Hungary under Orban is declared as no longer a full Democracy by EU

Why, oh why, do so many people demonize Hungary?

Hungarians look at the United States, for example, and think something like: "You Americans are a multicultural nation. You say that diversity is a good thing. If that is what you like, we wish you the very best of luck. But don't criticize us when we work to have a monocultural nation, where everyone looks the same, speaks the same language, has the same religion, and -- above all -- shares the same cultural values. Live and let live is all that we ask."

That's okay for Saudi Arabia. It's to be praised for Yemen, it is noble and brave by China. But if Hungary does it - it's a crime against humanity - because Hungary has the despised whites that the left seek to eradicate from the earth.
The Wehrmacht fought for their country in 1945. This did not change the cannibalistic nature of the Nazi regime.
Wehrmacht were directed by the despot autocrat, Hitler. Hitler defined their war, not the people of the country. That is why they lost. Putin is close to Hitler. Trump would love to be Putin. Trump loves Putin/ Trump has Putin envy.
Putin and Trump may both end up in jail. I love it.
Wehrmacht were directed by the despot autocrat, Hitler. Hitler defined their war, not the people of the country. That is why they lost. Putin is close to Hitler. Trump would love to be Putin. Trump loves Putin/ Trump has Putin envy.
Putin and Trump may both end up in jail. I love it.
Why do Democrats have to be complete idiots? Is this a prerequisite that you must comply with?
Nark that one down as an enthusiastic supporter of autocracy and corruption. Why else would she be so hellbent on deflecting?

But then, we already knew that. All of the Trump cultists never saw a dictator that they didn't worship. Trump himself lavishes praise on dictators.
^ loves Zelen$ky and Ukrainian "democracy"
Wehrmacht were directed by the despot autocrat, Hitler. Hitler defined their war, not the people of the country. That is why they lost. Putin is close to Hitler. Trump would love to be Putin. Trump loves Putin/ Trump has Putin envy.
Putin and Trump may both end up in jail. I love it.
They lost because the Allies had perfect knowledge of their tactics, strategies and plans
Is there a mental or moral deficiency in the Hungarian People that makes them susceptible to such strongmen and paralyzes them against any corrective action?

There is, however, a lack of democratic tradition and history of liberal governance the consequence of decades of Soviet rule and centuries of autocratic rule by the Austrian and Ottoman empires.
Saul, should it be illegal to vote for any candidate who is not a democrat?
Orbán’s fascism is particularly insidious and dangerous – political opponents aren’t jailed, opposition media aren’t such down.

Instead Orbán has manipulated the constitution and the courts to quietly establish the tyranny of one-party rule rendering democracy irrelevant.

And conservatives in the United States are seeking to do the same thing.

There is, however, a lack of democratic tradition and history of liberal governance the consequence of decades of Soviet rule and centuries of autocratic rule by the Austrian and Ottoman empires.
Should the EU appoint the rulers of Hungary, since the people there don't vote as you've ordered them to?

Democracy - just not what democrats support.
Orbán’s fascism is particularly insidious and dangerous – political opponents aren’t jailed, opposition media aren’t such down.

I'm not sure you were posting in English.

I do know that Adolf Biden is trying to jail his political opponents - to thunderous applause by you Nazis.

Of course Orban hasn't jailed his opponents, Hungary has free and fair elections - which you of the left want to stamp out.

Instead Orbán has manipulated the constitution and the courts to quietly establish the tyranny of one-party rule rendering democracy irrelevant.

And conservatives in the United States are seeking to do the same thing.

:lol: You mean he's popular and gets elected - against the wishes of the Oligarchy.

Orban is a great leader. That he promotes Hungary for Hungarians rather than for Arabs and Africans is no different than Iran not allowing Chinese to immigrate, or China not allowing Africans to be citizens - which you praise China and Iran for. Or Zimbabwe not allowing Indians to own land or businesses - which you're fine with.

The reason you hate Hungary is because they are WHITE. It's just part of your extreme racism and festering bigotry.
Why do Democrats have to be complete idiots? Is this a prerequisite that you must comply with?
I am not a Democrat. If it was not for an inept Democrat party we would not have Donald Trump.
Tell me where my observations are incorrect.
Autocrat Putin is losing, autocrat Hitler lost, wannabe autocrat Trump is losing.
All three will go down in history as evil leaders. Their followers are a combination of stupid and evil. Most are more stupid than evil.
Should the EU appoint the rulers of Hungary, since the people there don't vote as you've ordered them to?

Democracy - just not what democrats support.
Uncensored is extremely stupid. He has no clue how autocrats take over a democracy. First they get in office. Once in office they control the press. They do not allow any press that is negative towards them. They then work on weakening the government checks on their power. The judicial nad the legislative. Then they start eliminating any individuals that do not agree with them.
They control the information the public gets.
By controlling the information the citizens receive and eliminate internal competition they have solid control of many citizens. If an election does not go there way, they use their power to turn over the election.

Does that sound familiar dumbass. Putin has been doing it for decades. Orban for years. Trump has tried but failed. Our system is stronger than a power hungry autocrat wannbe Trump. He will end up in jail.
Uncensored is extremely stupid. He has no clue how autocrats take over a democracy. First they get in office. Once in office they control the press.

So the way the democrats do with the Stenographers of the Reich who are CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, Jeff Bezos personal hate blog, and the Voice of the Reich - NY Times?

Yep, that is one of the ways that the Nazi democrat party has undermined America.

They do not allow any press that is negative towards them.

So, they would send the Gestapo to arrest investigative Journalists like James O'Keefe and assault Andy Ngo?

Yep, that's exactly what the Nazi democrats are doing.

They then work on weakening the government checks on their power.

Like stuffing the Supreme court to neuter the Judicial Branch?

The judicial nad the legislative. Then they start eliminating any individuals that do not agree with them.

Such are hunting down Roger Stone or Rudy?

Yep, the Nazi democrats are doing that as we speak,
They control the information the public gets.

By controlling the public square, as the FBI and CIA do with Twitter and Facebook.

By controlling the information the citizens receive and eliminate internal competition they have solid control of many citizens. If an election does not go there way, they use their power to turn over the election.

Does that sound familiar dumbass. Putin has been doing it for decades. Orban for years. Trump has tried but failed. Our system is stronger than a power hungry autocrat wannbe Trump. He will end up in jail.

You've convinced me - the democrats are unquestionably Nazis.
So the way the democrats do with the Stenographers of the Reich who are CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, Jeff Bezos personal hate blog, and the Voice of the Reich - NY Times?

Yep, that is one of the ways that the Nazi democrat party has undermined America.

So, they would send the Gestapo to arrest investigative Journalists like James O'Keefe and assault Andy Ngo?

Yep, that's exactly what the Nazi democrats are doing.

Like stuffing the Supreme court to neuter the Judicial Branch?

Such are hunting down Roger Stone or Rudy?

Yep, the Nazi democrats are doing that as we speak,

By controlling the public square, as the FBI and CIA do with Twitter and Facebook.

You've convinced me - the democrats are unquestionably Nazis.


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Boy, that was some Cirque du Soleil-level you pulled to convince yourself Orban is great, and people who object to him are racist. I bet you get extra potatoes from Viktor and Vlad for the effort.

Orban is a staunch opponent of Russia and Putin and one of the most effective allies of Ukraine.

I know you already know this and are just lying through your fucking teeth - you're a Nazi - it's what you do.

But I note that Adolf Biden shut down domestic energy production and the competing Keystone Pipeline to prop up Vlad's failing economy. Hey, Putin's been Bribing Biden for decades, Quid Pro HAD to deliver.
Orban is a staunch opponent of Russia and Putin and one of the most effective allies of Ukraine.

I know you already know this and are just lying through your fucking teeth - you're a Nazi - it's what you do.

But I note that Adolf Biden shut down domestic energy production and the competing Keystone Pipeline to prop up Vlad's failing economy. Hey, Putin's been Bribing Biden for decades, Quid Pro HAD to deliver.
What world do you live in uncensored. Most of what you say has no connection to reality. Get help.

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