US NAVY has a Chinese Traitor problem

2 people out of how many in the USN.. maybe 300,000? Are we doing more drama queen hyperbole?

It is just over 343,000.

And to just put it in perspective, the worst spy in the US Navy of all time was John Walker. Born in DC to a typical WASP family, he spent 28 years in the Navy and most of that as a spy for the Soviets. Giving them key information about out cryptography systems, including critical data about the deployment of our nuclear submarines. It is even believed by many that the capture of the USS Pueblo was primarily so the Soviets could get their hands on some of the new cryptographic equipment he told them was on the ship.

And not just him, he got his brother involved as well as his son and a friend.

But to be honest, I don't think that Fail gives a damn about spies at all, he simply seems to hate anybody who was not born in the US. His almost endless rants about it make that clearly obvious.
I agree it's a small number, but I also agree that the DoD and the federal government has to know that Chinese are recruiting spies and they're pretty good at doing it. 1st generation Chinese are an attractive target because a lot of them are young and may still have extensive family ties back to the mainland.

The Soviets recruited spies in the US also. Normally getting those to join them who had no connection to Russia at all.
WE leak like a sieve and eventually its going to cost lots of lives. Need a tech manual no prob. Can ya say sitting ducks
No doubt about it. CCP has been undermining democracy in the US. And undoubtedly it kept infiltrating some agents into democratic systems across the globe. What if CCP ruled the world? Probably ultimate nightmare! :(
OK, it is obvious that we are dealing with a real moron, as the quote he tried to bring up had absolutely nothing to do with the topic. That just shows how much he is spinning in circles to try and validate his racist rants.

OK cupcake, here are some simple facts. People in the Middle East are White, or to be more accurate Caucasian. Just as those from India and Pakistan are, even though they live on the Continent of Asia.

And yes, American Indians and Eskimos are Asian, or to use another term common among anthropologists "Mongoloid". Oh, and not everybody from Africa is black.

But thank you for once again proving that about the only thing you seem capable of doing is say how much of a racist you are. Damned near every post you make screams it. No wonder you never served in the military, there is no room in that profession for people like you.
Not only the US Navy has a Chinese traitor problem!

All of this stolen , scum, Biden Administration, starting from the top Potato in Chief.....all the way down...

have a traitor problem!:mad-61:

How come it seems like every other time I turn around, the flaming buttsurfer racists come crawling into threads like this?

Why can't you all take your inbred selves somewhere more appropriate?
WE leak like a sieve and eventually its going to cost lots of lives. Need a tech manual no prob. Can ya say sitting ducks

The implications are far bigger.
If China can get enough ethnic Chinese service men and women to do something like this, then the US is going to have a HUGE PROBLEM.

If Chinese Americans can't be trusted, what does a free country do?
WE leak like a sieve and eventually its going to cost lots of lives. Need a tech manual no prob. Can ya say sitting ducks
How many secrets did Biden leak to Chinese nationalists at the U PENN BIDEN CENTER?
It is just over 343,000.

And to just put it in perspective, the worst spy in the US Navy of all time was John Walker. Born in DC to a typical WASP family, he spent 28 years in the Navy and most of that as a spy for the Soviets. Giving them key information about out cryptography systems, including critical data about the deployment of our nuclear submarines. It is even believed by many that the capture of the USS Pueblo was primarily so the Soviets could get their hands on some of the new cryptographic equipment he told them was on the ship.

And not just him, he got his brother involved as well as his son and a friend.

But to be honest, I don't think that Fail gives a damn about spies at all, he simply seems to hate anybody who was not born in the US. His almost endless rants about it make that clearly obvious.

Thank you. They forget that their ancestors were immigrants and foreigners.
If that is what you believe, that is what you believe. If you express that opinion on your own time and in such a way that doesn't damage the reputation of your employer (DoD in this case), that's your business. Even the occasional FB post to that effect probably wouldn't bring a lot of scrutiny. The government just wants you to do your job and not be a shit disturber.

They will only confront white pride folk who join extremist groups or who disrupt the military by making noise about it.
So you dont think white culture is important and clearly better than what african offers

But you are wrong

The most successful africans are adopting white science and white engineering in order to enjoy the progress that whites have achieved

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