75% Of Our Kids Ineligable For Military Service

About 75% of America's 17- to 24-year-olds are ineligible for military service due to lack of education, obesity, and other physical problems, or criminal history, according to a report issued in 2009 by the Mission: Readiness group.

We told you this was part of the reason Michelle Obama wanted kids to get off their fat asses and eat better. You guys cried about it and now cry about the inevitable results. Thats the republican way...Complain about the solution then complain about the results of fighting the solution
Actually Michelle 's program doesn't work because it's unrealistic. Cutting calories for growing children will only cause binge feeding on the side. The answer is physical fitness. But that part has been mostly forgotten. Some schools suggest dropping PE completely from the curriculum.

Your plan doesnt work because you dont have one...instead you defend the status quo and complain that every plan wont work.

Then you start a thread complaining about the results of being against every plan presented. Good job
Actually in your push to disprove anything I say, you ignore the obvious....and that is I'm not defending the status quo. You support the status quo. This is the new normal. Kids that are too fat to compete with the rest of the world and too uneducated get into the military.
I was in the Navy back in the early '70s and I remember a lot of fat, out of shape lifers.
About 75% of America's 17- to 24-year-olds are ineligible for military service due to lack of education, obesity, and other physical problems, or criminal history, according to a report issued in 2009 by the Mission: Readiness group.

We told you this was part of the reason Michelle Obama wanted kids to get off their fat asses and eat better. You guys cried about it and now cry about the inevitable results. Thats the republican way...Complain about the solution then complain about the results of fighting the solution
Actually Michelle 's program doesn't work because it's unrealistic. Cutting calories for growing children will only cause binge feeding on the side. The answer is physical fitness. But that part has been mostly forgotten. Some schools suggest dropping PE completely from the curriculum.

Your plan doesnt work because you dont have one...instead you defend the status quo and complain that every plan wont work.

Then you start a thread complaining about the results of being against every plan presented. Good job
Actually in your push to disprove anything I say, you ignore the obvious....and that is I'm not defending the status quo. You support the status quo. This is the new normal. Kids that are too fat to compete with the rest of the world and too uneducated get into the military.

So you support Michelles efforts to get kids to eat better and move? Or defend the status quo?
Cutting calories for growing children will only cause binge feeding on the side. The answer is physical fitness.

LOL...no it wont, eat better stuff and even if they eat more "on the side" its better than chips and soda. Plus you're saying the answer is physical fitness...which is Michelles plan....but you just objected to her plan and endorsed it at the same time
Michelle plan is to starve them. Her fitness program is a damned joke.

I don't think she has a clue what she's talking about. Anyone who has been an athlete, like I have, or in a job classification that requires peak physical fitness, like I have, knows she's a fraud.
I was in the Navy back in the early '70s and I remember a lot of fat, out of shape lifers.
Because they were stuck on a ship for months on end eating 4 meals a day, and they had no physical tests back in the 70s. I was in then. Served on the Kitty Hawks for 3 years.
If that's the case just turn the drone program over to civilians.

Why is this a bad idea?

Because a civilian doesn't follow orders like a soldier.

It would make more sense to have gamers fight our wars for us. But then a gamer would be useless in a real firefight. That's what often happens in real wars. You have to be ready for any situation in war. If you're not, you're going get your ass handed to you.
Kind of like the ruse in Enders Game?
Our public school system is really doing a job on our kids.


These are models, not our kids btw

About 75% of America's 17- to 24-year-olds are ineligible for military service due to lack of education, obesity, and other physical problems, or criminal history, according to a report issued in 2009 by the Mission: Readiness group.

Just Not Smart Enough
In its report, Ready, Willing and Unable to Serve, Mission: Readiness - a group of retired military and civilian military leaders - found that one in four young people between 17 and 24 does not have a high school diploma. About 30 percent of those who do, states the report, still fail the Armed Forces Qualification Test, the entrance test required to join the US military. Another one in ten young people cannot serve because of past convictions for felonies or serious misdemeanors, states the report.

Obesity and Other Health Problems Wash Many Out
A full 27 percent of young Americans are simply too overweight to join the military, says Mission: Readiness. "Many are turned away by recruiters and others never try to join.

Of those who attempt to join, however, roughly 15,000 young potential recruits fail their entrance physicals every year because they are too heavy."

Nearly 32 percent have other disqualifying health problems, including asthma, eyesight or hearing problems, mental health issues, or recent treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Due to all of the above and other assorted problems, only about two out of 10 American young people are fully eligible to join the military without special waivers, according to the report.

"Imagine ten young people walking into a recruiter's office and seven of them getting turned away," said former Under Secretary of the Army Joe Reeder in a press release. "We cannot allow today's dropout crisis to become a national security crisis."

Post-Recession Military Recruiting Goals in Jeopardy
Clearly, what worries the members of Mission: Readiness - and the Pentagon - is that faced with this ever-shrinking pool of qualified young people, the US military branches will no longer be able to meet their recruiting goals once the economy recovers and non-military jobs return.

"Once the economy begins to grow again, the challenge of finding enough high-quality recruits will return," states the report. "Unless we help more young people get on the right track today, our future military readiness will be put at risk."

"The armed services are meeting recruitment targets in 2009, but those of us who have served in command roles are worried about the trends we see," said Rear Admiral James Barnett (USN, Ret.), in a press release. "Our national security in the year 2030 is absolutely dependent on what's going on in pre-kindergarten today. We urge Congress to take action on this issue this year."

Up to 75 Percent of US Youth Ineligible for Military Service
Probably good thing because we have a shit bag for commander-in-chief
Cutting calories for growing children will only cause binge feeding on the side. The answer is physical fitness.

LOL...no it wont, eat better stuff and even if they eat more "on the side" its better than chips and soda. Plus you're saying the answer is physical fitness...which is Michelles plan....but you just objected to her plan and endorsed it at the same time
Michelle plan is to starve them. Her fitness program is a damned joke.

LMAO....Jesus man, you need to take a trip back to reality. Eating better foods is not starving them. You just have general objections to every action. You couldnt even name WHY the fitness program is a joke....because details are hard but screaming "That SUCKS" is easy so you stick with that.

I don't think she has a clue what she's talking about. Anyone who has been an athlete, like I have, or in a job classification that requires peak physical fitness, like I have, knows she's a fraud.

You have no idea what her plan is! At first you said the answer was to move which is LITERALLY the name of her program and you claimed moving isnt part of it. Then you say ok physical fitness is a part of it (the exact opposite of what you claimed) but it sucks.

How? How would you change it? And dont say by getting physically fit again which is already in Michelles plan.
Because they were stuck on a ship for months on end eating 4 meals a day, and they had no physical tests back in the 70s. I was in then. Served on the Kitty Hawks for 3 years.

I was in an land based airdale squadron, wasn't on a ship.
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Cutting calories for growing children will only cause binge feeding on the side. The answer is physical fitness.

LOL...no it wont, eat better stuff and even if they eat more "on the side" its better than chips and soda. Plus you're saying the answer is physical fitness...which is Michelles plan....but you just objected to her plan and endorsed it at the same time
Michelle plan is to starve them. Her fitness program is a damned joke.

LMAO....Jesus man, you need to take a trip back to reality. Eating better foods is not starving them. You just have general objections to every action. You couldnt even name WHY the fitness program is a joke....because details are hard but screaming "That SUCKS" is easy so you stick with that.

I don't think she has a clue what she's talking about. Anyone who has been an athlete, like I have, or in a job classification that requires peak physical fitness, like I have, knows she's a fraud.

You have no idea what her plan is! At first you said the answer was to move which is LITERALLY the name of her program and you claimed moving isnt part of it. Then you say ok physical fitness is a part of it (the exact opposite of what you claimed) but it sucks.

How? How would you change it? And dont say by getting physically fit again which is already in Michelles plan.
Okay, smart ass, name some of the exercises she encouraged in her plan. Don't look it up. Just do it from memory.

Meanwhile I'll upload some pics of Moochelle's wonderful diet program.
Cutting calories for growing children will only cause binge feeding on the side. The answer is physical fitness.

LOL...no it wont, eat better stuff and even if they eat more "on the side" its better than chips and soda. Plus you're saying the answer is physical fitness...which is Michelles plan....but you just objected to her plan and endorsed it at the same time
Michelle plan is to starve them. Her fitness program is a damned joke.

LMAO....Jesus man, you need to take a trip back to reality. Eating better foods is not starving them. You just have general objections to every action. You couldnt even name WHY the fitness program is a joke....because details are hard but screaming "That SUCKS" is easy so you stick with that.

I don't think she has a clue what she's talking about. Anyone who has been an athlete, like I have, or in a job classification that requires peak physical fitness, like I have, knows she's a fraud.

You have no idea what her plan is! At first you said the answer was to move which is LITERALLY the name of her program and you claimed moving isnt part of it. Then you say ok physical fitness is a part of it (the exact opposite of what you claimed) but it sucks.

How? How would you change it? And dont say by getting physically fit again which is already in Michelles plan.
Okay, smart ass, name some of the exercises she encouraged in her plan. Don't look it up. Just do it from memory.

Meanwhile I'll upload some pics of Moochelle's wonderful diet program.

Naw son, dont try and flip it....you said her fitness program was a joke. Thats what YOU said. You dont know what her plan is since you said that she should be encouraging exercise and thats what she does right now. So, What specifically is ineffective? What is a joke?

Families Are Outraged to See Michelle Obama-Approved School Lunches (YUCK!) - The Political Insider

Michelle Obama embodies the worst of busy-body progressivism… She wants to control every aspect of the raising of American children. But her school lunch control regulations, which were passed in the name of “healthy eating,” have been an utter failure. Students are in full revolt against these limited calorie lunches, while cash-strapped school districts are losing millions of dollars in uneaten lunches. In some parts of the country, the unwanted lunches are being turned into food to feed pigs!
Cutting calories for growing children will only cause binge feeding on the side. The answer is physical fitness.

LOL...no it wont, eat better stuff and even if they eat more "on the side" its better than chips and soda. Plus you're saying the answer is physical fitness...which is Michelles plan....but you just objected to her plan and endorsed it at the same time
Michelle plan is to starve them. Her fitness program is a damned joke.

LMAO....Jesus man, you need to take a trip back to reality. Eating better foods is not starving them. You just have general objections to every action. You couldnt even name WHY the fitness program is a joke....because details are hard but screaming "That SUCKS" is easy so you stick with that.

I don't think she has a clue what she's talking about. Anyone who has been an athlete, like I have, or in a job classification that requires peak physical fitness, like I have, knows she's a fraud.

You have no idea what her plan is! At first you said the answer was to move which is LITERALLY the name of her program and you claimed moving isnt part of it. Then you say ok physical fitness is a part of it (the exact opposite of what you claimed) but it sucks.

How? How would you change it? And dont say by getting physically fit again which is already in Michelles plan.
Okay, smart ass, name some of the exercises she encouraged in her plan. Don't look it up. Just do it from memory.

Meanwhile I'll upload some pics of Moochelle's wonderful diet program.

Naw son, dont try and flip it....you said her fitness program was a joke. Thats what YOU said. You dont know what her plan is since you said that she should be encouraging exercise and thats what she does right now. So, What specifically is ineffective? What is a joke?
Seems you can't put your money where your big mouth is.

Okay, you don't know shit and need to backtrack.

You wont post what Michelles plan is. This is just like BLM...you take any wrong doing by any school and claim Michelle wants it that way because she controls all schools now.

What part of her fitness plan is a joke? Any answer yet? Did you find an article you can copy and paste yet?
Fact is Michelle says you need you be physically active for 60 mins a day.

Get Active | Let's Move!

That doesn’t cut it. When I was a kid, I played for hours. We had recess outside for 30 mins twice a day basically to wake us up and get us to pay attention. That is not a fitness program. That was to keep the kids from falling asleep. When I got home (walking 2 miles) I ran out and played for 3 hours at least, if I didn't have any chores like mowing lawns or riding my bike delivering magazines. Kids have to be active or they get fat and lazy. You can't starve kids because they don't develop properly. They need plenty of milk, vitamins, and carbs to grow, and no sugary drinks. Not slamming Monster drinks like they do now, which throws their insulin production out of wack and causes childhood diabetes.
The last president to take interest in the activities and abililties of the young was JFK. The schools got with the program, so did the military. You had to meet certain standards in push ups, running and all that. Also, he was sort of an inspiration from his WW2 service, unlike this fat, American hating pig michelle obama.
The last president to take interest in the activities and abililties of the young was JFK. The schools got with the program, so did the military. You had to meet certain standards in push ups, running and all that. Also, he was sort of an inspiration from his WW2 service, unlike this fat, American hating pig michelle obama.
Best activity I knew was organized sports. Soccer, football, baseball, Karate, basketball, gymnastics, tennis, track and field, Cross-country, even snow skiing. Working out and keeping fit from an early age. I did all of it. Many kids only do it on Wii.
Fact is Michelle says you need you be physically active for 60 mins a day.

Get Active | Let's Move!

That doesn’t cut it.

So its a joke because its you want the joke to be longer? Man...no wonder you keep it general :badgrin:
I posted a link. Putz

Try clicking on it.

I'm not gonna type all of that superfluous bullshit up for you when the internet can do it for anyone who is willing to know the truth.

Basically you're all talk and no action. Just a big mouth spewing garbage.

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