US NAVY has a Chinese Traitor problem

WE leak like a sieve and eventually its going to cost lots of lives. Need a tech manual no prob. Can ya say sitting ducks
It isn't that not enough whites want to be in the military. There is a concerted effort to disqualify whites as white supremacists and disqualify generational service as toxic warriors.
That's Obammer. He's an enemy of America. A real enemy. I cannot fathom why more people don't see that.
It isn't that not enough whites want to be in the military. There is a concerted effort to disqualify whites as white supremacists and disqualify generational service as toxic warriors.

No there's not. A soldier can actually have white supremacist thoughts and occasionally say racist things provided it's not while on duty and isn't made publicly in such a way that it brings harm to the military's reputation. A white soldier could vote for David Duke if he/she wanted without repercussions other than his black comrades not being too comfortable around him.

Whites who get identified as white supremacist are engaged in white supremacist activity of some sort. They're going beyond just merely being racist; they're hanging out with racist thugs at protest and that sort of shit, which they know not to do.
When it is 2 out of over 343,000... not really.

How many born and raised in the US have done the same thing? And not even for ideological reasons but simply for money?

Does the Walker Spy Ring sound familiar?
Yep , so lettin adult or late teen Chinese immigrants join up at this Juncture is a bad idea
Yep , so lettin adult or late teen Chinese immigrants join up at this Juncture is a bad idea

OK, got it. You are a flaming racist.

Several of the finest I ever served in uniform with where immigrants from China. Tell me, how many people from China did you know while you were in the military?
OK, got it. You are a flaming racist.

Several of the finest I ever served in uniform with where immigrants from China. Tell me, how many people from China did you know while you were in the military?
Several recently blew all the good that Taiwanese immigrants and Burmese / Myanmar boat people and 2nd Generation Hmong Americans and Cambodian Anchor Babies all grown up did/ do ... outta the water
Several recently blew all the good that Taiwanese immigrants and Burmese / Myanmar boat people and 2nd Generation Hmong Americans and Cambodian Anchor Babies all grown up did/ do ... outta the water

Wait, so you are claiming these two destroyed the food from several nations?

Once again, how many did you serve with in the military?
WE leak like a sieve and eventually its going to cost lots of lives. Need a tech manual no prob. Can ya say sitting ducks
Glad they were caught....tho I have to laugh that they were giving "secrets" about San Clemente island......:heehee:
Glad they were caught....tho I have to laugh that they were giving "secrets" about San Clemente island

Or the desalinization equipment on an LHD.

I even laughed when I read one of the articles where it talked about one passing along manuals.

The military has not really used "manuals" for well over a decade. They are commonly available and nothing really special. If I wanted I could go online and buy dozens of manuals for everything from M1 tanks to PATRIOT missile systems and infantry tactics. None of that is classified and not a big deal at all.

No there's not. A soldier can actually have white supremacist thoughts and occasionally say racist things provided it's not while on duty and isn't made publicly in such a way that it brings harm to the military's reputation. A white soldier could vote for David Duke if he/she wanted without repercussions other than his black comrades not being too comfortable around him.

Whites who get identified as white supremacist are engaged in white supremacist activity of some sort. They're going beyond just merely being racist; they're hanging out with racist thugs at protest and that sort of shit, which they know not to do.
How do you define a white supremacist?
1. As I understand it, those traitors are newly minted American citizens.

2. So it is NOT a "Chinese" problem.

3. It is a problem of two Americans who sold out their adopted country.

4. And they brought shame on our Asian citizens, who are the most law-abiding residents in this country, bar none!
How do you define a white supremacist?

Someone who believes in the racial supremacy of white people, which, AFAIK, isn't something that is punishable in and of itself. White people are not required to love diversity - plenty don't and are not disqualified from service. Those who are 'disqualified' are usually those who have gone beyond having politically incorrect attitudes and opinions and are actually involved with extremists and extremist organizations.

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