US Military's Knee on the Throat of the World

Btw, you would have to be blind not to see how lucky the South Koreans were and how cursed north koreans are

America was a blessing for the South Korean people
North Korea's curse stems from a merciless US bombing campaign that killed one in three Koreans living north of the 38th parallel during the Korean War. Their country was literally bombed back to the stone age.

Neither one of us knows how a united Korea would have fared over the past 85 years. Anyone looking at that history objectively sees how it was the US along which prevented that possibility.
Those UN election were held in 1948, three years after the US installed a military dictator in South Korea; you are ignoring the events of 1945:
The So iets installed a dictator i the north

70 years later south korea is a vibrant world class economy and society (And democracy) while North korea is still a dictatorship and a world class dump
Neither one of us knows how a united Korea would have fared over the past 85 years. Anyone looking at that history objectively sees how it was the US along which prevented that possibility.
I know how korea would have faired under communist rule

the south would be as poor as the north
It's a good thing that the USSR occupied northern Korea in 1945 and allowed free elections, eh?
Only one ally outlawed free elections in 1945, Kulak.

People's Republic of Korea - Wikipedia
"The People's Republic of Korea (PRK) was a short-lived provisional government that was organized at the time of the surrender of the Empire of Japan at the end of World War II.

"It was proclaimed on 12 September 1945, as Korea was being divided into two occupation zones, with the Soviet Union occupying the north, and the United States occupying the south.

"Based on a network of people's committees, it presented a program of radical social change.

"In the south, the US military government outlawed the PRK on 12 December 1945, while in the north, the Soviet authorities co-opted the committees into the structure of the emerging Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)"
Btw, you would have to be blind not to see how lucky the South Koreans were and how cursed north koreans are

America was a blessing for the South Korean people
North Korea's curse stems from a merciless US bombing campaign that killed one in three Koreans living north of the 38th parallel during the Korean War. Their country was literally bombed back to the stone age.

Neither one of us knows how a united Korea would have fared over the past 85 years. Anyone looking at that history objectively sees how it was the US along which prevented that possibility.

Nope asshole. Blame China.
It's a good thing that the USSR occupied northern Korea in 1945 and allowed free elections, eh?
Only one ally outlawed free elections in 1945, Kulak.

People's Republic of Korea - Wikipedia
"The People's Republic of Korea (PRK) was a short-lived provisional government that was organized at the time of the surrender of the Empire of Japan at the end of World War II.

"It was proclaimed on 12 September 1945, as Korea was being divided into two occupation zones, with the Soviet Union occupying the north, and the United States occupying the south.

"Based on a network of people's committees, it presented a program of radical social change.

"In the south, the US military government outlawed the PRK on 12 December 1945, while in the north, the Soviet authorities co-opted the committees into the structure of the emerging Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)"

Only one ally outlawed free elections in 1945, Kulak.

After 1945, how many free elections in North Korea? Twat.
It's a good thing that the USSR occupied northern Korea in 1945 and allowed free elections, eh?
Only one ally outlawed free elections in 1945, Kulak.

People's Republic of Korea - Wikipedia
"The People's Republic of Korea (PRK) was a short-lived provisional government that was organized at the time of the surrender of the Empire of Japan at the end of World War II.

"It was proclaimed on 12 September 1945, as Korea was being divided into two occupation zones, with the Soviet Union occupying the north, and the United States occupying the south.

"Based on a network of people's committees, it presented a program of radical social change.

"In the south, the US military government outlawed the PRK on 12 December 1945, while in the north, the Soviet authorities co-opted the committees into the structure of the emerging Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)"

The only good communist is a dead one.
Sorry, I despise socialists of all types. Even socialists that invade your motherland.
Nazis were capitalists.

FACT CHECK: Did Adolf Hitler Say That Nazis Are 'Mortal Enemies of the Present Capitalist Economic System'?
LOL, like elections above the parallel would have been "free"

Fuck off you commie asshole.
Which WWII ally liberated Korea first, Loon"

"DECEMBER 31, 2002
A Pop Quiz on Korea
(Choose the best answer. 3 points each. Answers at the end.)"

"5. In accordance with a wartime agreement that the USSR would enter the war with Japan following the German surrender, Soviet forces invaded Korea in August, advancing to the 38th parallel by August 10. They could easily have occupied the whole peninsula. What did they do?

"a. They accepted the Japanese surrender, provided arms to local communist forces led by Kim Il-sung, and withdrew within the year.
"b. They consulted with their American allies, who requested that they stop their advance at the 38th parallel, so that U.S. forces could in the next month occupy the rest of Korea. The Soviets agreed to the U.S. proposal.

"c. They proclaimed the Korean Soviet Republic and made plans for permanent incorporation into the USSR."

Dude, you are fucking worthless.

An old commie leftover.
Like he needed a ballot to take power.

What a miserable communist apologist you are.
Kil Il Sung would never have been elected in free Korean elections in 1945; in fact, he would not have been on the ballot if the US Army had not prevented those elections from happening. Your blind worship of American Exceptionalism makes me question your sanity.

Again, he wouldn't have cared about elections.

Where in Eastern Europe did they care about Elections?
Which country poses the greatest threat to global peace?
Who gets rich from that?

"JULY 3, 2020
The US Military Has Its Knee on the Throat of the World

"As Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, observed, 'The character of war is changing frequency'.

"The messy, scrappy, unsatisfying, asymmetrical wars in the devastated Middle East have lost the interest of our warriors, as two worthier adversaries, China and Russia, have been conjured up, and now grip their attention.

"Although our budget comprises over 40% of the world’s military spending, and China and Russia spend respectively one-sixth and one-tenth of ours, the Pentagon refers to them generously as “near-peers”.;)

"China and Russia are not eager for these roles.

"We have had to torment them, like reluctant bulls in a bullfight.

"We sail our warships within twelve miles of their shores, conducting vast military exercises in the South China Sea, the Black Sea, the Persian Gulf and the Japan Sea.

"Thousands of US troops marched across Europe this spring to perform military exercises along Russia’s borders.

"Arleigh-Burke class guided missile destroyers, with aerial escort, performed maneuvers this May, close to the Russian coast in the Barents Sea, to enforce 'freedom of navigation'".

Time to defund the Pentagon?
Knee on the throat of the world ? From a historical perspective the US is the most benevolent super power the world has ever known.
Nazis were capitalists.
The Nazi’s were capitalists in the same bastardized way china is

individuals could own their factories but under close supervision of the state

the purpose of wealth creation was to glorify the government

thats just like china today and nothing like the US
Do you have a link supporting that claim?
There are numerous references that do not support your pro communist narrative

but you will reject them I’m sure

anyway you can start here

btw: I already know your answer, but what is your opinion of dropping atomic bombs on Japan?
what wars of aggression would that be?
--Afghanistan -we were attacked
--PG1 and 2--saddam STARTED those--we were defending Kuwait/etc
--Korea----North Korea STARTED that--we were defending the south
We were attacked by 15 Saudi citizens on 911.
No Afghanis took part in that act of terror.
Saddam posed no threat to the US homeland hence both "wars" were as illegal as they were unnecessary except for those whose income depends on mass killing and displacement.
North Korea invaded South Korea five years after the US Army imposed a military dictator south of the 38th parallel, and refused to allow free elections.
wrong..your points are very pathetic --that was easy proving you wrong
Thats not true

north korea invaded south korea
North Korea invaded five years after the US military occupied southern Korea, outlawed free elections, and installed a corrupt, incompetent military dictator:

Syngman Rhee - Wikipedia

"Syngman Rhee (Korean: 이승만, pronounced [i.sɯŋ.man][note 1]; 26 March 1875 – 19 July 1965) was a South Korean politician who served as the first President of South Korea, from 1948 to 1960...

"Rhee oversaw the outbreak of the Korean War (1950–1953), in which North Korea invaded South Korea.

"He refused to sign the armistice agreement that ended the war, wishing to have reunited the peninsula by force.[2][3]

"Following the war, the country remained at a low level economically, lagging behind North Korea, and was heavily reliant on U.S. aid."
It says you have been lied to
Trump never lies:auiqs.jpg:

US to stop revealing drone deaths

"During Mr Obama's eight years in office, 1,878 drone strikes were carried out, according to researchers.

"Since Mr Trump was elected in 2016, there have been 2,243 drone strikes.

"The Republican president has also made some of the operations, the ones outside of war zones, more secretive.

"As a result, things have different today: under Mr Trump, there are more drone strikes - and less transparency."
We give them grants to behave and they don't behave.
So Trump stopped giving them grants.
Don't you just hate Trump?
What "grants" are you imaging?
The US controls foreign economies by using its global reserve currency and Wall Street loans:

Dollar Recycling | Michael Hudson

"The U.S. strategy is to control of your economy in order to force you to sell your most profitable industrial sectors to US investors, to force you to invest in your industry only by borrowing from the United States.

"So the question is, how do China, Russia, Iran and other countries break free of this U.S. dollarization strategy?

"As now constituted, dollarization creates a circular flow that finances American military spending by forcing the costs onto foreign central banks holding dollars."

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