Hungary under Orban is declared as no longer a full Democracy by EU

Free and fair elections are an danger to your duhmobracy.
You don't advocate free and fair elections. You advocate the opposite. You do your best to rig elections.

You try to make it illegal for the opposition to vote. If you can't make it illegal, you make it as difficult as possible.

You want your politicians to decide election outcomes, and not the voters. You demand a one-party authoritarian state.

You declare that any election you lose has been rigged. You literally think that the opposition party is illegitimate by defintion, and that they have no right to govern if they win.

So in what way do you differ from from the authoritarians in Hungary? Because I can't see one.

You act like someone who knows his side can't win unless they cheat. We act like people who support democracy.
You don't advocate free and fair elections.

Uh stupid fuck, you DO grasp that this entire thread is you Nazis crying that Hungary was allowed free and fair elections - and voted for someone you don't like. So now the EU is trying to shut down elections to keep "bad vote" from occuring.

You really are just as dumb as they come.

You advocate the opposite. You do your best to rig elections.

You try to make it illegal for the opposition to vote. If you can't make it illegal, you make it as difficult as possible.

You want your politicians to decide election outcomes, and not the voters. You demand a one-party authoritarian state.

You declare that any election you lose has been rigged. You literally think that the opposition party is illegitimate by defintion, and that they have no right to govern if they win.

So in what way do you differ from from the authoritarians in Hungary? Because I can't see one.

You act like someone who knows his side can't win unless they cheat. We act like people who support democracy.
Yes, yes, you're violent sore-loser fascist filth. No need to keep harping on that point.

But thanks for proving the point of the thread, which is how much Trump cultists hate democracy.
You hate democracy so much, you can't tolerate that Hungary democratically voted NOT to take the poison pill of diversity. You just anguish over the fact that there aren't any Africans raping Hungarian girls don't you.
Uh stupid fuck, you DO grasp that this entire thread is you Nazis crying that Hungary was allowed free and fair elections
The whole world says you're lying about that.

In Hungary, only TheParty is allowed to win elections, because TheParty says so.

You're trying to implement that system in the USA. Right now, you cling to power as a corrupt tyrannical minority mainly through gerrymandering and vote suppression, but you're working on formalizing one-party rule.

For example, you're trying to legally make it so that state legislatures -- which the minority often dominates through gerrymandering and vote suppression -- can be the absolute authorities on saying who wins elections, regardless of what the actual votes are. That is, your corrupt tyrannical minority is trying to make laws that say that only the corrupt tyrannical minority gets to decide who wins.

Needless to say, you're thrilled with that idea.
So pretty sure the EU does not get to decide what type of government Hungary or any other European country has. They are entitled to their opinion but we all know the old saying about opinions.
The whole world says you're lying about that.

Your anus isn't the "whole world" even though it's where your head resides.

In Hungary, only TheParty is allowed to win elections, because TheParty says so.

Oh, lying. Got it.

Fucking toddler.

You're trying to implement that system in the USA. Right now, you cling to power as a corrupt tyrannical minority mainly through gerrymandering and vote suppression, but you're working on formalizing one-party rule.

Herpaderpity derp indeed, you fucking retard.

For example, you're trying to legally make it so that state legislatures -- which the minority often dominates through gerrymandering and vote suppression -- can be the absolute authorities on saying who wins elections, regardless of what the actual votes are. That is, your corrupt tyrannical minority is trying to make laws that say that only the corrupt tyrannical minority gets to decide who wins.

No doubt you read something on one of the Nazi hate sites that you couldn't understand, which you're misrepresenting here.

Why don't you post the link to DailyKOS or Raw Sewage that you're trying to echo and let those smarter than you read it directly. And let's face it, everyone here is smarter than you.

Needless to say, you're thrilled with that idea.

I'm thrilled with what, sploogy?
Oh yeah, they want to contribute. They will contribute fentanyl, meth, six year old prostitutes, boys, girls and non binary. The invaders are breaking into homes, killing dogs and cats and barbecuing them on the porches of their owners. They have turned formerly decent cities into diseased open sewers. That's what democrats want, everywhere. Except for democrats wealthy enough to set up little exclusive enclaves for themselves. They are in need of a good French Revolution.
Are you kind of bummed out that Hungary won't accept you?

Hungary under Orban is declared as no longer a full Democracy by EU. It is a electoral autocracy. The EU democracies do not want to support this type of government.

Donald Trump and MAGA are trying to turn the US into the exact type of government, an electoral autocracy with the autocrat declaring whether any election is valid.

MAGA has brought Orban to the USA to discuss his government.

A vote for MAGA is a vote to turn the USA into a Hungary type electoral autocracy.

How awful and sad. We should just leave them to their autocracy.... and stay away from them.
Oh yeah, they want to contribute. They will contribute fentanyl, meth, six year old prostitutes, boys, girls and non binary. The invaders are breaking into homes, killing dogs and cats and barbecuing them on the porches of their owners. They have turned formerly decent cities into diseased open sewers. That's what democrats want, everywhere. Except for democrats wealthy enough to set up little exclusive enclaves for themselves. They are in need of a good French Revolution.
Elmer, you were right. You just called it and now look how BadBreath can permeate a room.
You don't advocate free and fair elections. You advocate the opposite. You do your best to rig elections.

You try to make it illegal for the opposition to vote. If you can't make it illegal, you make it as difficult as possible.

You want your politicians to decide election outcomes, and not the voters. You demand a one-party authoritarian state.

You declare that any election you lose has been rigged. You literally think that the opposition party is illegitimate by defintion, and that they have no right to govern if they win.

So in what way do you differ from from the authoritarians in Hungary? Because I can't see one.

You act like someone who knows his side can't win unless they cheat. We act like people who support democracy.
I have to say... you nailed it.
Democracy is such a tedious word nowadays. We vote in our dictators.
How true. Those supporting Trumpism could undo our democratic union worked on so hard by our ore fathers.
Our democratic union has faced those who wanted to bring it down in the past. I predict these idiots will go the way of the confederates. They are worse than the confederates.
Oh yeah, they want to contribute. They will contribute fentanyl, meth, six year old prostitutes, boys, girls and non binary. The invaders are breaking into homes, killing dogs and cats and barbecuing them on the porches of their owners. They have turned formerly decent cities into diseased open sewers. That's what democrats want, everywhere. Except for democrats wealthy enough to set up little exclusive enclaves for themselves. They are in need of a good French Revolution.
You are an embarrassment to humans, all women and all dogs and all good Americans.
How true. Those supporting Trumpism could undo our democratic union worked on so hard by our ore fathers.
Our democratic union has faced those who wanted to bring it down in the past. I predict these idiots will go the way of the confederates. They are worse than the confederates.

I mean those Trumpers want free and fair elections, you Nazis sure aren't going to allow that. And they want freedom of speech, a free press, freedom of religion. All things that you and your party have worked so hard to eradicate.

What's worse is that they want THE PEOPLE to decide issues like abortion. People voting in the many states on abortion is democracy. And democracy is a DANGER to the duhmobcracy your Reich promotes. Issues so complex must be dictated by 9 unelected rulers, not voted on by the unwashed peasants....

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