US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s

Good job Obama! and I thought the democrats cared for poor people ?
U.S. sees highest poverty spike since the 1960s, leaving 50 million Americans poor as government cuts billions in spending | Mail Online

The number of Americans living in poverty has spiked to levels not seen since the mid 1960s, classing 20 per cent of the country’s children as poor. It comes at a time when government spending cuts of $85billion have kicked in after feuding Democrats and Republicans failed to agree on a better plan for addressing the national deficit.

This comes as companies are making record profitts, but with the destruction of the Unions, deregulation, and globalism there is no reason for companies to hire or pay higher wages. Productivity per worker is very high yet wages remain stagnet.

Obama promised to fix all that.

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