars, and don't ask don't tell was just newly implemented.

If anything, the standards are lower today, letting in any queer or cross dressing freak.
One thing that gets overlooked.

The price of food.

No thanks to Barry, the costs of healthy food has skyrocketed.

Hard to feed a family when $100 won't even fill a grocery cart. And if you walk through the store, you'll see that food that has good nutritional value is almost non-existent.

If you want people to eat better, do what you can to make it affordable. Obama not only hasn't done this. He's done everything he can to drive prices up. R
Massive amounts of new regulations, higher minimum wage standards, use of feed corn to make Ethanol instead of feeding cows, chickens and pigs. Raising excise taxes on various products. Intentionally jacking up fuel costs and energy costs.
I shop at grocery stores and prices have come down, eggs a buck a dozen, bacon $18.99 a ten pound box, down from $24.99.....Lots and lots of nutritional foods...Corn was 4 ears for a buck this summer as usual....i had an electric increase, it amounted to .0003 cents per kilowatt....
Much of the stuff you see a decrease in is food they have to move before it spoils. People aren't buying as much as they used to, so there are bargains. You just have to look for them.
I didnt ask you for links I said what part of the fitness program was a joke and you say it should be a longer joke!
No I didn't.

If that's all you got out of this, maybe you need you go back to school and relearn English Comp.

Your sole purpose for posting is to object to everything, deny everything and never state what you would do differently. You're a professional peanut gallery member.
And yor a kunt....but projecting your stupidity onto me doesn't work.
You already have all you can handle, tell him to just back off...Now!
He disappeared this morning. I guess he felt he wasn't winning.
Do you ever watch those street scenes some of the late night shows do in walking in the public and asking different questions?

Who is Joe Biden?

I dunno.

Who is our president?

I dunno.

Who was your favorite POTUS?

What's a potus?

Shit like that. Ignorance galore.
Ask them if they pay attention to politics and they say no.
It's too depressing
If the military has to draft, the dumber ones are canon fodder , the fat ones will lose weight and the ones that play viddy games the best will fly the drones...
Good way to lose.

Thanks for playing tho
How long have these same standards been in place? It seems as if the military would take almost anybody just a couple decades ago.
The military's adoption of high tech weapons systems means that the typical soldier cannot be the apes that they took before, like me.

We certainly have plenty of kids nowadays graduating in fields that would qualify them to work on high tech weapons systems. It seems like the problem is that these kids choose not to join the military. You can't even blame them when choosing another career path could be much more lucrative for them.
the issue isn't that they won't, it's that they can't.

Then they should somehow adjust their physical standards depending on what field the potential recruit is pursuing. It's not 1980 anymore. If their recruit is going to be sitting at a computer terminal pressing buttons I don't give a fuck how fast he can climb a wall. All I wanna know is how fast he can blow the wall up.
You have to pass 'Basic' training.

Basic isn't that hard, it's meant to weed out the weak.

Which one of these Families do Republicans mock and laugh at for wanting children to eat nutritious food?
you support tyranny for any reason, you just have to have the (D) to tell you what you support and you do so.
About 75% of America's 17- to 24-year-olds are ineligible for military service due to lack of education, obesity, and other physical problems, or criminal history, according to a report issued in 2009 by the Mission: Readiness group.

We told you this was part of the reason Michelle Obama wanted kids to get off their fat asses and eat better. You guys cried about it and now cry about the inevitable results. Thats the republican way...Complain about the solution then complain about the results of fighting the solution
why do leftist lie so much?

you forced kids to eat what they are ordered or you publicly humiliate them.

such lying, evil subhuman monsters
About 75% of America's 17- to 24-year-olds are ineligible for military service due to lack of education, obesity, and other physical problems, or criminal history, according to a report issued in 2009 by the Mission: Readiness group.

We told you this was part of the reason Michelle Obama wanted kids to get off their fat asses and eat better. You guys cried about it and now cry about the inevitable results. Thats the republican way...Complain about the solution then complain about the results of fighting the solution
why do leftist lie so much?

you forced kids to eat what they are ordered or you publicly humiliate them.

such lying, evil subhuman monsters

Just saying liar over and over shows you have nothing. Want to try it again?
Basic isn't that hard, it's meant to weed out the weak.

Except for the Infantry. Basic through Advanced Infantry Training is hard as hell and that is a good thing.

They dont just teach you how to kill people but they break down your inhibition to gouge out someones eyes and cut open their abdominal sack and spill their entrails all over the floor, and that takes a lot of serious psychological abuse and stress, like chaining up a junk yard dog to a tree and then beating him every time you feed him. That is how you train a junk yard dog, and that is how your train infantrymen, if you want them to survive in combat.

After a while they are willing to gut their own mothers if they point a weapon at them.

That is the mindset a combat infantryman should have.
Back in my day (Vietnam draft era) all you needed was a pulse and you were in whether you wanted to or not.
My uncle actually failed his physical, in that era. (He passed soon after, having memorized the eye chart.)
Our public school system is really doing a job on our kids.


These are models, not our kids btw

About 75% of America's 17- to 24-year-olds are ineligible for military service due to lack of education, obesity, and other physical problems, or criminal history, according to a report issued in 2009 by the Mission: Readiness group.

Just Not Smart Enough
In its report, Ready, Willing and Unable to Serve, Mission: Readiness - a group of retired military and civilian military leaders - found that one in four young people between 17 and 24 does not have a high school diploma. About 30 percent of those who do, states the report, still fail the Armed Forces Qualification Test, the entrance test required to join the US military. Another one in ten young people cannot serve because of past convictions for felonies or serious misdemeanors, states the report.

Obesity and Other Health Problems Wash Many Out
A full 27 percent of young Americans are simply too overweight to join the military, says Mission: Readiness. "Many are turned away by recruiters and others never try to join.

Of those who attempt to join, however, roughly 15,000 young potential recruits fail their entrance physicals every year because they are too heavy."

Nearly 32 percent have other disqualifying health problems, including asthma, eyesight or hearing problems, mental health issues, or recent treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Due to all of the above and other assorted problems, only about two out of 10 American young people are fully eligible to join the military without special waivers, according to the report.

"Imagine ten young people walking into a recruiter's office and seven of them getting turned away," said former Under Secretary of the Army Joe Reeder in a press release. "We cannot allow today's dropout crisis to become a national security crisis."

Post-Recession Military Recruiting Goals in Jeopardy
Clearly, what worries the members of Mission: Readiness - and the Pentagon - is that faced with this ever-shrinking pool of qualified young people, the US military branches will no longer be able to meet their recruiting goals once the economy recovers and non-military jobs return.

"Once the economy begins to grow again, the challenge of finding enough high-quality recruits will return," states the report. "Unless we help more young people get on the right track today, our future military readiness will be put at risk."

"The armed services are meeting recruitment targets in 2009, but those of us who have served in command roles are worried about the trends we see," said Rear Admiral James Barnett (USN, Ret.), in a press release. "Our national security in the year 2030 is absolutely dependent on what's going on in pre-kindergarten today. We urge Congress to take action on this issue this year."

Up to 75 Percent of US Youth Ineligible for Military Service

another reason to oppose bringing back the draft
You have the fem commandos to thank for this. A group of sick man haters whos agenda was to tear apart the family and take the mothers and wives out of the home.
Don't tell me about it I lived it and witnessed the aftermath.
Kids today have no parental guidence only communist controlled tv, games and filthy violent music and movies.
We went from love and romance to lust and shackup.
About 75% of America's 17- to 24-year-olds are ineligible for military service due to lack of education, obesity, and other physical problems, or criminal history, according to a report issued in 2009 by the Mission: Readiness group.

We told you this was part of the reason Michelle Obama wanted kids to get off their fat asses and eat better. You guys cried about it and now cry about the inevitable results. Thats the republican way...Complain about the solution then complain about the results of fighting the solution
why do leftist lie so much?

you forced kids to eat what they are ordered or you publicly humiliate them.

such lying, evil subhuman monsters

Just saying liar over and over shows you have nothing. Want to try it again?
school takes students lunch away - Google Search

so many I couldn't pick one.

schools taking away a childs lunch, but you knew about these stories, and you still lied.

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