US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Good job Obama! and I thought the democrats cared for poor people ?
U.S. sees highest poverty spike since the 1960s, leaving 50 million Americans poor as government cuts billions in spending | Mail Online

The number of Americans living in poverty has spiked to levels not seen since the mid 1960s, classing 20 per cent of the country’s children as poor. It comes at a time when government spending cuts of $85billion have kicked in after feuding Democrats and Republicans failed to agree on a better plan for addressing the national deficit.
All part of the master plan... Johnson created a dependent class out of the minorities and now Obama is converting the middle class to the dependent class.
The War on Poverty has done absolutely nothing to stop poverty.

If we should stop the war on drugs because of a lack of results, shouldnt the war on poverty be ended much sooner? There is even less progress there!
Obama fixed this already so whats the provlem?

He got his stimulus and tax increases and obamacare.

Whats the issue here? Everything is going according to plan.
Good job Obama! and I thought the democrats cared for poor people ?
U.S. sees highest poverty spike since the 1960s, leaving 50 million Americans poor as government cuts billions in spending | Mail Online

The number of Americans living in poverty has spiked to levels not seen since the mid 1960s, classing 20 per cent of the country’s children as poor. It comes at a time when government spending cuts of $85billion have kicked in after feuding Democrats and Republicans failed to agree on a better plan for addressing the national deficit.

This comes as companies are making record profitts, but with the destruction of the Unions, deregulation, and globalism there is no reason for companies to hire or pay higher wages. Productivity per worker is very high yet wages remain stagnet.
The "War on Poverty" was a war on self reliance and self respect. Obama wants to transform American from adults into dependents
Good job Obama! and I thought the democrats cared for poor people ?
U.S. sees highest poverty spike since the 1960s, leaving 50 million Americans poor as government cuts billions in spending | Mail Online

The number of Americans living in poverty has spiked to levels not seen since the mid 1960s, classing 20 per cent of the country’s children as poor. It comes at a time when government spending cuts of $85billion have kicked in after feuding Democrats and Republicans failed to agree on a better plan for addressing the national deficit.

This comes as companies are making record profitts, but with the destruction of the Unions, deregulation, and globalism there is no reason for companies to hire or pay higher wages. Productivity per worker is very high yet wages remain stagnet.

Yeah, the real world doesn't work like that. Find the courage to leave Mom's basement, then go out and talk to local business owners
The "War on Poverty" was a war on self reliance and self respect. Obama wants to transform American from adults into dependents

The "war on poverty" is much greater than just Obama. It succeeded in turning adults into dependents years before Obama was even a political contender
The War on Poverty has done absolutely nothing to stop poverty.

If we should stop the war on drugs because of a lack of results, shouldnt the war on poverty be ended much sooner? There is even less progress there!

Thank you! We have spent (literally) generations trying to end poverty and yet - we have accomplished absolutely nothing. We have spent 10s of trillions of dollars in handouts and have received little to nothing for it.

Politicians have NEVER sought to end poverty and when they stand at their lecturns telling the American people all that they have DONE - they are lying. Rather than liberate - they enslave. Generation after generation of welfare recipient is all the proof needed, but rather than learn from our mistake, we are "humane" which is nothing more than code for thievery.

Obama (and nearly every president before him) stands up and tells us that "I haven't put anyone on welfare" yet the roles increase daily. More people now on food stamps than at any time in our nation's history. We are quickly becoming a nation of slaves.

"Everyone needs a hand up now and again - not a hand out".
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Handing money to people doesnt end poverty. Helping people learn how to create wealth does.
Good job Obama! and I thought the democrats cared for poor people ?
U.S. sees highest poverty spike since the 1960s, leaving 50 million Americans poor as government cuts billions in spending | Mail Online

The number of Americans living in poverty has spiked to levels not seen since the mid 1960s, classing 20 per cent of the country’s children as poor. It comes at a time when government spending cuts of $85billion have kicked in after feuding Democrats and Republicans failed to agree on a better plan for addressing the national deficit.

So much for "trickle down" economics. Trickle down the Caymans. Trickle over to the Swiss bank account.
Good job Obama! and I thought the democrats cared for poor people ?
U.S. sees highest poverty spike since the 1960s, leaving 50 million Americans poor as government cuts billions in spending | Mail Online

The number of Americans living in poverty has spiked to levels not seen since the mid 1960s, classing 20 per cent of the country’s children as poor. It comes at a time when government spending cuts of $85billion have kicked in after feuding Democrats and Republicans failed to agree on a better plan for addressing the national deficit.

So much for "trickle down" economics. Trickle down the Caymans. Trickle over to the Swiss bank account.

what does trickle down economics have to do with failed war on poverty policies?
Good job Obama! and I thought the democrats cared for poor people ?
U.S. sees highest poverty spike since the 1960s, leaving 50 million Americans poor as government cuts billions in spending | Mail Online

The number of Americans living in poverty has spiked to levels not seen since the mid 1960s, classing 20 per cent of the country’s children as poor. It comes at a time when government spending cuts of $85billion have kicked in after feuding Democrats and Republicans failed to agree on a better plan for addressing the national deficit.

So much for "trickle down" economics. Trickle down the Caymans. Trickle over to the Swiss bank account.

Were you asleep next to Rip Van Winkle this whole time? Obama is President
Good job Obama! and I thought the democrats cared for poor people ?
U.S. sees highest poverty spike since the 1960s, leaving 50 million Americans poor as government cuts billions in spending | Mail Online

The number of Americans living in poverty has spiked to levels not seen since the mid 1960s, classing 20 per cent of the country’s children as poor. It comes at a time when government spending cuts of $85billion have kicked in after feuding Democrats and Republicans failed to agree on a better plan for addressing the national deficit.

This comes as companies are making record profitts, but with the destruction of the Unions, deregulation, and globalism there is no reason for companies to hire or pay higher wages. Productivity per worker is very high yet wages remain stagnet.

But it's Obama's fault.
So when you compare the plans of the democrat v republicans, which one would have protected those on or below the poverty line?

Also, doesn't most of the blame go to Congress? They are 2/3rd of the legislative process.
The War on Poverty has done absolutely nothing to stop poverty.

If we should stop the war on drugs because of a lack of results, shouldnt the war on poverty be ended much sooner? There is even less progress there!

Thank you! We have spent (literally) generations trying to end poverty and yet - we have accomplished absolutely nothing. We have spent 10s of trillions of dollars in handouts and have received little to nothing for it.

Politicians have NEVER sought to end poverty and when they stand at their lecturns telling the American people all that they have DONE - they are lying. Rather than liberate - they enslave. Generation after generation of welfare recipient is all the proof needed, but rather than learn from our mistake, we are "humane" which is nothing more than code for thievery.

Obama (and nearly every president before him) stands up and tells us that "I haven't put anyone on welfare" yet the roles increase daily. More people now on food stamps than at any time in our nation's history. We are quickly becoming a nation of slaves.

"Everyone needs a hand up now and again - not a hand out".

There will always be people living in poverty. Government help is there so they can eventually get out of the life of poverty. Some take advantage of these programs and do succeed at improving their situation while others do not. What you would like to see done is for these people to be left with no help or support at all, so they would remain poor and have no chance of improving their situation. This way you wouldn't have to fund any programs that might cost you a few tax dollars.
The War on Poverty has done absolutely nothing to stop poverty.

If we should stop the war on drugs because of a lack of results, shouldnt the war on poverty be ended much sooner? There is even less progress there!

Thank you! We have spent (literally) generations trying to end poverty and yet - we have accomplished absolutely nothing. We have spent 10s of trillions of dollars in handouts and have received little to nothing for it.

Politicians have NEVER sought to end poverty and when they stand at their lecturns telling the American people all that they have DONE - they are lying. Rather than liberate - they enslave. Generation after generation of welfare recipient is all the proof needed, but rather than learn from our mistake, we are "humane" which is nothing more than code for thievery.

Obama (and nearly every president before him) stands up and tells us that "I haven't put anyone on welfare" yet the roles increase daily. More people now on food stamps than at any time in our nation's history. We are quickly becoming a nation of slaves.

"Everyone needs a hand up now and again - not a hand out".

There will always be people living in poverty. Government help is there so they can eventually get out of the life of poverty. Some take advantage of these programs and do succeed at improving their situation while others do not. What you would like to see done is for these people to be left with no help or support at all, so they would remain poor and have no chance of improving their situation. This way you wouldn't have to fund any programs that might cost you a few tax dollars.

I have no problem whatsoever with giving anyone a "hand up". What I despise, however, are those who make a career of doing nothing. Absolutely nothing. Well, that is, except to collect their checks each month, then watch cable TV all day and wait for the next month's checks.

There should be limits to the "state's good will". Bill Clinton had it right, but his boy Obama doesn't agree. Clinton wanted time limits placed on this "hand up" - Obama doesn't.

Again, you need help? The government should be there. But only to get you back on your feet, not raise 6 generations of kids on.
Again, you need help? The government should be there. But only to get you back on your feet, not raise 6 generations of kids on.

If the government should be there at all, it should be the local government. Not the Federal government. It's the local government that can have a much clearer picture of the needs of people. The Federal government doesnt have the authority or clear picture needed to minister to the needs of people.
The War on Poverty has done absolutely nothing to stop poverty.
If we should stop the war on drugs because of a lack of results, shouldnt the war on poverty be ended much sooner? There is even less progress there!

Nothing, not even super Jesus will ever end poverty. Of course you know that's not the goal of the war on poverty
So when you compare the plans of the democrat v republicans, which one would have protected those on or below the poverty line?

Also, doesn't most of the blame go to Congress? They are 2/3rd of the legislative process.

and Obama had both the house and senate, yet did nothing for the future [today] just wanted to get relected in 2012. so go figure.....

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